But it backfired.

The woman in the delivery room screamed, and the people outside were frightened.

Nie Mingxuan sat waiting outside, his slender fingers clasped and clenched, but the sound made his temples jump suddenly, and sweat seemed to seep out of every pore of his body. He tried to calm himself, but he still couldn't.

Suddenly he got up coldly, but mother Nie behind him grabbed him and stared: "what are you doing?"

"I went in and coaxed her."

"Coax a fart. Can you go in half the birth in the delivery room?"

"Then let her continue to cry like this? It's like killing a pig." Nie Mingxuan asked with a pale face.

Mother Nie twitched at the corners of her mouth and dragged him to sit down: "all right, don't make trouble. When I gave birth to you, it was like slaughtering a sheep."

Nie Mingxuan's cold eyes were full of flames, and his fist was clenched on his side.

The voice seemed to deliberately pick his nerves and let him listen. He thought that she was noisy at ordinary times and her physical quality was still good. How could it hurt like this? The door of the delivery room was like a prison, and no one came out to report to him.

Of course, later Nie Mingxuan knew.

Su Nuan was in the hospital bed alone. She couldn't hear what the midwife was saying. She didn't have any strength at last. She only heard the midwife say to her in a frightened tone, "take a breath and don't pretend to be dead. The child's heart rate is almost below 50. You can't live if it's lower. You hurry up!" Su Nuan was so scared that her three souls lost two and a half, Think about all kinds of crimes she has suffered since she was pregnant. She has been used to having a little life in her stomach. She likes to hum songs to talk to him when she picks vegetables and wipes the table. She can't just say it's gone at once. Her heart hurts badly and she almost cries. She uses her strength fiercely, making a sharp hiss over the whole delivery room.

Two hours of time is a torment for people inside and outside the delivery room.

At last, when the baby's cry sounded, Nie Mingxuan had only one thought in his heart - is she dead?

How come the child came out and began to cry, but she was silent?

The nurse smiled and came out to report the child's gender and weight to everyone. Nie Mingxuan stared at the exit of the delivery room and waited for Su Nuan to come out. After a long time, Su Nuan came out. A small face was white with pain, and his hair was soaked with sweat.

Nie Mingxuan came forward to talk to her. Su Nuan opened his eyes and saw that it was him. He couldn't help crying. He sobbed and whispered, "it hurts..."

The nurse smiled and said, "it's a son, six pounds and two liang!"

Nie Mingxuan leaned down and hugged Su Nuan under the pain of being severely tightened in her heart. Her eyes buried in the nest of her neck were instantly hot and humid, and there was only one idea in her mind——

Shit, whoever you love, she's fine.


Therefore, little Nie and his students came down without father's love.

His father loves his wife more. Everything else is floating clouds. The family motto of the Nie family also said that boys are trained by falling. It doesn't matter at all. Before the age of three, it's easy to say anything as long as they don't climb up the beam and lift the roof. Make trouble as you like. Who dares to take care of him? The old man of the Nie family is in a hurry with him.

Su Nuan thought that she had finally completed the task! She has been liberated since then~ ≧▽≦/~~!


So in Nie's house more than a year later, the most common scene is just such a scene——

Su Nuan is reading a professional book seriously. A small pink meat ball climbs to her from the other side of the blanket with a pacifier in her mouth, sits down, and then hugs her with a pair of chubby little hands. Her watery eyes are full of longing.

Su Nuan was impatient and turned around: "don't hold me. Go and play by yourself."

The little meatball's arms were empty. He was stunned for a while. He climbed over and rubbed against her. One didn't stand firm and fell into her arms. His small hands supported her legs and wanted to get up. He felt that the arms were very comfortable. He simply fell down again, and his two small hands hugged her contentedly.

Su Nuan immediately became more disgusted and moved his legs. A small lump of his meat was shaken off. He climbed up without discouragement and put his small head on her legs. Su Nuan moved again. He still took the trouble to climb up and lie down and hold her.

Is he a dog skin plaster? Yeah, yeah?

