At about eight o'clock, Su Ya left. Before leaving, she told me that Shang Ying had caused Qin Mofei to become what he is today. Therefore, my existence is only to fill his physiological vacancy, not anything else.

I would have stayed with Qin Mofei as a friend of love, and naturally I would not care about her sarcasm. What I care about is Shang Ying, who has always been a knot in my heart.

No wonder Shang Yan repeatedly asked me to leave Qin Mofei. This is the real reason. It's hard for him to say because the client is his sister.

I sat in the coffee shop for a while, smoothed the disordered thoughts and then went back to my room. I saw Qin Mofei had come back and was busy in the study. His profile is clear-cut, very good-looking, my heart moved, I went forward and bowed my head to kiss him on the cheek, he caught me and forced to kiss back.

"Why did you come back so late?" When he let me go, his voice was a little hoarse and magnetic.

"SUA stayed a little late when she talked to me about work." I didn't dare to tell the story that Su Ya told me. My intuition told me that this is the biggest minefield of Qin Mofei, which can't be touched.

"Have you eaten yet?" He asked.

Now I'm full, and I'm ready for dessert

"Is there still time for work? Do you want me to help you? " He bit my lips, intimate way, black and white star eyes in a gentle.

This situation reminds me of SUA's words that he regards me as a tool of catharsis and lust. I doubt that even if he doesn't love me, he should like it a little bit.

He once said that he might not get married. Was it because Shang Ying jumped out of the building before the wedding?

"What are you thinking? So absent-minded? " He bit my lip hard and pulled back my free thoughts.

I shook my head in a hurry and laughed, "don't help me. I'm not at the end of my tether. Do you want to change your dressing today? I'll get the medicine box. "

"No, I'll change it myself. You're busy. Don't be too late."


He got up to give me the position and closed a document on the desktop. I saw that the document was a hidden folder. After he left, I searched the folder secretly, but I didn't find it.

I also did not go to tangle this matter again, put away a full of doubts, from the cloud disk out of the data, began to draw the effect map. When I went to the bathroom at more than two o'clock, I saw that Qin Mofei was already asleep with an unfinished foreign document in his hand.

I stepped forward and gently pulled out the book in his hand, ready to tuck in the quilt for him, but as soon as my hand touched the quilt, he suddenly lifted his eyes and waved his hand consciously. I screamed with fright, and then he took back his hand and got up to hold me.

"Sorry, I overreacted."

He seemed to be frightened, too, with a guilty look on his face. He just waved his hand with great strength. If he was seriously injured, he would be hurt, and at least it would be painful for a long time. I wonder why he is so sensitive. He seems to be on guard at any time. No wonder he always makes me fall asleep first when he sleeps a lot. Is he uneasy? Or on guard?

"I see you're asleep and ready to tuck you in." I explained.


"Not yet. I'm ready to have a rest. I'll be busy tomorrow."

"Go wash, I'll wait for you!"

This night he did not move me again, in order to let me fall asleep early, but also coax the baby to pat my back, I really quickly fell asleep in his arms, especially at ease.

I had a dream. I dreamt of Shang Ying. She took my hand and said, "let me love Qin Mofei. He is very good, very good.". I felt relieved in my dream, so I slept until dawn.

When I woke up, Qin Mofei had already gone out. He left a note for me on the bedside table. He told me not to go to the company today, but to work at home directly. He would help me tell Su ya.

Naturally, I would like to work at home, because SUA is always angry when she sees me, which will damage my mood at work.

There is a prepared breakfast on the table. The simple egg porridge with steamed buns should be prepared by Qin Mofei, which makes me moved. Apart from his occasional sullen anger, he is really very good. I suspect that Shang Ying's death has another cause.

I finished the sketch of renderings around 3:00 p.m., just the main part. It will take more time to make the renderings of the whole world trade city after it is approved by SUA.

After I checked it, I sent the renderings to SUA's mailbox, and then I changed my clothes and went downstairs. Today is Friday, the Department will have a summary meeting, I have to attend.

I thought that after last night's heart to heart talk, SUA's attitude towards me would be at least a little more restrained, but it was not. As soon as I got to the office, several colleagues were winking at me and winking at SUA's office.

I walked over suspiciously to see her face cold, looking at the computer, teeth close bite tightly. Although the door was open, I still tapped gently. She looked up at me and gave me a cold, disdainful look.

My heart suddenly mentioned, but where she showed this expression, there would be something wrong."Sit down, what are you doing?" She had a very bad tone.

