Jian Zhi Yan and Gong Wuxi are stunned.

Especially Jian Zhi Yan, although did not see the caller ID, but the body is slightly shaking, showing a look of panic.

Gong Wuxi couldn't bear to say, "is it... Shen Shenzhi?"

Jian Zhi Yan does not answer, looked in the past, when she saw the two big words of Shen, she was holding her little hand tightly, and her nails were going to be inserted into the flesh and bone, and the pain was bleeding, but she didn't feel it at all.

"I... Wuxi, I don't want to take it." Jian Zhiyan's tears came down. She grabbed her hair like a madman and yelled, "I don't want to answer his phone! I don't want to answer his phone

When she thought of the man who had been sleeping with her for more than a year, she was as cold as hell, shivering and goose bumps all over her body.

Even, want to throw up!

See Jianzhi Yan cry so badly, Gong Wuxi voice gradually become hoarse, "good, don't want to pick up, that, that... Don't pick up."

"But... Can I not take it? Can I get a divorce? Wuxi, do you think I can

Gong said, "I'm not sure. Because I don't know what your family's contract with him is. I think they have their reasons since they keep it from you. "

She was as cold as ice. "So... Do you mean that I should treat him as if I didn't know anything and still be a husband and wife like before, or even have sex?"

Gong Wuxi is silent.


"But what if, even if you say it, you can't get a divorce?"

Yes, she had thought about that just now, but she didn't know about her and Lu Yanting. It turned out that it was him——

"If you can get a divorce, your grandfather should not watch you fall in love with him. Your grandfather does this in the hope that you don't know. It's good for you." She also said this, but Gong Wuxi had to remind her again.

"So I have to be with him as if nothing happened? Then, I can't let him know that I know everything, otherwise, my grandfather will know? "

If her grandfather knows that she knows, loves her, but has no way, does their Jane family still have peace day?

Gong Wuxi is silent.

They two people said so much, and Jane Zhi Yan's phone has stopped once, and then, ring again.

The phone rang for a long time, patience is very enough, Jianzhi Yan looked at, I do not know why, even gradually calm down, just, eyes, but very cold.

Her transparent tears were hanging on her long eyelashes. After a long time, when the phone called again, she moved her body. Gong Wuxi looked at her and couldn't bear it. "Xiaoyan, if you don't want to answer, you can --"

She sneered, "nothing, since I know, this day, sooner or later, will come, right?"

She forced herself to smile and wipe away her tears. However, when she saw Shen Shenzhi's name on the phone screen, her tears could not be repressed. She wanted no money and fell all the time.

Gong Wuxi's throat was tight, and suddenly

In the heart also more uncertain, oneself says these with her, after all... Should not.

Jianzhiyan still can't adjust her mood, so, until the phone over there hangs up automatically, she still can't pick it up.

However, after a while, the phone over there, not long after, and tirelessly called in.


What's the number?

Jianzhiyan don't know, she forgot.

If it is usual, she will feel that he calls her so many times, because he loves her, she does not understand the phone and worries about her, she must be very happy.

However, now seeing his tireless phone call, she felt extremely ironic.

Perhaps, it is because of his vivid and seamless performance that she always thinks that he loves her and cares about her, otherwise

How can she, in so many times, know that there is doubt in her heart, but still choose to believe him?

Think of this, she laughed, just, smile, a few more sad.

There's a phone, she didn't know how many times it rang again, the phone rang again and again, Jian Zhiyan's mind generation to calm down.

After a long time, after feeling that she could talk to him, she picked up the phone.

However, after the phone picked up, she did not speak.


Jian Zhi Yan heard him call so, clench the lip, eye socket, unexpectedly very disheartened red, she forbeared the mood, "eh" a.

Shen Shenzhi after she picked up the phone, hanging on the head of a big stone, it seems, just fell down, smile, "to the other side?"


After answering the voice, Jian Zhiyan thinks that she should take the initiative to say something to make herself behave the same as usual, because she knows that if she shows something strange, he will be able to guess something wrong with her immediately with his sensitivity.

But she can't. She usually talks a lot to him, but at the moment, she can't say it“ I just called you a lot. Why didn't I answer it? "“ Just now... Just now, I went to wash and take a bath. " Over there, Shen Shenzhi, after hearing her words, pauses, "eating?" Otherwise, how could her voice be a little vague? There, or her familiar voice, Jane Zhi Yan resist the impulse to hang up the phone, "is... Yes." When talking on the phone with him, Jian Zhiyan didn't know what she was feeling. All she knew was that she wanted to hang up and she didn't want to hear his voice! Shen Shenzhi asked, "why did you suddenly go to the suburbs? Do you want to do tourism business over there? It's too close to the capital. Even if many people go there, it's just a self driving tour, and they won't follow the group. "“ I know. I'm looking for... A partner. " Shen Shenzhi frowned, narrowed his eyes and said, "help, let's help so urgently?" She bit her lip. "That's... Because it's urgent there, and I don't want to waste a day here."“ But you spent the night there, too. " Jane Zhi Yan dun dun, a time do not know what to say, she felt that she is really will not lie. She thought she had figured out what to say when he called. However, it is not easy for him to believe in real practice. However, she managed to squeeze out a smile and said: "there are roast fish here. It is said that this evening is a food festival, and there are a lot of seafood to eat." Shen Shenzhi laughed, "I've learned the allure of grilled fish to you." Jian Zhi Yan smiles, her eyes are cold, and she doesn't speak any more.

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