I'm thinking, Shang Yan refers to them, actually only refers to Qin Mofei, right? As soon as they met, they were at daggers drawn and their hostility was very strong.

His frankness made me helpless. I was silent for a long time before I laughed at him and said, "Shang Yan, in my heart, you have always been like a brother. You were, are and will be."

My answer seemed to be what he expected, and he said coldly, "so you have someone you like in your heart? Is it Qin Mofei? "

How do I answer that?

Yes? Or not?

I think there seems to be some unknown contradiction between Shang Yan and Qin Mofei. Will my answer deepen the contradiction between them? Moreover, if I admit that I like Qin Mofei, I'm afraid it will be more difficult to get away from it.

However, Shang Yan will not give up unless he comes out alone.

I thought about it and shook my head, "no, don't guess. I may find a job again soon. If you accept me, I will come here. If you don't like it... "

"Really? Are you really coming to the studio? " Shang Yan's face was happy and he grabbed my hand.

I nodded, "really!"

In fact, I have a mind. Qin Mofei hasn't come to me until now, which shows that Su Ya's appearance may have disrupted his plan, and I can't stay in his territory grandly.

And now I have left the charm color, absolutely no return to the truth, to feed Xiaofan and mother is necessary to have a job.

At present, Shangyan's studio is the best choice. At least all the people inside know the truth. I don't worry about intrigue.

Looking back, I think I'm really mean. The reason to go back is not because I miss them, but because I have nowhere to go. I really hope I can make some good achievements and give the big guy an account.

Shang Yan was excited by my words. Compared with his frankness, I was absolutely shameless and outrageous. I don't know how I will face my past when they discover it.

At this time, the night is very thick, my heart is particularly uneasy. The mobile phone has not been moving, which is very abnormal. According to Qin Mofei's performance before, even if he wants to avoid me, it is unlikely that there is not a phone call.

So I didn't dare to stay any longer, so I put forward the idea of leaving with Shang Yan.

He hesitated for a moment and asked me, "Huanyan, where do you live now? If the traffic is not convenient, come to my home. The house is too wide and boring. One more person and one more partner, right? "

"No, the place I live in is very good. Shangyan, I really want to go back. If it's not convenient for you to take me, I'll go out and call a taxi

"I'll see you off..."

His voice did not fall, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang, took out his mobile phone, glanced at the eye, stood aside and whispered to answer the phone. I heard him call dad. Maybe it was his father. I left the studio quietly.

When I went downstairs, I saw that uncle Cheng had not come back to see Ouyang, so I called directly and asked a taxi to pick me up. When the car arrived, Shang Yan was still on the phone upstairs, so I went straight by car, as if to escape.

When I was about to get home, I received a phone call from Shang Yan. He was a little angry. I listened to his complaint and hung up. I was very depressed. If I had been that little girl, I would not be angry because of his strong possessive desire, but now I will be uncomfortable. I'm afraid of his aggressiveness.

When I got home, I found the door was open and there was no light inside. My heart sank. I quickly opened the door and turned on the light. I found that there was no one in the room. Sister Chen and Xiao Fan were gone.

"Sister Chen, Xiao Fan?"

I searched all over the room, and there was no sign of them. But Xiaofan's milk powder and baby carriage are all there, and even the bottle is. I feel the temperature of the bottle, there are some warm.

How could this happen?

I hurriedly find out the call of sister-in-law Chen and called in the past. Who knows, the phone can't be connected. I suddenly have a kind of creepy feeling, and my head is blank.

I forced myself to calm down and straighten out my thoughts. I didn't believe that Mrs. Chen would take my son away. It's unlikely that a gold medal sister-in-law of a large company would dare to do such a thing.

The milk is still warm, which means that they have not been away for a long time. I was the first to think of Qin Mofei. I didn't care that he called him in the past. However, what I didn't expect was that he actually knocked off my phone.

My heart trembled for a moment, and then I called a Fei, who finally took it. "A Fei, are Xiao Fan and Mrs. Chen in the hotel?"


"Did you take it?"


"Why don't you call me when you pick up the baby? Do you know that I was scared to death just now? Do you have such a thing to do

I suddenly a nameless fire came out, directly on the curse up. I can understand Qin Mofei picking up the child. He likes it, but why don't you inform me? It's like a thief. I am the mother of the child. Why does he take my child away for no reason?However, a Fei didn't respond and didn't hang up the phone, so I was even more angry. "A Fei, you can send Xiao Fan back immediately. Even if I ask for food, I won't follow Qin Mofei who stinks and shameless."

