She wry smile, "really just inexplicably become better, nothing to say ah." However, she felt that she underestimated his keenness.

She didn't expect that she behaved so naturally that he could still hear the clue.


He didn't ask any more.

Jianzhiyan feel, let him call her every day, pretend to show love with her, also difficult for him.

So, she thought about it and said a topic that he should be more interested in, "by the way, Shenzhi, have Changyuan ever contacted you before and after? How is her injury? "

She still has to ask about this. Moreover, she has to find a way to get Yin Changyuan's hair and do DNA testing for them.

Shen Shenzhi frowned, "I didn't ask again."

"Well, I'll call later to ask, and I'll apologize to Sibyl by the way."

"It's not your fault. You don't have to apologize."

"Oh, yes, yes." Said, she felt to say she had finished, "but, I don't say you, you work time with me on the phone porridge really good?"

He laughed, listening to her voice with a smile, don't want to hang up, "don't want to talk?"

"Yes, but you don't say anything. Every time I say it, what do you want me to say?"

"Say whatever you want."

Jane Zhi Yan rolled a white eye, "then I'd better call you next time, I want to call them now, or others should misunderstand me, think I've done something wrong, don't want to be responsible."

Shen Shenzhi frowned, but she insisted, so he had to let her.

Hung up the phone, jianzhiyan in the chair, while eating sugar, while turning the circle, and then, dial the suxibai phone sound.

Although has done a good job in the heart construction, in the call, jianzhiyan or involuntarily clenched the mobile phone.

However, her call went out, but she didn't get through.

She picked her eyebrows.

This is actually very good, and she just doesn't want to say anything to her to avoid embarrassment.

She hung up and dialed Yin Changyuan instead.

Yin Changyuan's answer is, "Xiaoyan?"

"Good morning, Changyuan."

"Good morning."

"I've heard Shen Zhi talk about Sibai's situation. I'm sorry, I didn't look after Sibai yesterday and she was hurt."

"Nothing. It's not your fault."

"I just called Sibyl. She didn't answer. Would you please tell me my apology?"

Yin Changyuan is also quite reasonable, "she won't mind, this matter is not your fault, you don't have to apologize."

Jian Zhi Yan smiles, "Changyuan, you are so kind, thank you."

When Yin Changyuan heard her words, he also laughed.

She always makes people feel happy.

Jian Zhiyan full of apology said: "however, in order to express my apology, I still want to invite you to have a meal, make up for you, otherwise my heart is really very sorry."

Speaking of this, Yin Changyuan thought of Shen Shenzhi and refused: "you're welcome. We didn't care."

"Yes, yes. Otherwise, I'm sure I'll have trouble sleeping and eating."

How can she get his hair for DNA test if we don't meet?

"Well, I'll try." Finish saying, don't wait for Jian Zhi Yan to talk, he said: "there is something to be busy, hang up first."

"Well, you and Sibyl should pay attention to your health."

"Well." Hearing Jian Zhiyan's words, Yin Changyuan said, "Xiao Yan, Mr. Shen, he --"

"Well?" This is the first time that she has mentioned Shen Shenzhi since she met Yin Changyuan.


What has he found?

However, Shen Shen's anxiety about susibai was so obvious yesterday that it was hard for people not to find out.

It seems that more and more people will know what Shen Shenzhi and Su Xibai are hiding in the near future.

Gong Wuxi thinks that it's not a good thing for Jian Zhiyan to rashly tell her what she thinks before he's sure about her careless nature, her trust in Shen Shenzhi and her love for him.

Think of this, he said faintly: "nothing, hang up first."

Jian Zhi Yan smiles, "OK, bye."

In fact, whether Yin Changyuan found it or not, in the future, the three of them had nothing to do with her.

She's an outsider from now on.


I'm afraid, in their hearts, she was an outsider from beginning to end.

Jianzhi Yan think leg wound bleeding more, the wound also stretch, so, is more difficult to good.

So, when she went back to work, the wound on her leg was still very painful, so it was more uncomfortable for her to go to work.

Shen Shenzhi's company seems to have something wrong this time. This time, he has been on a business trip for quite a long time. He delayed his business trip from one week to ten days, and ten days to half a day before he came back. Jian Zhiyan is very indifferent. For her, it's better for him to come back later. Moreover, she had gone to the hospital to remove the stitches before Shen Shenzhi came back. It's the same doctor who took her stitches out. Jianzhiyan now leg has no pain, not unfamiliar into the doctor's office: "aunt, I came to remove the stitches, do you remember me?"“ Remember, how can people who eat tears and snot not remember? "“ Auntie, can you stop saying that to me? I'm sorry to say that to you. " Said, took out a gift, "thank you." The doctor didn't move, Jane Zhi Yan smile, "you don't think much, it's not a valuable thing." The doctor just accepted, looking at her smile, she sighed faintly, "only ten days, how much weight have you lost?" Jian Zhi Yan smiles, "ah? I'm... I'm thin? "“ What do you think? " Jian Zhi Yan bowed her head and laughed, "am I not healing now? If you can't eat well and sleep well, it's normal to lose weight. " Since she didn't want to admit it, the doctor stopped talking about her, helped her remove the thread, and then said faintly, "don't be too stubborn." Jian Zhi Yan's eyes were slightly red, biting her lips and saying, "I don't have any." Then he waved, "I'll go first." After that, he left. On the car, Jianzhi Yan looking at himself in the mirror, Lengleng touched his little face. Don't you mean to be generous and fat? She smiles so happily every day and is in such a good mood. How can she lose weight? Aimless drag racing, cars on the road. Jian Zhi's face is open. The wider the vision in front of her, the fiercer her tears fall, blurring her vision“ Hiss -- "suddenly, the car stopped in the suburbs, where there was little traffic. She was lying on the steering wheel and crying. Her small hands clung to the steering wheel, and her veins were bulging on the back of her hands. Jian Zhiyan cried on the steering wheel for a long time. From afternoon to dusk, from dusk to dark, her tears never stopped.

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