As soon as Dong Quan and Li YueKai left, their phone call came.

Dong Mian picked it up without humming.

Li Yue Kai paused, "in a bad mood?"

"... a little bit."


"They... Promised to send me to school..."

"Now you go back?" Li Yue Kai was not half surprised.


"What happened?"

Dong Mian said nothing. She is still not used to making small reports and saying that others are not good.

Li Yue Kai said with a smile, "so you can't go to school now? In that case, shall I return the card to you? If they don't send you to school, and you still have money with me, you can still go to school. Don't be bored, eh? "

"No, they asked me to give them the scholarship issued by the school to do business, otherwise they would not care about my going to school in the future. I... didn't promise."

Li YueKai didn't say anything, so he took her words out.

"Why not?" The tone was a lot softer.

"Because... They don't always mean what they say."


Dong Mian stopped talking.

"Come and play with me?"

Li YueKai didn't comfort her any more. It was not cold in a day. He believed that no matter how big her nerves were, she had her own judgment.

This Saturday, he doesn't have to work, she doesn't have to be a tutor.

"Ah?" Why did he suddenly change the subject?

"Want to go to the amusement park?"

"Amusement park? Can you ride a Trojan horse? " Dong Mian's voice rose, a little excited.

"... yes." Li Yue Kai laughed, but also some distressed, "a long time did not ride a Trojan horse?"


"OK, we'll take the Trojan horse."

Li YueKai didn't tell her that he had already guessed that there would be such a day for her scholarship.

On the day of reporting to the police, he wanted to bring a lawyer with him, but he hesitated and didn't do so. The main reason is that it's not very useful to find a lawyer. As long as Dong Quan and ye Panyun refuse to give Dong Mian money to study, it's useless to ask a lawyer to sign the pledge.

There are many cases in the world where parents take their children to court because they don't give them alimony, and it's useless to win the lawsuit. If they don't give them alimony, they won't give them. It's useless to sue many times.

He helped her keep the 180000 award issued by the Education Bureau, in order that she could still go to school safely when her family changed.

The reason why he didn't keep the University bonus for her is that there are too many schools coming to her and too many contacts involved. If he touches too many contacts all at once, his grandfather will definitely disturb him.

In addition, he doesn't want her to stay in the school for ten years in the future. In the hearts of some teachers and students, she is a person with people above.

As for the bonus a gave her, it is to let her understand her family's attitude towards her. When she wants to fly in the future, she will not feel sorry for anyone.

As for the relationship between her and her family, she is still young. No matter how bad the relationship with her family is, it is better to have a home to return to than to live alone.

As for what to do in the future, when she grows up, he believes that she will have a sense of propriety.

Now she still has that sum of money in her hand. If someone moves the Dong family, they will definitely pay attention to her. So it's not the time to move the Dong family. We have to wait.

They made an appointment to meet at the gate of the amusement park.

G City in July is as hot as an oven.

When Dong Mian arrived at the amusement park with an umbrella, his white T-shirt was half wet, and Li YueKai had been waiting for her there for a while.

However, he was very comfortable sitting in the car with air conditioning.

Seeing that she was in a cold sweat, he quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe her sweat. "Shall we come back in the evening? It's too hot during the day. "

"But we have come out."

"It's OK. I'll take you to ice first, and teach you to swim later?"

Dong Mian looks frightened, "don't do it."

"Afraid of water?"


"So we're going rafting?"

"Drifting is dangerous."

She gave him a look, which seemed to say, don't think I don't know.

"It's not dangerous. You have to try. It's fun."


"Come on."

He interrupted her and wiped the sweat on her cheek and neck. Regardless of her protest, he grabbed the umbrella from her hand and took her little hand.

Li YueKai always likes to touch her. Dong Mian is used to it. He holds her hand, and she doesn't feel anything wrong.

Li Yue Kai walked in front of her, his lips were up, his slender fingers were moving, and his fingers were tightly clasped with hers.

Li Yue Kai takes Dong Mian to eat ice. Dong Mian obviously likes it. It's so frozen that her lips are shiny, pink and smooth, and she has a bright red tongue.

Li Yue Kai's smile on his lips was a little deep, his throat was dry and rolling up and down, and the heat was rising from his abdomen. Staring at by Li YueKai, Dong Mian doesn't understand the meaning of his look, but his face is hot and flushed. Li Yue Kai cursed himself secretly. He is just the age of vigorous, this person in the dream has been thinking about countless times, but not a comfortable relief. So her casual actions can arouse his evil thoughts. He tried to suppress the rising desire, bowed his head and drank a mouthful of ice to disperse the evil fire in his abdomen. However, he really doubted whether he would be able to survive the rafting later. After eating the ice, they got into the car and took more than ten minutes to get to the rafting side. Li YueKai bought plain clothes for Dong Mian and himself. They were both wearing T-shirts and shorts that covered half of their thighs. Li YueKai is selfish. He doesn't want Dong Mian to wear too exposed swimsuits. He hasn't seen her figure yet. Why is she cheap for others? Dong Mian was quite uncomfortable, and was forced to put on by Li YueKai. They put on life jackets and safety helmets. Dong Mian's head is small, and her helmet is not very tight. Li YueKai helps her adjust it. Her tall body is close to her body, which seems to encircle her whole body. Only Dong Mian is stupid. He doesn't know that he has been eaten tofu. At this time, it seems that someone nearby looked over and looked at them more. Li YueKai helped Dong Mian to tidy up his safety helmet. He didn't notice it. He just asked, "will it loosen?" Dong Mian shook his head. "OK."“ Let's go. " He pulled her to get started. Dong Mian's body kept shrinking back, "the more armor, can we not --" Li Yue armor shook his fingers and said with a smile: "No." Said to push her to sit up, when Dong Mian caught off guard began. At the beginning, it was a man-made stepped slope. Dong Mian screamed all the way and almost cried out, making his voice hoarse. Li YueKai whistled and laughed all the way. "Grab the iron ring on the side. It's OK. It's very exciting. Open your eyes. It's OK ~

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