Jian Zhiyan looked at the ringing mobile phone, but soon picked up the phone, picked up the phone, "hello."

After hearing her voice, Shen Shenzhi seemed relieved: "why haven't you answered the phone for so long? Where have you been? "

Jianzhi Yan ha ha of smile, not very funny said: "I go out and talk about cooperation, forget to bring mobile phone."

Shen Shenzhi frowned: "how to go out without a mobile phone?"

"I went out in a hurry. I forgot by accident." She knew she was wrong and said softly, "you called me a lot?"


Since lunch, he has been calling her, a total of at least 30 to 40 calls, but she did not answer, thought that something was wrong with her.

Most importantly, he wanted to send someone to check her, and no one could get there so soon.

Jian Zhi Yan bowed her head and said, "I'm sorry to worry you."

"Go back to the capital tomorrow?"

"The day after tomorrow."

Shen Shenzhi twisted his eyebrows: "didn't he say tomorrow?"

Jianzhi Yan clenched the mobile phone, "ah? I always said the day after tomorrow, you remember wrong

"Well, that's what I remember wrong."

Jian Zhi Yan bowed her head and laughed, "how about you? Is it the original time to go back to the capital? "


"In the hotel now?"


"Is the computer nearby?"

"... yes, yes." Jian Zhiyan pinches the mobile phone tightly.

He won't want to have a video chat with her again, will he?

Obviously, she guessed right.

"Now turn on the computer and we'll see the video."

"Ah?" Jian Zhi Yan bowed her head and bit her lips. "Is it not good that we make videos every day like this?"

Shen Shen's tone sank Shen: "Zhi Zhi, we've had a video."

"But... Don't you think people get ugly when they're watching videos?"

Shen Shenzhi squinted: "you mean, I became ugly in the video?"

"No, I'm afraid I'll be ugly, not you." Jianzhi Yan will find an excuse, pause, and said: "Shenzhi, I didn't sleep well these two days, my eyes are very swollen, let's video again next time, OK?"

"Zhizhi, what kind of you have not I seen?" The implication is that he doesn't mind, let alone dislike.

"But..." Jane Zhi Yan mumbled, "I mind."


Jian Zhiyan interrupted him: "what's the matter, we said on the phone, isn't it the same?"

"Zhizhi, I want to see you." Shen Shenzhi insisted.

Jian Zhi Yan bit her lower lip, "be careful, then we'd better wait tomorrow or the day after tomorrow for my pouch to disappear."

Shen Shenzhi didn't speak any more.

"Be careful?"

"Did Gong Wuxi tell you?"

Jianzhi Yan a Leng, did not expect that he should be so direct, said.

"So, Zhizhi, what do you think?"

"Ah? I didn't think much, but I was a little surprised. "

"Why don't you ask me about it?"

Jian Zhiyan


"Well?" As she spoke, she leaned against the edge of the bed, on the ground, and sat down.


"I just don't know how to ask."

What she said was true.

"Why don't you know how to ask?" Shen Shenzhi's tone is slightly heavy.

Jian Zhi Yan smile, "in fact, Shenzhi, this result, I have thought about before, it is not a special accident."

"So you think it doesn't matter whether you ask or not?"


"So, you don't think you have anything to tell me?"

"Not either."

"Oh?" Shen Shenzhi put on an appearance of listening attentively.

"In fact, you have a clear idea of what you want to do."

If she guessed correctly, he should have been planning the Yin group before he married her, even earlier.

He has been planning for such a long time, and they have been married for such a long time, but he has never revealed anything about it.

Now that the result has come out, he asked her to say, what did he ask her to say?

Is she going to ask him what he wants to do, but she has been hiding it?

And what about him? What would you say?

How she would say, in jianzhiyan's view, is not the point.

The point is that he has kept her secret for so long. They have been married for almost two years, but for two years, he never thought about telling her about himself.

Shen Shenzhi did not speak again.

Jian Zhiyan clenched her mobile phone and laughed: "are you out or going home now? Ready to rest? "“ Not so fast. " Shen Shenzhi said, "what did Gong Wuxi tell you?"“ Oh, he said that now you are the biggest shareholder of Yin's group, and you are Yin Zhengheng's son, not Changyuan. "“ That's all? "“ Yeah, what's the matter? What's wrong? " Did he mean there was more she didn't know? Shen Shenzhi smiles and is silent. He doesn't speak. "Shenzhi..." "eh?" Jian Zhiyan didn't know what to say. After thinking for a long time, she stammered, "well, I am. Are you still busy?"“ I'm almost busy. I'm ready to eat. "“ Oh, well, you can go to dinner. It's raining here. Just now I was caught in the rain. I want to take a bath first. " The weather in the south is very strange. It's windy and sunny at noon. There's no warning. It starts to rain at night. When she and Ying Zheng inkstone came back, they didn't bring an umbrella, so they got a little bit of rain. In fact, it's nothing, but maybe there was a little rain on their hair. Now she feels a little cold in the wet place“ Why didn't you tell me when it rained? What if I have a cold? "“ Not much, just a little. I'm fine. "“ Hurry up and take a bath. I'll call you later. " Otherwise, he worried that she was alone in the hotel, cold and fever, no one knew“ Good Put down the cell phone, outside, there was a knock on the door, Susie white pushed the door in, "it's so late, haven't things been handled?"“ All right“ Let us go for dinner? Celebrate? "“ Well Together, they stopped outside a hotel. They just got off the bus. There was also a senior Bridge car coming in on the other side of the road. Yin Zhengheng in the car squinted when he saw Shen Shenzhi and Su Xibai, and then looked at Yin Changyuan. Yin Changyuan tone light said: "father, you want to say to them, say it." Yin Zhengheng looked at the driver, the driver nodded, the window, slowly down, Yin Zhengheng explored the probe, "Mr. Shen, Xibai, what a coincidence?" Shen Shenzhi and Su Xibai both stopped. Yin Zhengheng looked at their intimate appearance and laughed: "Xibai, it turns out that you are so familiar with Mr. Shen?"

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