I sat down awkwardly and said, "Director Su, have you seen the effect picture? Do you think... "

"Let's not talk about the effect picture. Shen Huanyan, do you think that you can make special use of Qin Mofei's fiancee title? It's true that you can be special. You have backstage. Can you change places so that I can't see


I was speechless, because I really made something special, but Qin Mofei didn't ask for leave for me? Is she so angry? I was embarrassed by her shame, the face immediately hot up, tangled for a long time to squeeze out a "sorry."

However, she said, "you make a special to make some good effect, what is this you sent me? Have you ever seen any business district designed like this? Don't take this job if you don't understand. You're wasting our time. Do you understand? "

"Director Su, do you think there is something wrong with the renderings?" I held back my anger.

She graduated from Harvard and has been working in this job all the time. She must have more experience than me. If her suggestions are good, I will accept them.

But she didn't say anything. She just threw me a resignation letter. "Shen Huanyan, we are public and private. I can't approve of your level, so I can't keep you in this department. You can go and tell Qin Mofei. Anyway, that's my attitude. "

"Director Su, I can go. Can you tell me the problem of the renderings clearly? I know that you graduated from an institution of higher learning, but this does not mean that you can veto my design alone. Shouldn't this proposal be discussed by several departments together? "

"At your level, how many departments should be allowed to discuss together?"


I've never been so angry. I wish I could give SUA a slap. How could she despise my efforts so much that she was not sure about it. Why did she attack me with words that were not worthy of it?

I looked at her in a rage, and she looked up at me with her head up. Her gentle and generous appearance was completely absent. I finally failed. I didn't want to talk to a woman like her. I turned around and left her office without saying a word to Qin Mofei.

After leaving the company, I felt relieved. I hope that after I leave, SUA will not work so fiercely. It will really affect her temperament and ability.

I didn't go back to the upstairs suite. I took the subway to the suburbs. I was too busy these two days and didn't go to see my mother and Xiao Fan and miss them.

I sent a message to Qin Mofei on the subway that I had left the company. Because Sue didn't leave me a message. What's more, maybe the things I designed can't get on the stage. I don't want to disgrace him. Leaving is the best choice.

Take the subway from lanruo hotel to our house, take two lines, from No.3 to No.2. When I was transferring to the subway, I saw a woman who surprised me: Mary.

She was dressed in a foreign-style black hip length skirt, all over the body of jewels, but two arms hanging on the sides of the body, as if very weak.

We passed opposite, she first saw me, straight in situ, full of horror. I looked at her hand and it seemed to move, but it was not sharp. It's said that a Fei has broken her two arms. She must have broken her tendon. But look at her dress, she should not be oppressed.

I was also relieved. Although she almost killed me, I didn't die, but she was a disabled person.

"Qin, Qin Huan, what a coincidence." She came to her senses and said hello to me.

"Yes, what a coincidence. I didn't expect to see you in the devil."

"Yes, I can't imagine why I would stay in this place. Maybe it's too much temptation and confusion. I don't like the remote place in my hometown any more. Qin Huan, thank you for saving my life. I didn't expect that you would repay good for evil. "

Did she know that I was pleading with Qin Mofei? Maybe ALFY told her. It was only in her cold eyes that she didn't really thank me so much. In any case, she lost two arms. It is impossible to let go of her character.

I laughed with disapproval, "I have to forgive people and forgive people. We are all women. Why should we kill them all. Mary, I won't tell you more about anything else. I'll see you later

"Shen Huanyan, are you afraid of me?" I didn't take two steps. She said this insidiously.

I turned my head, full of consternation, how did she know my name was Shen Huanyan? I see her a successful shock to my thump like, the heart is on fire.

But then I got back to normal again and said, "afraid of you? I was not afraid of you when I was perfect. Now you are afraid of you like this

I also meaningful from her left arm to see the right arm, she was angry with me, her face suddenly red, drooping hands want to clench the fist, but the five fingers how can't gather together, still keep shaking.

In fact, I feel very sad in my heart. It is clear that both of us can be OK, but she does not let me go, so I broke my leg, she broke her arm, and both sides were hurt.I don't think she can make any waves now, so she turns and walks away.

She's right. I'm really afraid of her. I'm very afraid of those desperate desperators, because I cherish my life, but those people don't. Mary is such a typical example.

When I turned to the No.2 subway, I looked back and saw that there seemed to be more people around Mary. From afar, I looked a little familiar, like Chen Qing.

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