Jian Zhiyan looks at his back, a little distracted.

He is

Did not let her live with him mean that she thought too much?

When she came back to her room, aunt Wu was already helping her with her things.

Jian Zhi Yan Leng next, "Auntie, how can you..."

"Sir just asked me to help you with your room."

"He asked you to clean it up for me?"

Jian Zhi Yan is a little surprised. She glances around the room. The room doesn't look like it hasn't lived for a while. It should be because someone often cleans it.

When she left, she didn't change the sheets and quilt covers. Now the sheets and quilt covers are new, with a fresh smell of soap. Aunt Wu should have just changed them.

So aunt Wu should come to the room to help her clean up for a while.

Since he will call aunt Wu to clean up, Jianzhi Yan is more sure that Shen Shenzhi didn't let her live with him in the past.

Jian Zhiyan has a lot of things. She moved them once, but they are not finished.

But when she thought of going into Shen Shenzhi's room, her heart was beating.

When she saw aunt Wu, she suddenly turned back with a smile and held her arm in a coquetry: "that... Aunt, I think I still have a lot of clothes left in Shenzhi's room. Would you please go and help me move them over? Please

She was a little embarrassed at the thought of going in and out of a man's room.

Aunt Wu stopped and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, madam. When Mr. Wu asked me to clean your room just now, he told me that you can't help you with moving clothes. You can only move them yourself."

Jian Zhi Yan's heart trembled, "for, why?"

Since he can ask aunt Wu to help her clean up her room, how can he not help her move things?

Aunt Wu bowed her head. "Maybe Mr. doesn't like others to come into his room. He even tidies up his room. I've been serving Mr. for five years, but I've hardly been in his room."

"Ah? Well, but... But I just went in. "

And, if she remembers correctly, she's been in a few times.

Aunt Wu seemed to think of something. She looked up at her and said with deep meaning: "madam, you are Mr. Wu's wife, and you are Mr. Wu's only wife."

Jianzhiyan listen to this sentence, seems to imply something, her heart a jump, smile, "that... Well, I move."

Auntie Wu bowed her head and sent her out.

When she got to Shen Shenzhi's room, she knocked on the doorbox and said with a smile, "Shen Zhi, I've come to move clothes again."

The man knew that she was coming before she got to the door. He didn't look up, but he gave a "um.".

"Then I'll come in."


Jianzhi Yan smile, ran into the man's room directly past the wardrobe there to move clothes.

The man's room is very quiet, he seems to read a book is also very fascinated, jianzhiyan worry about his frequent in and out of his room will disturb him, so, back and forth several times to move clothes are very careful, deliberately light step.

She was so careful that she looked like a thief.

Jian Zhiyan finished moving the clothes she was wearing outside. She thought it was ok, but when she was ready to take a bath, she thought of her underwear

Thinking of this, she stepped into the man's room again, opened the drawer below, and sure enough, her underwear were neatly placed in the drawer according to the color system.

"Maybe my husband doesn't like others to come into his room. He even cleans his room by himself. I've served my husband for five years, but I hardly ever go into his room."

Seeing the appearance of her clothes, suddenly, what aunt Wu said just now came out of her mind.

So, is it

Her clothes were also arranged and placed by him?

Thinking of this, Jian Zhiyan's little face was red and dripping blood. She turned her head and looked at the man over there. But as soon as she turned back, she faced the man's deep eyes. She was flustered, "that --"

The man can't hear the light of joy and anger: "haven't you moved yet?"

The implication is that she lingered in his room too long?

Jianzhiyan smile a stiff, began to tidy up his underwear, "Oh, that... Fast, fast, soon good."

Then he ran out of the man's room.

The man looked at after she went out and put down the book, got up and went to the wardrobe side, opened the two doors where Jian Zhiyan's clothes were placed.

The man stood for a long time and didn't move his clothes, which were rather crowded, to the open space. Then he left the open space empty and closed the wardrobe.

Jianzhi Yan now work and rest is very regular, a little more than seven will wake up early.

After washing, she went downstairs. Aunt Wu was still busy in the kitchen, and her breakfast was not ready. When she saw her, she said, "madam, please wait a moment. If you are hungry, I can give you a bowl of porridge to cool down. The rest is not ready."

"It's OK. It's not urgent." Jianzhi Yan stop, suddenly said with a smile: "by the way, is it prudent? Isn't he up yet? " She used to see him when she got up in the morning and went downstairs. Maybe she woke up earlier today, so maybe he hasn't got up yet“ If you are in the gym, you should be OK for a while. You are used to working out until 7:30 every day. "“ Gym? " After listening to Aunt Wu's words, Jian Zhiyan remembered that on their wedding day, that is, the first day they met, the man asked her very impolitely for the three largest rooms in the house. According to him, one of the rooms was used by him to make a gym. It took so long for her to forget about it. Now when Aunt Wu talked about it, she remembered it. Otherwise... She had no idea that one of the rooms in the house had been turned into a gym by a man“ Which is the gym? " Jane Zhi Yan side toward the upstairs, while asked. Aunt Wu pointed to the room next to her. Jianzhiyan upstairs, this time also don't knock on the door, gently pushed open the door of the room, however, she didn't completely push open, push open range just a little bit bigger than her head, she peeped at her head. But as soon as she poked her head in, she met the deep eyes of the man who was running on the treadmill not far away“ Well, good morning Jian Zhiyan didn't expect that he was so sharp. She was discovered as soon as she put out her probe. Thinking of her behavior of stealing, she felt her little nose in shame. "That... Listen to my aunt say you are in the gym, so come and have a look."“ Well The man answered, then looked back and continued to jog.

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