Lust Exchange System

13 Sentimental Breakfas

Aster had basically waned his lust by the moment and tired from the continuous sessions of sex. On the other hand, his thoughts were contradictory to his body. 'I really need my sexual prowess to be greater or even better when it is inexhaustible. The feeling that you have during sex is fleeting but you want it to last forever.'

He was not that tired physically but his sexual desire to continue has been exhausted. There is also another factor to reconsider which is about his partner who had already been used pass her limits. Aster knew that she pushed herself to let him vent out his lust.

'The only solution now is to wait until we are back into shape again.' Aster made the decision in his mind while redirected his thoughts to call towards the system. 'System, how many points have I gathered?'

It did not take long for a text display to appear in his sight. The expected point equivalent was there while the Others would always seem to disconcert him.


Total Lust Points Gained: 1,665

• Boob Fondling: 50

• Vaginal Sex: 500x3

• Finger fuck (premature): 100

• Others: 15


'It seems that the count for one sex is based on the number of times I have cummed. It was based on Aria, who cums like crazy, the count for vaginal sex would be monumental. My cream application was actually considered finger fucking.' Aster commented and has basically understood more regarding the point system. He estimated that Aria's lust point reserve must have raised in the same value as he sees.

To make sure he called up her status page.


Name: Aria

Age: 16

Cultivation: None (0/1,000)

Lust Points: 2,690

Skills: [...]

•Origin Body Art (passive growth)


'System, advance Aria's cultivation from None to Novice 1. While you are at it have mine advance to 3rd level of the Novice rank.' Aster decided to make use of their lust points because he thought 'What is better than using it all later other than using it now?'

The resting Aria felt the sudden influx of energy towards her inner core. She was surprised because she knew that it was mana that was gushing towards her.

Despite the beauty and grace of the siblings, they were very much lacking in terms of mana affinity. Their family lineage also suffered this fate and was among prime reasons why her father was dethroned. For some reason, the talent within their family had regressed with every generation. To think that with her having sex with Aster, her stagnant life as a basic human changed and had her step into the world of cultivation.

She did not notice before because she had little to no sensitivity towards mana but now she realized that Aster had cultivation all along. She also understood that he might be able to do it again and let her sisters gain cultivation as well.

"Aster, thank you for all of this." Aria said with all gratitude. Her choice to call upon him for collaborative ownership of a house may have been the best decision in her life.

"You are very welcome." Aster knew the reason for her gratitude but kept the technicalities a secret. He wanted to stand by his word and become an enigma in the eyes of his women. It also seemed that Aria forgot about her slut question, so he decided to answer it when she remembered. They kissed each other and readied themselves for the day. Aster was still cursing the system in his head for the stingy point assignment given by the system towards kisses.

Aria dressed herself up while she also kept the dirtied up mattresses and blankets. It seems that she has plans for her bloodstain in the middle of white cloth.

"Aria, you should have already seen the images in your head by now. That is a body cultivation art and it would be best for you to practice it. You can ask me to teach you if you want." Aster remembered the effect of skillshare and told her about the insights that should come from the Origin Body Art. It did not activate at first because her cultivation when she became part of his harem was basically none. Aria nodded to him while keeping note of the surprises he has given to her.

They headed down to get ready for breakfast. Aria cooked the ingredients that she and her sisters have stocked up and made a humble but delicious egg meal.

The girls woke up from their beauty sleep and headed down to eat with them. The two girls that consist two-thirds of the triplethood saw the changes in Aria. Her mature charm had become more apparent from being turned into a woman and her complexion improved a notch due to her rise in cultivation.

"It sure is true that a girl becomes even more beautiful and graceful when they become a woman. It is even better when they are showered with love by their man. Hehe!" Eve took the chance to tease the sister that she looks up to. 'She is always stiff and strict but now I have the upper hand and could tease her.'

"Alright. That is enough, Eve. Don't talk about that stuff in front of Monet and Jade." Aria reprimanded while shooting glares towards Aster who was nonchalantly looking at their farce. Her look seems to communicate with Aster with a hidden message for help. 'You are the reason for all of this. Do help me resolve this.'

Of course, the Lust Exchange System was powerful but not yet at a level where they could communicate with their thoughts. Aster was truly ignorant of her pleading message and just enjoyed the sight of his first partner getting teases from her siblings.

Even the normally introverted Plum joined along with the teasing. Jade was still too young to understand while Monet was surprisingly blushing when she heard of the contents of their talks.

It did not take long for Aria's awkwardness to be resolve and they ate their breakfast at a long table that is meant for the rich. The contrast between their food and the place that they are eating at was a sight to behold. The sisters did not care while Aster was formulating plans to resolve their contrasting poor lifestyle and rich livelihood situation.

