When everything was ready, Lanxi put his bag on the back seat and looked at the front. Mu Yanchen changed into a suit, put his wrist on his forehead, closed his eyes against the driver's seat and took a short rest. He was tired in his elegant and relaxed posture.

Silver Diamond cuffs shine brightly in the sun.

It's not that he didn't stay up overnight, but this time he was tired for no reason. He was tired from his body and mind, mixed with a trace of guilt after waking up. A little bit spread to his whole body like a tide, drowning him silently.

——He suddenly didn't understand. How could he do that last night?

Is it lonely for too long? His world has always been as cold as ever. His interests are bloody. He is either a friend or an enemy. Love is mostly a play. Love and love are too vulgar, but it is just the satisfaction and needs of the body.

At the beginning of contact, I only felt that she was a cold thorn and would prick her hand, but after all, she was too small and simple. When he clearly didn't do anything, she was moved and approached him with a little sincerity.

If she is too close, he will resist. Are you afraid that if you don't control well, you will hurt her?

This feeling of taboo, the evil it brings, is really suffocating.

I heard the door opening carefully.

Lanxi hesitated for a little while, but still endured embarrassment and speculation and sat in the co pilot's seat.

"Brother, are you tired?" she whispered, leaning her head against the seat.

Mu Yanchen slowly opened his wrist and his eyes were indifferent as usual.

"Is everything ready?"


"Have you said hello to your classmates?"


The slender finger was raised and put on the steering wheel, and the other hand started the car.

Lanxi looked at his action and was stunned. He quickly turned out something from his bag and handed it over: "this is cool oil, which was given by his classmates. I'm tired of staying up late and driving."

The car started slowly. Mu Yanchen took time to glance at the things in her fingers and faintly took back his eyes.

Lanxi's outstretched hand was immediately embarrassed. After a short meeting, she finally felt a little self defeating.

"Brother, what do you do when you're alone abroad when you don't work?" she tried to find the topic.

"Work," he replied indifferently.

"..." what? It's boring.

"Won't you accompany your girlfriend? Isn't it boring to be your girlfriend?"

Mu Yanchen was silent.

Lanxi's white and slender fingers clasped the seat bit by bit, biting his lips and said, "I'm seventeen this year. Brother, what were you doing when you were as old as me?"

Mu Yanchen's eyes darkened and said, "be busy with the acquisition case and learn how to squeeze the last drop of blood of the enterprise."

With that, there was no sound. Mu Yanchen glanced at her faintly, took back his eyes and looked straight ahead: "what do you want to ask?"

——When she has something in her mind, she can't hide it.

His thin lips were pale, but he hoped that she would really ask, or force him to seriously think about why he was out of control on her.

Lanxi grabbed her hair, took a few breaths and couldn't ask. She became depressed and shook her head: "nothing."

What is she going to ask? Do you want to ask if he really held her all night? Is that normal?

But if only that. Last night, she clearly felt something wrong. It was hotter than spring dream, but she was not awake.

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