She didn't wear anything on her body. She quickly wrapped up the sheets before getting out of bed. When her feet fell to the ground, the bones of her legs seemed to have been pulled off. She was so soft that she didn't stand firmly and almost fell down. She took a breath, but she didn't care so much. When she saw that Shen Muyan's mobile phone at the head of the bed was still there, she quickly looked at it. She saw that it was more than 12 o'clock at noon, and her face suddenly changed. At this time, Shen Muyan came in, squatted her on the ground, and hurriedly picked her up with a quilt

How to squat on the ground

Bo Liang stares back at him, "what time is it now? Why didn't you call me earlier? "

Let's not go back to work, but let her take a leave.

"It's OK. I've asked for leave for you."

Bo Liang sat in his arms, very comfortable, also reluctant to come down, suspiciously asked: "how to please?"

He's not calling people, is he?

"Send a message."

Bo Liang was relieved.

She felt that if it was a phone call, people like lawyer Liang would not know where to go.


This is the right answer.

"Hungry? I've made breakfast. Get up and have some? "

Thin cool did not move, "or sleepy."

"Sleepy also eat to sleep again, don't eat to hurt the stomach."

Thin cool head rubs in his chest, the small hand is not polite to pull his clothes, "do you mean to say?"

How many times did she beg for mercy last night? Did he listen?

Shen Mu Yan bowed his head to kiss her soft cheek and laughed silently.

Bo Liang sat on his leg and squinted for a while. He was in a better spirit. When he wanted to get up, he remembered that he was just wrapped in a quilt and didn't wear anything inside. She quickly hugged the quilt and came down from his leg. She walked outside, admiring the eaves and said, "where are you going?"

"Change clothes and wash."

Shen Mu eaves to follow, thin cool blush of turn head stare him, "don't follow to come over."

"... good."

Bo Liang is really tired. He is waited on by Shen Muyan and climbs to bed after eating.

Shen Muyan is full of energy. He doesn't look like a person who has spent a whole night.

Bo Liang was lying on the bed, but he couldn't sleep. She looked at Shen Muyan, who was sitting by the bed reading. She pulled him down and said, "sleep with me for a while."

After last night, she found that she found him sleeping in his arms, warm and comfortable, was nothing compared.

Shen Mu eaves all have no temper to depend on her, accompany her to sleep, after waiting for her to fall asleep, think of oneself still have a little thing to do, he slowly gets up, went to his room, made a phone call to go out.

"Ruirui?" There was a quick pick-up.

"Well," said Shen Muyan without much nonsense, "uncle, didn't you say that their company is going to bid for a project?"


"Won the bid?"


Shen Muyan's tone was firm, and he said, "grab it."

Yan Xu also should be very simple, "good."

Shen Muyan kind-hearted thought of something and laughed, "but don't worry. When they are ready to start construction for a period of time, they will grab it again."

Yan Xu laughed, "OK, I see."


"It's OK," Yan Xu said, "what about her accomplices? What are you going to do? "

Accomplice refers to Qin Qingqing.

"It depends on the meaning of cool."

"Yes, anyway, she helped cool a lot in those years."


"Is there anything else?"

"For Fei's family, we can take our time. It's too much fun. It's not good."

If they want to make Fei's family a total failure, Fei Yuanming has nothing and doesn't need to spend half a month. However, since they dare to treat Bo Liang like this, how can he give them a happy ending?

"... good."

Yan Xu knew that Shen Muyan was not a cold-blooded person from childhood to adulthood. On the contrary, he was very kind and soft-hearted. Even if he became silent in recent years, he couldn't change this because he grew up in a loving family.

This time, he was really angry.

The consequences are expected to be very serious.

Bo Liang has been served by Shen Muyan for a whole day. The next day, his spirit has recovered.

Of course, apart from the sore legs and a little pain somewhere.

But this discomfort is not unbearable, so she goes to work as usual.

"I'll pick you up for lunch."

When going out, Shen Muyan suddenly said.

"Forget it, I don't want to go out. I'd better order takeout."

The reason why she didn't want to go out was clear to Shen Muyan.

"OK, I'll call it for you."

Bo Liang held his arm and glanced at him, "don't order the dishes of Chao'an hotel any more."


"It's not this problem. If I eat all the dishes of Chao'an Hotel, and a meal is higher than my salary for a week, what do others think of me?"

The purpose of Bo Liang's driving is just to make it convenient for her to go to and from work. She can actually take lawyer Liang's car when she works.

Therefore, Shen Muyan personally sent her to the company today, and he also plans to come to her company to pick her up after work.

Out of the car, Bo Liang waved, "be careful on the road."


The roadside is not suitable for parking for too long. Shen Muyan greets her and drives away.

At this time, it's almost time to go to work. Many people in the company have arrived and seen this scene.

Yan Lijing elbows affectionately hit her, "Oh, cool, I didn't go to work yesterday, today I have a handsome guy to send, there is a situation."

Bo Liang is in a good mood. He can't help laughing. Li Fang screams, "Wow, I'm laughing. It's true."

"Say, what's going on?" Yan Lijing was more open, blinking, and asked directly, "can't it be that... People are chasing too often and can't hold on for a while, so they offer themselves up?"

Bo Liang is in a good mood, very honest "um".

Several colleagues around were surprised and exchanged glances with each other.

Chen Yan smile some worry, "is not a joke?"

"What's the joke about this?" Thin cool smile also pale some.

Chen Yan saw her smile fade, thought she regretted it, and said with a smile: "I mean, that handsome guy seems to be serious. People are so serious, you have to treat them well. You know, people engaged in scientific research are rigid... "

Bo Liang seems to think of something, suddenly laughed, "we are married, of course I will be good to others."


Other people's mouth is the size of an egg, Li Fang excitedly asked: "what you said is true?"

"Is this a joke?" Thin cool light way.

"So you didn't have a wedding?" Chen Yan said.

Li Fang said: "it's a big loss for girls not to have a wedding."“ However, if you marry a man who refuses to give you a wedding, I think it's a bit of a loss. " Yan Lijing sighed, "Liangliang, it's not me that provokes you. Your husband doesn't pay enough attention to you."

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