'Maybe I should conquer a chef beauty or hire maids that would serve us great food. The maids will of course be beautiful as well so that I could fuck them for fun. For the supplies, I will hire and conquer a huntress.' Aster did not realize that lewd thoughts had long overpowered his thoughts. He did not mind though because his plan would surely come to fruition in the near future.

Aster dismissed his fantasies and decided to check up on his affection bar. It was a new addition to his arsenal and sitting with the girls was the perfect opportunity to test it out.

Rectangular bars appeared on top of the girls' heads. There are games existent in this world and Aster was sure that the affection bar was similar in functions to an HP counter for non-player characters and stuff. He decided to not mind it anymore and focus on knowing the level of affection that the girls have for him.

As expected, Aria had the highest with a brimming one hundred and fifteen percent. He did not even know if that was mathematically possible but he did not care. The system was even capable of quantifying affection, it did not faze him that much.

Eve was on the higher 90s with a 96% percent affection while Plum was just below her. The innocent one and youngest among the triplets has an affection for him that goes by 94%.

What came as a surprise to him was Monet's affection towards him which was 90%. He did not know much about calculating affection but it was enough to tell him that the eight-year old has a secret crush on him.

From his point of view, he saw Monet as the most headstrong and tough to woo among the ladies of the house. 'What made her open up her heart to me? Come to think of it, she was blushing earlier when her older sisters joked. It can't be that she knows about sex and stuff in her age.'

His assumption was that she must have heard of the commotion that they made in the master bedroom. Aria was too loud with her morning moans but he was sure that the girls slept at the rooms that are farthest from Aster's room. Monet must have been snooping around the corridors early in the morning. 'If so, Monet is sure to be a naughty girl. A naughty girl that might be added earlier to my harem than I previously estimated. Hehe.'

He thought that Monet was the hardest to please but hearing her sister moan from his advances must have surged her positive view of him. That would happen in the next year's though when she is at a greater age lest he'd be labeled as a pedophile or something.

Disregarding that thought, he then saw the affection level of the youngest Jade. It was a freaking negative percentage. The text on her affection bar showed -40%.

This time, he turned to the trusty system for guidance. 'System, how come the little girl has a negative affection towards me. Does she hate me or anything? She seems pretty open to me or is it just a mask and she is actually cursing me inside her thoughts.'

"Host, the affection bar measures the affection that the target has for you. There is a slightly lower mode of the affection bar which is the likeness bar. It measures how a person likes the host. Please focus your intent on her affection bar and will it to toggle to like mode." Aster did just that and saw that Jade has a 60% liking towards him. 'Following this basis, does that mean that there is a higher mode to the affection bar?'

"Yes, host. Please check towards your first harem member and toggle her affection meter to a higher mode. The love mode measures the percentage of love that the target has towards you." Aster has basically gotten the gist of the like, affection, and love bar. She saw Aria's love percentage of him reach 15% which means that Aster's move to make him look enigmatic was the right move. 'What is the point of all of her increase though when I have already conquered her?'

"There is not much merit in the increase of her love meter to you, host. However, you get the satisfaction of having to grow your connection towards your harem members. When you have her sentiment towards you reach the true love level, the host may have some unexpected gains." The system explained and put forth a screen display in his sight.


Secret Mission: To learn about the uses of the likeness bar, affection bar, love bar, and true love bar. Reward: Sentiment Meter. Cleared.


The clearing of a secret mission was a surprise for him but the reward was nothing special. Basically, the Sentiment Meter would be able to let him view of one's sentiment towards him. It was not as powerful as being able to read one's mind but it was more or less the same. There were also additional modes to sentiments such as neutral, dislike, and hate bars. It was also given a restriction that it would only work on women.

'Restriction to women is an essential and good call on your part, system. I can't fathom what would happen if men were to have sentiments that reach love and true love towards me.' He said while unconsciously shuddering from the thought and possibility of being in a romantic relationship with other men. It would be acceptable if it men in his family because it could be considered familial love but there is no way that is happening with the Suns family.

'Let us be clear with this, system. I hope you don't give me missions and stuff that involve banging other men. I am a pure woman lover! I don't have some bone to pick with gays and transsexuals and stuff but just don't force me into those unspeakable situations with your missions.' He decided to make his stand clear earlier than later. The system responded. "The system and the creator know of your preferences, host. You have no need to worry about it."

It took a while for Aster to get rid of those scenes from his head and continued to eat. The food was sublime to his taste which maybe because it was cooked by Aria. It did not amount to much compared to his noble-tier meals in the Skyfire Nation but it bested all of them in terms of sentimental factor.

He was sure that if he were to be theoretically targeted by the Sentiment Meter, the percentage would be on the upper levels due to the feelings he is embodying as he ate at the moment.

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