Lawyer: --

At this time, father Lin said, "OK, don't make any noise."

Lin Mu: "but --"

"We know what to do," Lin told the lawyer

After hanging up, Lin's mother yelled, "are you crazy?"

"Don't you understand?" Lin's father gritted his teeth and said, "Xiaoxun, in disguise, admits that she killed the person, and she wants to threaten Fu Jincheng by divorcing Fu Jincheng, so that he can exonerate her!"

Fu Jincheng and Lin Yixun are husband and wife. The property under Fu Jincheng's name must be countless. Lin Yixun can share half of the common property between them. He and Lin Yixun do not believe that Fu Jincheng will give up the half.

Now she just wants to negotiate with Fu Jincheng by making an issue on property division.

Half of the property, for Fu Jincheng, to cut a big piece of meat, he did not believe that Fu Jincheng would give up.

Lin Mu's back was cold: "no... impossible --"

She couldn't believe that her daughter would really kill.

If she really killed people and made this request, how deep would her mind be?

Lin Fu ignored her and called Fu Jincheng with a heavy expression.

Before, Fu Jincheng did not answer the phone calls of their husband and wife. Today, it's surprising that he picked up his call and said, "what's the matter?"

"The lawyer has met Xiao Xun."


"She said he wanted to divorce you."

Fu Jincheng had a meal and laughed: "Oh? OK, but it's not convenient right now, is it? I can't see her. "

With Fu Jincheng's attitude, father Lin suddenly had an ominous premonition, "you --"

"You tell her that I will send someone to talk to her after the result of the trial comes out. I have something else to do. I'll hang up first."

Lin's father hasn't responded. Fu Jincheng has already hung up. Lin's father looks very ugly. Lin's mother asks, "what's the matter?"

"He..." father Lin clenched his teeth: "he agreed."

Lin's mother sat down on the ground: "how can it be? Is he really willing to give up half of his property? "

"Not necessarily," father Lin managed to calm himself down. "Maybe... He just wanted to confuse us."

Lin's mother didn't have a clue at all, "what if he really wants to divorce Xiaoxun?"

"Xiaoxun is not at a loss. We can't compare with Lin family for half of Fu Jincheng's property!"

"I don't believe it!" Lin mother still can't accept, "I don't believe that cheap woman in Fu Jincheng's heart, can be worth half of his property!"

In Lin's mother's opinion, the reason why Fu Jincheng so readily agreed to divorce and didn't help her daughter is not because she didn't want to cover up the murderer who killed that cheap woman?

If her daughter didn't kill that cheap woman, Fu Jincheng would not have this attitude!

Thinking of this, Lin's mother is not angry. She calls Fu Jincheng, but shows that she can't get through. She quickly takes Lin's father's mobile phone and calls him. The result is the same.

No way, Lin's father and mother had to let the lawyer tell Lin Yixun the result. Lin Yixun's face changed slightly and looked ugly.

When the lawyer saw this, he knew that Lin Yixun's scheme had failed. "Miss Lin, could you tell me the details of that day? As long as you don't kill people intentionally or accidentally, I'll find a way to reduce your sentence. "

Intentional homicide and negligent homicide are different, and the price paid is totally different.

How could Lin Yixun not know this?

She has been thinking about it since she didn't see a lawyer these two days, but she would rather go out of here than go to jail.

If she has been in prison for ten years, what is the meaning of the rest of her life?

But now that Fu Jincheng doesn't agree, she has no better way out except to find a way to help her convict and commute her sentence. She doesn't want to be sentenced to life imprisonment because of Gao Yunjin's death, or

Death penalty.

It's meaningless for her to kill Gao Yunjin.

Thinking of this, she plucked her hair and said, "actually... I didn't mean to kill her. Although I hate her, I just want to scare her. I didn't expect her to die."

Lawyers don't really believe it.

But Lin Yixun said so, she is still his client, he can only believe her words.

In the evening, Fu Jincheng went home. When the car drove into the gate, he looked at the surrounding environment and didn't move for a long time.

The car had stopped for half a while, and there was no response from Fu Jincheng. The driver turned back to remind: "Sir, here we are..."

Fu Jincheng didn't move. After half a sound, she dropped her eyes: "go to the hotel."

The driver was stunned and didn't say much. He took him to the hotel directly.

Now Lin Fu and Lin Mu are very busy every day. They are not only busy with the company, but also with Lin Yixun. Every day they turn like a top and can't breathe.

Just when they were busy, the time of the court session was fixed, half a month later.

In their busy, a week passed quickly.

Xue family gradually returned to the previous life, there are still pain on the face, but it seems to have some spirit, slowly, also began to have a smile.

After Xue yonglou had dealt with the affairs in G City, he went on a business trip.

Fu Xiaocheng couldn't go with him. When he was free, he thought of Fu Jincheng.

I think of him all night.

When he was off work, he couldn't help going to the Fu group.

When he arrived, Fu's senior management was in a meeting, and Fu Jincheng, as the leader with the most voice, naturally wanted to attend.

Fu Xiaocheng didn't wait long. He waited for Fu Jincheng in his office. When he saw Fu Jincheng push the door in, he laughed and stood up to speak. But when he saw Fu Jincheng, he was stunned. "Brother, you... Didn't sleep well?"

Fu Jincheng is now in his forties. In a few years, he will be fifty.

But he has always been very good, whether it is skin condition or body is good enough to make people envious.

But this time, we didn't see each other for less than ten days. Fu Jincheng seems to have lost a lot of weight, and the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes are much deeper. On his body, Fu Xiaocheng finally sees the traces left by the years.

"I've been sick these days. I'm not in a good mood." Fu Jincheng's face was as usual, and he was in the mood to tease him: "why did you come to me all of a sudden?"

Fu Xiaocheng had nothing to do before. He would get together with Fu Jincheng and have a meal.

But this time, because of Gao Yunjin, Fu Xiaocheng didn't come so often.

"Nothing, just... I want to see you."

Fu Xiaocheng told Xue yonglou about his white hair all night. At that time, Xue yonglou said to him with disapproval: "how do you know that he didn't know that Lin Yixun killed Xiaojin, and how can he get the evidence? When he figured out that he wanted to send Lin Yixun to prison, he struggled in his heart and suffered so much that he became bald all night?"

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