"I've already bought it."


Jian Zhiyan is very happy.


She is pregnant now. It's not convenient for her to walk around. Now it's raining. It's cold outside and slippery underground. He doesn't feel at ease when she goes out and walks around.

When they returned to their old house, it was already dark.

Seeing them coming back, Jane's mother quickly brought a bowl of soup to each of them. "Drink some soup to warm your body first, and I'll get you a hand warmer."

Jian Yiyun is still in the army and doesn't come back. Jian Zhiyan and Shen Shenzhi seldom come back. They are a little popular. Jane's mother is very happy.

"Grandpa and dad are still upstairs?" Jian Zhiyan asked while drinking soup.

"They all went out. Your uncle Yin came at noon, so they went out together and didn't know when to come back."

Jane's mother said this while she was busy.

Jian Zhi Yan heard, Leng under, without trace of saw eye Shen Shenzhi, and Shen Shenzhi, also obvious Dun next.

Jian Zhi Yan swallowed saliva, "Mom, will uncle Yin come back with his grandfather and father?"

"This is not very clear. Your grandfather and your father are chatting with Uncle Yin. I didn't get involved."


Jian Zhi Yan finished the soup, was about to put down the bowl, Shen Shenzhi saw to come over, "still want?"

Jian Zhi Yan nodded, "to."

Shen Shenzhi took her bowl, Jianzhi Yan busy smile, said: "I come."

Shen Shenzhi presses her shoulder and lets her sit down. Jian Zhi's face just smiles. Jian's mother looks at it and is very happy in her heart. "It seems that your relationship with Shen is getting better and better."

Jian Zhi Yan bowed her head and laughed.

"Well, seeing that you and Shen Zhi have a stable relationship, my mother is relieved." After that, he asked her, "the child is still young now. Why don't you come back and live at home before you have a baby? Mom can take care of you. "

"There is aunt Wu at home, she can take care of me, you don't have to worry."

"Then how can I be an outsider? Where is my mother so considerate?"

Jian Zhi Yan smiles and asks, "is the meal ready?"

"Not yet. Stew the chicken now. It will be ready in a while. It's rare for you to come back. Mom will make more food for you." After that, she looked at her small face and sighed, "look at you. If you knew you were going to have a baby so soon, mom would have made up for you in advance. Otherwise, you are so thin now, and you must be very tired to be pregnant."

Jian Zhiyan just smiles and doesn't answer.

Because this child is not in her plan, she didn't want to have a child so soon.

At this time, Shen Shenzhi also brought out a bowl of soup for Jian Zhi Yan. Now, the more she saw Shen Shenzhi, the more satisfied she was. "Shen Zhi, you should take good care of Xiao Yan in the future. If you have anything to do, please remember to contact home. You two young people are living outside. Mom is always worried."

Shen Shenzhi looked at her and nodded, "I know."

Jane's mother was stunned. She didn't think Shen Shenzhi would answer.

I remember when Shen Shenzhi and Jian Zhiyan came back to the old house together, he said very little. He didn't like to talk to people. Now he feels much better than before.

Jane's mother was satisfied and nodded with a smile.

"Although I hope Xiaoyan can have children early in my heart, I also want to have grandchildren early. To tell you the truth, Xiaoyan is still young, and she works like a child. Many times, her mind is not mature. Be careful, you are a few years older than Xiaoyan. In the future, you will have to worry about her more."

Jian Zhi Yan disgruntled curl lips: "Mom, where like a child?"

Jane's mother snorted, "the onlookers see clearly!"

Jian Zhiyan

Before Jane's mother left, she said, "sit down for a while. I'll go to the kitchen and have a look. After a while, your father and your grandfather should also come back. Otherwise, you can call later to urge them."

"Oh, I see."

Speaking of this, Jian Zhi Yan thought of Yin Zhengheng, who might still be with master Jian and her father. She looked at Shen Shenzhi, "Shen Zhi, that..."


Shen Shenzhi saw that she had finished the soup and wiped her lips with a napkin.

"In fact, the uncle Yin I just told my mother was Yin Zhengheng, Changyuan's father. Have you met Yin Zhengheng?"

If Shen Shenzhi is really the son of Yin Zhengheng, will Yin Zhengheng when he meets Shen Shenzhi

Recognize it?

Shen Shenzhi dropped his eyes, "No."


Then she said, "listen to my mother, wait a minute, maybe Yin Zhengheng will come with me."

Shen Shenzhi looked at Jian Zhi Yan Neng and said, "so?"


Jane Zhi Yan shook her head, "no, nothing."

Shen Shenzhi took a look at her without breaking it.

After a while, Shen Shenzhi's mobile phone rang.

He looked at the caller ID and said to jianzhiyan, "I'm going out to answer the phone."“ Oh“ Do you have an answer? " Shen Shenzhi went a little further and asked the person on the other side of the phone“ Yin Zhengheng met other people on the way and didn't come back with general Jane. "“ I see After hanging up the phone, Shen Shenzhi narrowed his eyes. Shen Shenzhi just finished calling. After a while, both Mr. Jane and Jane Zhenye came back“ Xiaoyan and Shenzhi arrived so early. " Mr. Jane said with a smile“ Well, Grandpa, Dad, would you like some soup? "“ Grandfather won't drink it. Your mother specially cooks it for you. Drink more. "“ Well“ Is Shenzhi here? " Shen Shenzhi nodded. This time, he took the initiative to say hello, "grandfather, Dad." After hearing the speech, Jane nodded and laughed: "in the future, we should take good care of Xiaoyan."“ Well Jian Zhenye asked: "I heard that Shen Bai group will cooperate with Jane's group in the future?"“ Well Mr. Jane said, "it's better to have a business. It's better for the family to make their own money." Shen Shenzhi nodded in silence“ Go upstairs and have a chat? " Jian Zhenye said. Shen Shenzhi nodded. Jianzhi Yan smell speech, a meal, "mom is about to do the meal, what to talk about, after eating the meal to talk about it."“ No matter what, it's not urgent. " We had dinner together. After dinner, we had some fruit together. Master Jane and Jane Zhenye went upstairs with Shen Shenzhi. Jane's mother said dissatisfied: "I don't know what to talk about. It's mysterious every time." Jianzhiyan thought of what her grandfather and her father said to Shen Shenzhi, which seemed to be about Jane's group. She slightly clenched the cup in her hand. Since she knew that Shen Shenzhi's relationship with master Jane was a threat and a threatened person, she felt that every time they went to the study to talk, they would either talk about terms or crusade. If the last time she and Jian Yiyun secretly heard about their compromise, what are they going to say this time? It's about her and the baby in her stomach? Well... I've broken my promise, well... I can only make it up as soon as possible

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