Bo Liang stayed in Pei Jiance's house for two days, and mother-in-law Yan came back.

After putting it down, Bo Liang went upstairs to pack up.

This time, even if the door of Bo Liang's room is open, Pei Jiance knocks on the door. Bo Liang feels strange, "aren't they open? What are you knocking on? "

"I... well, didn't you say I was impolite? Should I not? "

"Oh." Bo Liang didn't think much about it.

Pei Jiance was very reluctant to give up. "Are you really leaving so soon? Granny Yan won't be home until evening. You can go back after dinner. "

"The other servant is home now."

"Having said that, is it OK to have a meal at my house and then go back?" Pei Jiance said hastily: "or, are you not comfortable living in my house? Tell me what's wrong. "

In fact, he was worried that she would find his dirty mind.

"It's not uncomfortable. It's just that I haven't been home for a long time. I miss it a little."

No matter how good other people's home is, it's not at home. It's the first time to go home.

"All right."

She doesn't look like a liar.

He also felt that he was careful, and she should not find out. Bo Liang is quite careless

However, he was still reluctant.

But he was also worried that if she continued to stay, he would become more strange.

"What's the matter with you?" Bo Liang packed up and looked at him.

She always felt that he was afraid to look up at her these two days.

"No, it's nothing. I just don't want to give up on you. When you leave, there are no peers at home to play with me."

"Who is your age? I'm only 12 years old. "

Bo Liang doesn't do it. He wants to fight with him.

That night, Bo Liang went home.

In the following days, Pei Jiance didn't have such a dream any more. He returned to his normal life in front of Bo Liang.

After new year's day, the winter vacation is not far away.

After the final exam, Bo Liang's father called and said that he missed her and asked her to go home early. He also apologized to her and said that he was too busy to pick her up.

Bo Liang is colder than before in the face of his father's phone call.

Her father was a sensitive person, noticed it at the first time, but didn't ask much.

Granny Yan also noticed, "Miss, what happened?"

Bo Liang looked up, "mother-in-law Yan, Muyan told me that his father had more money than his mother, but later, his father gave all his property to her mother."

Granny Yan seemed to understand her meaning, "right?"

Knowing that mother-in-law Yan seemed to have other questions, she added, "well, besides, uncle is really good to aunt, very good, very good."

She doesn't know about love, but she can see that Shen Shenzhi really hurts Jian Zhi to the bone.

"So, miss, you..."

Did she suspect her father again?

Bo Liang changed the topic, "grandma, I'm hungry."

Granny Yan knew for the first time that Bo Liang had something on his mind to hide from her. "Miss, do we have to go back as scheduled?"

"Go back."

Granny Yan was even more stunned, "OK."

Back home there, Bo Liang is not cold to his father, the other side has long seen the clue, face quietly, secretly, but completely gloomy down.

He thought that Bo Liang would soon be influenced by him according to his previous development. Who knows

Bo Liang has been smart and sensitive since childhood. After so many years, some things can't be delayed for too long.


Really not, he can only observe for a period of time, as soon as possible to set things down!

Bo Liang let his father how to coax, did not get close to him again.

Ten years later, she went back to the capital.

In the next half a year, Pei Jiance and Bo Liang worked very hard. They took the senior high school entrance examination one year ahead of schedule and went to our high school smoothly.

There are only two key classes in a grade in senior high school. Bo Liang and Pei Jiance have good grades. Naturally they can go to the key class, and they are very lucky to be in the same class.

When Pei Jiance saw that they were in the same class again, he hugged Bo Liang and said, "I knew that we were especially predestined."

Bo Liang is also very happy to be in the same class as his good friend. Shen Muyan looks at him and smiles.

High school is a relatively strict stage of study. In order to let Shen Muyan experience his real school career, Shen Shenzhi and Jian Zhiyan let him stay, while Pei Jiance and Bo Liang followed suit.

High school dormitories are close to each other, one for boys and one for girls, just opposite the test.

The classrooms of senior two and senior one are in the teaching building next door. The distance between the two teaching buildings is only ten meters, which is much closer than the distance between junior high school and senior high school.

When Bo Liang and Pei Jiance are free, they also go to the teaching building of senior two to find Shen Muyan.

In winter, it turns cold.

Compared with junior high school, senior high school has to take more courses in terms of subjects, and their studies are heavier. Naturally, they can't often go to Shen Muyan to play.

That day, after PE class, Bo Liang and Pei Jiance went to the teaching building. Bo Liang saw Shen Muyan's teaching building, looked at the time, and suddenly said, "let's go to find Muyan to play."

"Now? But mu Yan is not necessarily in the classroom. If we don't say hello, what can we do if we go there for nothing? "

"What's the point of running for nothing? Let's go. "

She can't help pulling Pei Jiance away.

Pei Jiance keeps up with them. When they arrive outside Shen Muyan's classroom, they don't see Shen Muyan and ask his classmates.

His classmates laugh very ambiguous, "Shen Muyan is in the teacher's office now."

Bo liang thought that he was called by the teacher. He used to collect homework and hand out examination papers. "When will he come out?"

"It's hard to say. The teacher called him in the last self-study class, but he hasn't come back yet."

"What happened?" Pei Jiance and Bo Liang are worried.

"It's about him falling in love."

Thin cool as thunder, "love... Love?"

"When did Muyan fall in love?" Pei Jiance was also surprised, but the expression on his face was different from that of Bo Liang. He was surprised with a banter smile.

"It should have been some time ago. Aren't you his good friends? You don't know? "

Bo Liang was stunned and shook his head. Pei Jiance asked with a smile: "we really don't know which beauty the other party is? Introduce to us? "

"It's our beauty Ning."

"Ning language?" Thin cool exclaimed.

"Yes, Ning Yu has just gone out. I think the next person to be called over should be her."

Bo Liang felt a little uncomfortable and didn't speak. Pei Jiance was still in high spirits and asked, "how do you know they are in love?"“ They all stay together after class. Although Shen Tiancai is very gentle, he is the best to Ning Yu. Several times, he helps Ning Yu draw water and plays with him in PE class. Some people see them holding each other.... "

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