That soft, twining little hand sent the hot temperature deep into his body and was about to touch his frozen heart. His cold eyes resisted, but in vain.

He didn't want to compromise because of her tender begging in a soft voice.

Drooping his eyes, the thick eyelashes covered all his emotions. Mu Yanchen took out his hand and said in a cold voice, "rest first."

The cold voice made Lanxi in a trance.

A trace of confusion flashed across her little face - isn't it useless?

Lanxi was so tangled in his heart that he was eager to bite his teeth. At the moment he got up and left, he wrapped his fingers and held on tightly. His bright eyes were full of begging and longing, and weakly shouted, "brother."

The soft voice, like a strong current, ran up the spine again!

Mu Yanchen's face was stiff, and it took a long time to sweep to her.

She was pitiful, like a small animal drenched by the heavy rain. Her head leaned against the edge of the bed, her arm stretched out to the longest to hold him. She looked at him with such determination, silently longing for something, but didn't say a word.

After watching for a long time, mu Yanchen deeply breathed his breath. His eyes were as quiet as water. He asked in a deep voice, "what do you want?"

——She has never been entangled like this. If there is, there must be her purpose.

Lanxi's little face suddenly turned red.

She really underestimated the man's IQ.

But the matter has come to this point, and she no longer hides it. There is still pity in her clear eyes: "our class has a camping on Saturday, but... My father certainly won't let me go..."

So that's her purpose.

Even if you burn in your sleep, sweat and bite your lips, you don't lose a heart to go out. As soon as she woke up, she began to play with her little intelligence.

That look is really eager.

Mu Yanchen nodded to show understanding, and the strong and straight figure rose gracefully.

Lanxi was in a hurry and hurriedly explained, "but I don't know what I told you because of this. I really think you're very good! Mu Yanchen, don't be angry!"

This is very important. She really wants to go camping, so she doesn't have to watch Mu Mingsheng and Mo Ruqing's face at home, but she didn't take the initiative to show kindness to him for this little purpose.

But before she finished speaking, a big hand stretched out and grabbed her chin. Mu Yanchen pressed over.

The dangerous and oppressive atmosphere wrapped her. Lanxi was nervous and couldn't say a word.

"Don't look at a man with this kind of eyes in the future. No matter who it is, do you understand?" he said coldly.

She is too young to understand how much charm she reveals intentionally or unintentionally will burn a man.

Lanxi was a little stunned.

Apricot eyes stared round. It took a long time to nod in his cold and murderous eyes.

Seeing her promise, mu Yanchen's eyes gradually softened, stopped and got up.

"That camping..." she repeated pitifully without forgetting her business.

Mu Yanchen was impatient and said faintly, "I'll fight for it."

He just felt that she was still too young and simple. Many things had not learned to solve smoothly, and she would only make trouble recklessly. But what? He is ten years older than her, and the distance between them is not easy to cross.

At the moment, he also felt that he was too strict with her. If he was an elder, he could control criticism, but if he was just an equal, as a brother, what he could give should be only love.

Thinking of these two words, mu Yanchen frowned.

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