In the evening, after work, Jian Zhiyan invited the company's employees to dinner. As soon as she went downstairs, she saw Zhou Zhengyan waiting downstairs.

Jian Zhiyan is a little weak. She thought she had made it very clear some time ago, and Zhou Zhengyan didn't contact her so frequently for some time. How do you know that since the last time I saw her, he came down to her office almost every day to wait for her

Zhou Zhengyan also saw the helplessness of her eyes, but he turned a blind eye to it, "I've been hiding for so many days. Now I've met her. Is it reasonable not to have dinner with me?"

Jian Zhiyan: "forget it, where to eat?"

"What do you say?"


They found a restaurant at random.

When eating, Jian Zhiyan didn't open her mouth, and there was no smile on her face. Zhou Zhengyan said with a faint smile, "are you so reluctant to eat with me?"

Jianzhiyan put down the silver sheath, seriously said: "I have said very clearly, you like this, will only let me feel troubled."

"You told me before that you didn't feel that way about me, and because you're not divorced now, you won't think about me. But I think although you are free and easy on the surface, in fact, if you don't divorce, you won't really cheat in marriage, so you don't really think about whether you can accept me if you really want to divorce. Am I right

Jane Zhi Yan Dun next, retort: "if I really to you and feeling, even if I don't cheat will not control their own heart, right?"

"Why do I think you can't really open your heart to another person because you can't get divorced?"

Jian Zhi Yan frowned, "you are here today to analyze my heart?"

"I just hope you don't refuse my approach any more and give yourself a chance."

Jian Zhi Yan rubbed her eyebrows, "Zhou Zhengyan, you -- forget it, I'm full, you eat slowly."

With that, she got up and left.

Zhou Zhengyan wipes the corners of his mouth. When he checks out, Jian Zhiyan goes into the elevator. This is the third floor. He takes the stairs and sees Jian Zhiyan in the parking lot downstairs.

There are not many cars in the parking lot. As soon as he walks towards Jian Zhiyan, he sees a car that seems to have a brake failure crashing in the direction of Jian Zhiyan.

"Xiao Yan, be careful!"

"Xiaoyan, go away --"

Jian Zhi Yan heard he Shi Ran's voice, Leng Xia, was about to turn his head to look back, saw he Shi Ran's car running towards her side.

Before she has time to respond, Zhou Zhengyan's eyes are scarlet. He rushes over and pushes Jian Zhiyan away. He is hit on the front of the car and falls on the side of the road.

Everything happened quickly and suddenly, until he Shiran's car hit another car and stopped, she was so scared that she turned pale. Fear and worry instantly covered her little face. She quickly got up from the ground and ran towards Zhou Zhengyan, shouting: "Zhengyan!"



After Zhou Zhengyan is pushed to the emergency room, she remembers that when she sends Zhou Zhengyan, he falls into a pool of blood. Jian Zhiyan trembles with fear.

Seeing he Shiran standing at a loss, she was very angry and gave him a slap!

Jian Zhi Yan's eyes are full of anger, clutching her clothes: "he Shi ran, do you want to kill me?"

He Shiran seems to be scared, and her face is very pale. She shakes her head in a panic: "I don't have it. I don't know why the brake of my car suddenly doesn't work. I really didn't mean it."

"Not on purpose? You think I'll believe it? Don't you mean your car will come straight at me? You can't turn the steering wheel? "

He Shiran also red eyes, "I don't know why, my car doesn't work, I really didn't mean to, I have no reason to hit you, and even if I want to do something, i... I won't be stupid to do it myself."

Jian Zhi Yan doesn't believe her at all, "who knows what's in your mind? Don't think I'll believe you if you say so. You'd better pray that Zheng Yan will be OK, or even if you lose your life, it's not enough to lose your family!"

"I - believe it or not, I didn't mean to. If something happens to your friend, I'll... Can I pay for his life?"

Jian Zhi Yan hummed coldly and didn't speak.

Her eyes fell on the operating room where the light was still on. In this winter, a thin layer of cold sweat came out of her palm.

She jianzhiyan this life rarely owe what, most afraid of is owe human, and still can't afford the human.

If Zhou Zhengyan really died, what should she do?

Why does Zhou Zhengyan trade his life for hers? What is she worth him doing?

Jian Zhi Yan squats on the corner, holding her knee, and her eyes are always looking at the direction of the operating room.

After a long time, the light in the operating room went out. Zhou Zhengyan was pushed out of the operating room. Jian Zhiyan rushed forward immediately: "doctor, doctor, i... what's wrong with my friend now?"

"The patient's life was not in danger, but he almost stabbed his lung because of a broken rib. He was in a serious condition, but fortunately he was sent in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. In addition, the patient's legs are fractured and it is difficult to recover. " Jian Zhi Yan shivered and her back was chilly. "Do you mean he... He may never walk normally again?"“ The probability is relatively low. Let's inform his family to come and have a look. " Jane Zhi Yan body shaking a few times, lip color white, tears can't stop falling down. She called her family immediately, and they came to her as soon as they knew. Master Jane patted the shoulder of crying jianzhiyan, glanced coldly at he Shiran, and comforted him: "it's OK. My grandfather asked someone to help him find the best hospital. The best doctor would operate on him. His leg will be OK." Jane Zhi Yan nodded, Jane old man has a cold look at He Shi ran, "you go, something we will find you."“ General Jane -- "go!" He had to leave. Jane's mother went into the ward to see Zhou Zhengyan who had not woken up. Naturally, she was very grateful. If it wasn't for him, Jane Zhi Yan was afraid that she would have been more or less lucky. "Tell his family," sighed master Jane Jian Zhiyan thinks of Yuan Yibing and dials a phone to him. After listening to him, Yuan Yibing's tone is very cold: "I know, I'll go now." Then he hung up. Jian Zhiyan is holding her cell phone and her shoulders are stirring. She is afraid that Zhou Zhengyan really can't walk in her life. If he can't walk all his life, what will she give him? Three hours later, late at night, Jian Zhiyan is not sleepy at all. She is accompanied by her when she meets, while master Jane goes back to rest. At this time, the door of the ward was pushed open and three people came in. In addition to Yuan Yibing, there is also a middle-aged man who has been walking in front of him for about 50 years. He has a dignified face, deep eyes, sharp as an eagle, and strong and awe inspiring aura.

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