Looking at the appearance of the seven princesses, Xian Yuzhen stops and doesn't say much. After leaving the palace, Xian Yuzhen frowns at the thought of the appearance of the seven princesses, opens the curtain, and says to Wang Xiong who is driving outside: "Uncle Xiong, do you know who the seven princesses met in the street that day?"

Wang Xiong thought about it while driving. He shook his head at Xian Yu Chen. "At that time, I didn't follow him, and the man disappeared in a twinkling of an eye. My people didn't pay attention. What's the matter? What's wrong with him?"

Xian Yu Wen Yan, slightly frowned, "it's OK." Then he returned the carriage and planned to let Rong Qian send someone to stare at the seventh princess.

After returning to the prince's residence, Xian Yuzhen tells Rong Qian about Liu Guifei's forcing the seventh princess to choose her husband's son-in-law, but he doesn't expect that Rong Qian immediately laughs, "it's OK. It's time for Xiao Qi to accept his temper."

As time went by, the soldiers who had escorted the third prince to defend the border came back in a hurry, saying that the third prince had been rescued on the way.

When the emperor saw the letter, he flew into a rage in the imperial study, tore it in half and threw it on the ground! Neither of them can see it well! "

Xian Yuzheng hesitated, picked up the letter on the ground, looked at the contents, and then carefully put the letter on the emperor's desk, "report back to the emperor, now our urgent task is to find the third prince first, so as to avoid extraneous."

The emperor said coolly, "he is no longer the third prince. I didn't expect that he had the courage to escape!" The emperor's face was gloomy, and he was obviously very upset.

Except for Xian Yuzheng, the Minister of the Ministry of war did not dare to speak at all when he stood at the back, so the imperial library was in a quiet state. It took a long time for the emperor to say to him, "go and find out, and you must get that rebellious son back to me!"

Xianyuzheng and the Minister of the Ministry of war immediately withdrew from the imperial study. The Minister of the Ministry of war walked beside xianyuzheng in embarrassment. "Prime minister, how can I find this? Since the three princes can escape, they will hide their identity."

Hearing the words, xianyuzheng's eyes darkened. After a pause, he said to the Secretary of the Ministry of war, "go and call back the soldiers who escorted the third prince to see if you can find any clues."

The Minister of the Ministry of war got xianyuzheng's advice and immediately nodded and left. At this time, the third prince was lying in the secret room of the sixth Prince's mansion in a coma.

After a while, after the third prince woke up, he stood up and looked at the surrounding environment in confusion. Without waiting for his reaction, they went down the chamber of secrets.

"Third prince, how are you feeling?" It was the sixth Prince and Qian Rui who came.

Seeing the sixth Prince appear, the third prince's face was full of surprise, "Uncle Huang? What are you doing here? Have you been assigned to defend the border? "

After hearing this, the sixth Prince suddenly laughed, "this is the sixth Prince's residence. You are not defending the border, you are in the capital. "

Hearing what the sixth prince said, the third prince didn't react. He looked at the sixth prince in doubt, "how can I be here? Did my father change his mind? "

Then the third prince's face showed a trace of joy. Seeing this, the sixth Prince sneered. He went to the side chair and sat down. He touched the Buddhist beads on his wrist. "Don't the third prince understand now?"

The third prince faintly noticed that something was not right. He stepped back and looked at the sixth prince, "Uncle Huang, what do you mean? I don't understand that? "

The sixth Prince seems to be too lazy to talk to the third prince again, so he makes a gesture to Qian Rui. Qian Rui immediately comes forward and looks at the third prince with a straight face. "Third prince, you have committed the emperor's taboo, and you can never be restored. My prince can't bear the suffering of the third prince, so he specially sends someone to rescue him."

Listen to Qian Rui say so, the third prince understood, but at the same time, the third prince also knew that there was no good thing in the world in vain, so he looked at the sixth prince on guard, "Uncle Huang should not have saved me in vain?"

After hearing the third prince's words, the sixth prince touched the Buddha's hand and said, "it's worthy of being the third prince. In fact, I don't have any other ideas. I just feel sorry for the third prince. You just made a mistake that the royal family's children would make, and the emperor directly cut off your back road. The first half of the third prince's life is rich and beautiful, but the emperor wants you to spend the second half of your life in that extremely bitter place. Obviously, he doesn't want to keep the third prince's life. "

The third prince's hands on both sides unconsciously clenched, "what do you want to do?"

"As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Is the third prince willing to be demoted as a commoner, but Rong Qian able to be rich and prosperous, or even to ascend the position you dream of?"

After the sixth Prince's words, he saw the third prince sitting on the ground decadent, "what's the way? I'm not as good as others. What's more, my father didn't save my life in the end."I saw the sixth Prince lost some eyes, and a trace of displeasure flashed on his face. "If the third prince has no fighting spirit, then now I'll let someone throw the third prince on the street. Anyway, now the Ministry of war is looking for the whereabouts of the third prince everywhere, and the third prince will still be in a very bitter place!"

With that, the sixth prince was ready to leave the chamber of secrets as soon as he shook his sleeve. Seeing this, the third prince immediately grabbed the sixth Prince's broad sleeve and said, "do you have a way to help me?"

Hearing this, the sixth Prince squatted down and looked into the third prince's eyes and said, "that's natural. Since they can ignore your family, why do you estimate so much?"

"What should I do?"

Six Wangye's facial expression is finally good-looking some, light vomit out three words, "clear emperor side!"

The third prince listened to the sixth Prince's words, and pressed the sixth prince in confusion, so the sixth Prince patted the third prince on the shoulder, "I will ask Qian Rui to help you. During this period of time, you will stay here first, and go out when the wind is loose."

After that, the sixth Prince left directly. Qian Rui followed the sixth prince, puzzled, "prince, do we really want to give all our preparations to the third prince? In the end, let him profit? "

The sixth Prince sneered, "as for his stupid appearance, it seems that it is worth our king to do so? It's just to find a nice excuse. I want more than that position. I want to see what Rong Zhang's face will be like by his own son. "

The two left as they spoke, but they didn't see Hua Niang standing on the edge of the flower bed. Hua Niang's eyes were full of tears after hearing the words of the sixth prince, and she pinched her skirts out of wrinkles

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