"It's the boss's idea. I can't make the decision myself." Ah Fei's tone is obviously a little displeased. I don't know why.

"Did he let you steal my son? What's the difference between robbing and stealing? What do you think of Shen Huanyan

"Miss Shen, the boss has his reasons for doing so. Please understand." The tone of his address changed.

Miss Shen?

I think of his sister-in-law's shouts before, but I didn't expect that she would become Miss Shen again. Is it because of the appearance of SUA?

Ha ha, the man in Huanchang is really unreliable. He may be tender in the morning and cold in the evening. Qin Mofei shows the word "cold blood" incisively and vividly.

Let me understand the fucker. It's just the biggest piece of the world. Is it hard for a thief to say a reason to steal other people's things? Cheaters and deceptions should also be understood?

Damn it!

I didn't talk nonsense with a Fei any more. I hung up the phone and went straight out the door. I called a car and went to lanruo hotel.

I'm really angry. I think of the way I love Qin Mofei before. I really regret it. I'm so fuckin 'stupid to be in love with a man like that.

Chen Xiaodong and I don't think it's strange that Chen Xiaodong and I don't believe Chen Zhenzhen.

I took the elevator directly and didn't call Qin Mofei any more. His disgusting behavior directly destroyed my previous good feelings and gratitude for him. I have an indescribable antipathy towards him.

When I got to the suite, I didn't ring the doorbell. I opened it directly with my card. But when I opened the door, I was stunned by the scene in the room.

Qin Mofei is holding Xiaofan in his arms. His black and white star eyes are full of love. Mrs. Chen is tidying up the room, and the whole picture is quite harmonious.

My angry look was a little out of place with the atmosphere, so I suppressed my anger and went in.

"Miss Shen, are you here too? Just now, Mr. a Fei was in a hurry to meet us. I didn't have time to call you. I'm really sorry. " Sister Chen quickly explained when she saw me in, but I was angry and ignored her.

I went straight to Qin Mofei, took a deep breath for a long time and then said, "Mr. Qin, please return the child to me."

Xiao Fan saw me go and yelled, babbling and babbling, as if to say hello to me. My nose is sour, and I reach out to hold him, but Qin Mofei blocks me. He turns his head and gives me a cold glance.

"Where have you been?"

"It has nothing to do with you? Give me back the baby. "

I was so angry that I had forgotten what he had said and how terrible he was. I don't want to follow him. This kind of person is like a day in June. It may change all the time. I can't afford to serve him.

His eyes are cold, holding Xiaofan to stand up, slightly squint eyes, staring at me for a long time, called out sister-in-law Chen. I also raised my head and looked at him angrily, like a little lioness.

"I ask you again, where have you been?" He clenched his teeth and said, his voice was much darker than before, as if it were coming out through the ice hole.

To be honest, I was afraid, because when his anger came out, I felt as if I was facing death. Generally, he is facing the enemy like this, but now he is facing me. He regards me as the enemy.

My legs are trembling, but I still hold my head high like a cockfight. I bite my teeth and control myself. Don't be afraid. Don't cry. This is just a man. There's nothing to be afraid of.

"It's none of your business where I go. Please return the child to me. I've paid for your kindness to me. Next, we'll go our own way. From now on, the well water will not offend the river."

Qin Mofei suddenly face a cold, put Xiaofan into the bedroom, and then he closed the door, a lunge walked to me, "Shen Huanyan, you repeat what you just said again, I did not hear clearly."

I was frightened by his frightening breath and stepped back, but I was stubborn and ignored everything, so I repeated, "where I go is none of your business, please take the child..."


He yelled, and suddenly he put his hand around my neck and put me directly against the wall.

I couldn't struggle. I felt like he was crushing my throat. His eyes were cold, as if he were facing a bloody enemy.

At this moment, I found that I was really wrong, his gentle before let me have the illusion that he is a very considerate man, and even some like me. However, his cruelty at this time is not pretended, it comes from the heart.

I hold his hand tightly and look at his face, which is so ferocious and twisted. Is this Qin Mofei who can laugh and cook?

"You let me go, you let go Drive me. "

I couldn't breathe. I felt that he might crush me to death in the next second, so I counseled, and tears came out uncontrollably and rolled down my cheek one by one.His fingertips a little bit loose, I immediately coughed up, coughing tears and snot together. And even so, he did not let me go, still pinched my neck, not to die, but it is enough uncomfortable.

"Where have you been today?" He asked again.

"To a friend's house."

"Which friend?"

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