Lust Knight

459 Playing With Fire

After hearing Lucien's loving words, Donna can't resist hugging him and start patting his head. "Oh, Luci! You always have flowery words to make me feel emotional!"

He feels awkward about receiving Donna's pats. Usually, he does that to the girls now, but it can't be helped because she is his older sister.

She begins to play with his ears and horns, which starts to make Lucien get horny. He tries to get rid of her caresses, but she acts quickly by climbing on his back.

"Fly with me, Luci." She asks. "You fly with Sophia and Amelia all the time..."

"I can't fly with you holding my wings!" He comments. "I can't fly like Eve yet, you know."

The scene of Lucien and Donna catches the eye of everyone on the street. People see that frighteningly beautiful woman climbing on the back of a man who looks average and does not know whether to be jealous or sorry for him.

Donna understands that Lucien flies with his wings and not his power like Sky Realm people do, so she tries to hold on to his shoulders while turning her body.

However, as climbing on someone that way is clumsy, she loses her balance. "Ah!"

But before Donna falls, Lucien quickly turns and hugs her. She instinctively hugs him, too, and wraps her legs around his waist. Before she notices it, their faces are an inch away from touching.

"Got you." He comments as he smiles at her.

She doesn't know what to do. Lucien's fragrant breath enters through her nose and arouses new feelings in her body. Also, she can feel his hands slowly slipping from her waist downward, which seems very dangerous.

"What are you doing???" She asks as she starts to panic.

"Preparing to fly, of course." He smiles teasingly.

Donna can't help but regret starting that. She just wanted to provoke her little brother to lighten the mood, but she ended up being teased.

"Then fly!" She asks. "People are looking at us strangely and commenting things..."

"What things?" Lucien makes a fake curious expression while looking at people on the street. He can clearly hear them talking about how he and Donna are a beautiful and cute couple in love.

Her expression becomes more and more flushed as she wants to dig a hole to hide. "Luci... stop teasing me, or I'll regret having asked for your help."

"Alright, alright." Despite wanting to tease Donna more to see her cute and timid reactions, Lucien flaps his wings and flies to the sky with his sister in his arms.


For people on the street, watching an ordinary man fly is absurd. They couldn't see Lucien's wings due to his disguise, and flying at super-speed is very different from how mages slowly levitate.

In the sky, Donna looks down and enjoys the view of the city while hugging Lucien tightly. The feeling of flying in his arms is much better than when she is flying with Wrath or on a floating platform.

The scent of Lucien, the warmth of his body, the movements of the flapping of his wings... everything is very pleasurable for her that she fears liking it too much.

He also enjoys that moment. Donna has always been someone that Lucien trusts a lot. He always saw her as a big sis like Eve, and knowing that she is now looking for his support is strangely good. Not because she needs help but because he can help her.

The pleasure of being able to help his beloved sister and being someone she trusts makes him generate demonic energy with Donna.

Although that amount of energy is much less significant than what he generates with his wives, especially Sophia and Amelia, it still begins to strengthen Donna.

She feels the warm and pleasant energy entering her body, and she quickly understands what is going on. [So it's like this... not only does it make me stronger, but it feels so damn good... they are so lucky to...]

Donna tries not to think about complicated things and just enjoys that moment.

They are silent as they fly over Portgreen City. Throughout the city, Lucien sees only good things and no conflict. But a place catches his eye, a big arena in the northern part of the city, where there is a fight now.

Not a fight to the death, but a friendly tournament. Lucien can also see that the big arena is not finished, and he lands on top of it, on a part where there is no one now.

As soon as he lands, he doesn't quickly remove his hands from Donna's waist but smiles at her while their faces are very close. "So, did you like it?"

Donna panics while thinking that Lucien is asking about the good feelings she felt hugging him. "I... It... this is not... it was not what you are thinking..."

"Didn't you like flying with me?" He asks.

"Flying?" Donna realizes that she is the only one thinking about other things. "Oh, you mean... Yes, I enjoyed flying. I'm looking forward to reaching the Sky Realm and being able to fly on my own."

Lucien smiles and begins to move his hands slowly on Donna's waist, caressing her. "And what about my demonic energy, did you like it?"

She blushes and takes a few steps back. "It was good... so, is it that simple? I mean, how it works."

He sighs and turns around, then looks at the center of the arena where two men are fighting just with fists. "Well, giving my energy to someone else is as simple as that, but doing it efficiently requires a lot more."

