Although he was shocked, he really thought so at that time.

He never dreamed that she would take advantage of him and cheat him.

As long as he thinks about it carefully, it's not hard to find that every time Lin's father and mother wanted to fight Gao Yunjin, Lin Yixun was the catalyst.

She's more than using and deceiving him?

She kept her parents in the dark.

Another thing that surprised him was that she knew he liked her.

In this way, she knew that he was not born to the Lin family.


Looking back on the past and using his feelings, she really

It's used a lot.

He laughed bitterly.

Looking at Lin Yixun's back, he didn't move for a long time. After a long time, he suddenly thought of Gao Yunjin's child. He had a pain in his chest and then turned to leave.

When he left, he made a little noise, surprised Lin Yixun who was still talking on the phone.

Her eyes sharp back, but did not see anything, she immediately chased out, saw her assistant standing at the door knocking, she frowned, "is it you?"

Her assistant was shaken by her eyes, "Mr. Lin?"

It seems that I don't know why she suddenly showed such a terrible expression.

Lin Yixun light smile, "nothing."

Lin Yijin did not go back to his office, immediately contact his assistant, let him contact partners, he promised to go out to talk about cooperation with people.

Out of the Lin, he made a call to Gao Yunjin to go out.

On the other side of the phone, he clenched the steering wheel hard. A moment later, he called again.

Gao Yunjin, but at this time, Gao Yunjin is on the phone. Suddenly, a strange call comes from Gao Yunjin's mobile phone.

She didn't look either, and immediately picked it up.

There, she said before, "Miss Gao? It's Mr. Xue yonglou's person. The child has found it! "

"Found it!"

Gao Yunjin said, "what are you talking about?"

"I suffered some skin injuries, but I don't worry about my life. Now I'm looking for a doctor to look at it."

Gao Yunjin cried with joy, "are you... Are you serious?"

She thought

I thought she would never see that child again.

"Really." The voice over there couldn't hide the surprise, and suddenly said, "Miss Gao, come here quickly."

"Well, I'll --"

"Don't bring anything until you come."

"What's the matter?"

"We stole this child. They all thought it was dead. I'd like to take this opportunity to announce the illusion that you are mad because you have lost your child, and you will never find it again. " Now that the child is found, let the Lin family know that the child is still alive, and even... Gao Yunjin is still alive, and still lives under their eyelids. Even if the child dies, in case Lin Yixun can't have a child in the end, Gao Yunjin will become her in the end

The object of the anger.

So, completely away from the Lin family, let the Lin family completely forget her, think she is really crazy, for her, it is not a good way to get rid of the Lin family!

The people over there don't say these words, but Gao Yunjin wants to understand them.

There was an indescribable emotion in her heart. "OK, I'll... I'll get there."

She just took her cell phone and left the house with nothing else.

When she got on the bus and looked up at the sky, she felt that she seemed to see her new life!

But at this time, Lin Yijin is still making her phone call, but the phone is left in the villa by Gao Yunjin, and naturally no one answers.

Lin Yijin felt flustered and kept calling Gao Yunjin.

It's just, there's been no answer.

He had no choice but to call a fixed number.

There was also a servant. The servant answered the phone and said, "madam is out."

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know. It's just that my wife's mental state seems to be abnormal when she goes out..."

"Abnormal?" Lin Yijin said, "how abnormal?"

"Madam, since she knew that the young master had been stolen, she didn't eat or drink. She seemed to be going crazy. Maybe she had received some bad news just now. She was crying. She was all dressed up and didn't take anything with her. Then she rushed out of the house."

"Why don't you stop her from going out with her hair on her head?" Lin Yijin roared.

Lin Yijin thinks that Gao Yunjin estimates that he has received the news. After all, Xue yonglou's people have been following up“ I'm... I'm still cooking porridge. My wife hasn't eaten all day. Everyone in my family has gone out to look for someone. I haven't come back yet. I'm afraid that if I don't turn off the gas, there will be an accident. When I go back to the kitchen and turn off the gas, when I want to go out, it's gone

There's no shadow

Lin Yijin holding a mobile phone, immediately said: "immediately send someone out to find, any news immediately inform me."

After he hung up, he called his assistant and asked him to book the earliest flight to France.

A few minutes later, his assistant called and told him there was a flight around 11 p.m.

It's still early.

He went to talk about a contract first.

Although talking about the contract, he is obviously out of shape.

Therefore, the contract was not concluded until more than 7 p.m.



After sitting for more than ten minutes, Gao Yunjin finally arrived at his destination.

Over there, Xue yonglou's people are already waiting for her.

She also saw the child held by the servant.

With tears in her eyes, she rushed forward, hugged the child and cried.

However, seeing that the child's face and neck are covered with deep and shallow bloodstains, Gao Yunjin's heart is choked with pain. When he sees that the child is crying all the time, he also falls into tears.

"Miss Gao, time is pressing. Get on the bus and I'll take you to another place."

At this time, the person who meets Gao Yunjin said.

Gao Yunjin didn't dare to neglect him. He hurriedly got on the bus and asked: "baby... When will the injury on the baby get better? Can... Can it be cured? "

She doesn't know the depth of the wound, but depending on the situation, it seems that the wound is not light, so she is afraid of

I'm afraid——

"It will be fine in a few days. Miss Gao can rest assured that the wound will recover very well."

It's easy to leave scars on such a small child with so many wounds on his body and face.

When you grow up, it will affect your appearance. As a mother, you will be worried, and the other person will understand.

But now the level of medical search is very high. If you want to deal with this wound, there is no problem at all.

Gao Yunjin is relieved.

As long as the kids are OK.

After driving for several hours, the other party settled her in a small quiet village, and even arranged a local person to take care of their mother and son.

Then he left.

Gao Yunjin settled down and received a call from Xue yonglou. She immediately answered, "yonglou, thank you. Thank you really." Xue yonglou was stunned.

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