Although they had been married for several days, she didn't have his contact information, neither did aunt Wu's. they didn't leave a word for her about where they went, what they did and when they came back.

Therefore, they both seem to have disappeared out of thin air. There is no news these days.

If she didn't find that her original room had been coded and she couldn't get in, and there were still a lot of food in the refrigerator, she would even think that everything about the man was just a dream.

After two classes, during the period when everyone did eye exercises, the monitor went up to the platform and said, "Friday is the day of our class's League Day activities. Everyone is required to take part. If there are special circumstances, you need to ask the counselor for leave. Those who do not ask for leave are not allowed to be absent without authorization."

Time flies, just passed the middle of the exam, it's Friday.

On Friday, their class had no class all day. They started from school at 8 a.m. and went to climb the famous mountains in the capital.

Because they study financial management, there are more boys in the class than girls. Boys are responsible for the food and utensils needed for spring outings, barbecues and picnics, while girls are responsible for their beautiful appearance.

Generally speaking, if the day activity is arranged on Saturday and Sunday, not many students will take part in it. However, because it is arranged on Friday, even non single girlfriends may not be free, so naturally more people will take part.

He Shiran, Zhu Yongyan and Wang Wenwen are all here.

Jian Zhiyan is not very interested in these activities, but she is not good to ask for leave, Guo Mo evening home also does not allow her to ask for leave, Guo Mo evening since came, she also had to accompany her, naturally followed.

He Shiran, the three of them are all beautiful women. A group of male students rush to wait on them, while Jian Zhi, Yan and Guo mowan are languidly walking behind them. Few people pay attention to them except class cadres.

Even if male students secretly look at them, they just look at them from a certain distance, and few people come forward to chat up.

At ten o'clock, when everyone was tired, they finally found a flat place, stopped, laid the picnic mat, and began to work together to take care of the food.

Most of the boys naturally don't know how to cook food, so these responsibilities fall on the girls.

If it is said that people with unique advantages should have some defects to make up for, Jian Zhiyan thinks this sentence is right.

Jian Zhiyan can't cook, not that she doesn't want to learn, but that she can't learn at all.

Because she grew up with her grandfather in the military region, she didn't have the kind of tenderness and pettiness of ordinary young ladies, and she didn't say that because she had servants at home, she should not touch Yang Chun Shui.

In fact, generally speaking, her mother is responsible for the daily food in the old house.

However, her talent in this field is limited. After learning for a period of time, she can't even distinguish sugar from salt.

If you know it, you will not be able to help. There will be no past.

But some people naturally don't like her and don't help.

However, people from ordinary families taboo the powerful Jian family in the capital, so no one dares to say anything in front of Jian Zhiyan. They only dare to have a few words with he Shiran in private.

He Shiran gently pacifies everyone. Zhu Yongyan disdains to mention Jian Zhiyan, while Wang Wenwen shouts to Jian Zhiyan: "Hey, can you be shameless? Don't you see we're all helping? Why are you sitting there eating for nothing

He Shiran said with a smile: "well, Wenwen, Xiaoyan, she can't get used to these things. Don't force her. Besides, after climbing the mountain for so long, Xiaoyan is tired. Let her have a good rest."

"Well! Is she tired? Aren't we tired? She's just spoiled

Jian Zhi Yan is too lazy to say anything to them. Since they are not afraid of helping her, she doesn't mind. However, before she goes there, her mobile phone rings.

Jianzhiyan see is her mother's call lengxia.

Also did not immediately answer, gradually, away from her classmates in class, there is a distance, she stopped, picked up the phone.


"In class now?"

"No class today."

"At home now?"

"No, I went out for a picnic with my classmates." Then she asked, "Mom, what's the matter with you calling?"

In fact, her mother hasn't called her since the day she was announced to be married.

According to her understanding of her mother, it is impossible for her mother to interfere in her marriage with the man, especially the man who is said to have been born into an ordinary family.

Her mother didn't call. Maybe it was her grandfather who said something to her that she didn't call her.

"Mom wants to ask you... How are you and Shen Zhi now? Is that man all right? Do you get on well with him? "

Although master Jane told her that jianzhiyan was his only granddaughter, he would not treat her badly, and the man he found for her would not be bad, so that she could rest assured.

Can't see a person, how can she really feel relieved? After all, jianzhiyan is her own daughter!

Besides, she always felt that it was improper for master Jane to let two young people marry without a word. She couldn't tell what was wrong. In order to reassure Jane's mother, Jian Zhiyan began to praise men: "Mom, I'm my grandfather's granddaughter. He won't treat me badly. I'm very good with him now. He also invited an aunt to come back to cook for us. You don't know, that aunt's cooking is delicious." but Jane's mother immediately retorted: "if he really has the ability, he won't just invite an aunt to come back to serve you, It's a bunch of them, please Jane's mother had some expectations in her heart, but when she heard this, she felt uncomfortable. She felt that her son-in-law, whom she had never met, was not as good as master Jane said. When Jian Zhiyan heard her mother's words, she didn't have time to answer them. She also heard her mother ask, "do you live in the" Qing Tu era "now?"“ Yes, yes. " Jane's mother was even more dissatisfied. "He doesn't even have his own house?" Jian Zhiyan knew that her mother would say so, so she had to sigh: "Mom, that... Didn't grandfather say that he was born in an ordinary family, not from a rich family? It's no surprise that he doesn't have a house of his own. Besides, don't we just have a house to live in? I don't care She really didn't know if he had a house. She didn't ask. However, she thought he should still have his own house, but she didn't know what his house was like, and she didn't want to boast about it with her mother“ You don't care. What do you care about? "“ Mother -- "but before she could say more, her mother interrupted her again.

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