"Luci..." Donna is even more embarrassed. "I can't do this like Sophia and Amelia... I need your help, but there are limits that I can't cross... I will not h..."

"Have sex with me?" He turns and smiles lovingly at her. "I wasn't expecting you to do it. I don't even know if I could do it that easy... I mean, with Sophia, it was natural, but it took Amelia and me some time to be able to do it."

Donna realizes that she thought so much that Lucien had adapted to their new sinful reality that she didn't think that it should also be strange and confusing for him to have sex with his sisters.

But she quickly makes her intentions clear. "Luci, I love you. I really love you so much, but only as siblings, so I don't want this to change our relationship."

"I get it." He nods. "And I'm sure we can do it; I can help you get stronger without us having to be more than siblings."

"Great." She smiles as she approaches the edge of the arena and watches the fight below.

Lucien stands beside her. "However, sex is still the most efficient way to do it. Just so you understand, last night, Sophia, Amelia, and I advanced one more layer of the Earth Realm."

"Really?" Donna is surprised, as is Wrath.

"Yep." He nods. "I still remember all the work that Eve had to advance layers in the Earth Realm. She trained all the time so hard... father gave her so many treasures, rare foods, potions... and the Bloody Rose was already working inside her."

He continues. "Even people with high talent take several months and years to advance Earth Realm layers, let alone higher Realms... But we did that with a few sex sessions... This is just incredible."

Donna's eyes shine as she can't help but be a little jealous of Sophia and Amelia. However, the feeling of happiness, because they are getting stronger so fast, is greater.

"That is really unimaginable." She comments. "But Wrath and I aren't doing too badly; I think with just a little bit of your help, we won't be far behind."

Lucien extends his hand to her. "So tell me, how much of my help are you willing to accept?"

She takes his hand. "Well, I guess besides sex, I don't want you to see my naked body or anything, but other than that, I think everything is fine."

He uses his fingers to caress the back of her hand while using his other hand to caress her face. Then he approaches his face with hers. "So, is it okay to touch?"

She giggles. "Touch is okay... but not on those parts..."

"Which parts?" He asks in an alluring tone as he moves one of his hands up her arm and the other down her neck.

Donna tries to fight the growing pleasure she has with each touch and caress of Lucien. She knows she has to be firm, or she will end up developing dangerous feelings for her little brother.

"You know... don't make me regret it..." She says while holding his hands, so he doesn't do anything bold.

Lucien chuckles and, while he has his hands held, moves his face even closer to hers. Their lips are dangerously close, and they can feel each other's breath well.

"And kiss?" He asks in a soft tone.

"Kiss?" That word echoes in Donna's mind as she can't stop imagining her lips touching Lucien's. Somehow, she can already say that feeling would be one of the best things she has ever experienced.

And at the same time, she fears becoming addicted to kissing him just as she is already becoming addicted to being caressed by him. [Damn!! This is so hard... and so good...]

"Yes, kiss..." He says. "Kissing is a great way to have pleasure and is very efficient in generating demonic energy."

Donna continues to look into Lucien's eyes, but she knows that their lips are getting closer and closer and a few millimeters from touching, which makes her heart beat faster and faster.

To prevent that but not back off, she moves her face forward and a little to the side, rubbing her lips on Lucien's cheek. "Can it be like this... kisses on the cheek?"

Lucien's lips also touch Donna's face, so he licks her cheek. "That would be very inefficient... come on, you have to let me help you."

The sensation of his tongue on her cheek awakens new feelings in Donna's body. She feels her body getting warmer while her mouth starts to salivate, begging her to taste that.

"So... it has to be on the l..." She can't even pronounce those words. A part of Donna feels very ashamed for wanting to kiss her brother on the lips. However, another part is eager for that.

Lucien manages to move one of his hands to her face and gently holds her chin, preventing her from escaping his lips again.

Then he slowly begins to approach their lips. "Yes... this has to be here..."

Donna tries to think of the various ways that would be wrong, but she finds none now. In fact, she remembers the conversation she had with Eve and how she said that they had to accept their new life, a sinful life.

[I wanted this... I came to him... for him to help me...] She thinks as she starts to move her lips towards his. [So this is going to be our first kiss... I wonder how it will be...]

She is sure they will kiss, but as soon as their lips are about to touch, Lucien stops moving while holding her face.

He smiles teasingly. "I know you are eager for this, but anything we do without us having a soul contract is going to be very ineffective."

Donna gets embarrassed and frustrated, so she pushes Lucien back. "And why the hell didn't you say that before??? Stupid brother!!"

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