Su Nuan frowned, put down the book, picked him up, put him in the small seat with his body stuck, surrounded by a circle of plastic shells, his legs were stuck and could not move, so he had to rely on this to learn to walk.

After all this, she went to her desk with her book in her mind.

In half an hour.

Su Nuan gets up and wants to get a yogurt. As soon as she gets up, she feels that her leg is heavy. She is so scared that she doesn't dare to step on it. When she looks at it, the small meat ball breaks free from the shackles of the small seat, climbs down to her feet and rubs her cotton slippers. In her small hand, she is eating a bear biscuit she doesn't know where to get it. Su Nuan looks at it again, The bag of bear biscuits left on the bed was pitifully clamped by the crack of the door, the plastic skin was squeezed and burst, and the exposed small mouth spilled a pile of bear biscuits.

Su Nuan was smoking at the corners of her mouth.

Yes, you can.

Nie Mingxuan, your son is really like you. There's nothing you can do!!

The baby in her family is really good at everything except talking a little. It is said that this was cultivated by parents' wild stocking to cultivate their independence. They don't like to cry. They do everything by themselves and have plenty of food and clothing.


When choosing a name, Nie Mingxuan tried several times and gave up the idea of relying on Su Nuan.


"Call... Nie move?" Su Nuan blinked at him with innocent and lovely eyes.

Nie Mingxuan twitched at the corner of his mouth: "why?"

"He's very active."

Nie Mingxuan rubbed his eyebrows: "think about Mu Yanchen, how they named their children, and then speak again. Even if there is no literary self-restraint, you can give me the whole name, you know?"

Su Nuan nodded thoughtfully.

After a long time.

"Husband, how about... Nie Congming?"


"Is Nie happy?"

"... it's late. Why don't you go to bed?" Nie Mingxuan coaxed her softly.

"Oh." Su Nuan was stunned. He still didn't know where he was wrong.


When little Mu Mu was two years old, he began to know how to bully people.

When she was a guest at Uncle Nie's house, she pretended to be a beautiful and lovely baby at the beginning, and soon it was exposed.

She found that the little meat ball in Uncle Nie's house was shorter than her, uglier than her, slower than her, and... Not as good as she could talk.

The little meatball was eating with a bag of biscuits.

Little Mu Mu looked back and saw that his parents were not looking at him. He grabbed the bag of biscuits and held it in his arms. His bright big eyes looked at him without a sense of guilt.

The little meatball was stunned.

He couldn't walk easily. He climbed clumsily to the edge of the blanket, sat down, and took another bag of biscuits.

Little Mu Mu staggered over and grabbed it from him again.

Little meat ball is stupid. I don't know what's going on.

Little Mu Mu looked at him curiously in his big eyes, went over and put out a small hand to push him. The little meat ball immediately fell to the ground, fluttered slowly for a few times, and also stood up, but it was a little unstable.

Little Mu blinked and saw the beautiful belly pocket he was wearing. He splashed down the biscuits in his arms. When he went to hug him, he began to pull his clothes and said, "mine."

The little meat ball innocently let her hold and tear her clothes. She didn't know to push or hide. As a result, she saw two pink little people holding together and wrestling like entanglement. Soon, little Mu Mu's feet stepped on his instep. The little meat ball stumbled back, and two clumsy little things fell together and fell to the ground.

The little meatball didn't fall down, but little Mu touched his forehead and immediately grinned and cried.

The adults woke up when they heard the cry in the living room. Someone hurried out and saw two children sitting on the ground. The little meatball looked innocently at the porcelain doll who was crying very beautifully. Little Mu Mu was crying, but he was still staring at his belly pocket.

The adults held them away.

The little meatball gradually bored himself on the carpet, stood up and went to play with the little thing who "bullied" himself.

In the room, he saw that little Mu Mu was held in his arms by mu Yanchen and coaxed softly. His eyes were straight.

The unstable little body turned around and looked at his talking and laughing father. He walked unsteadily to find him. His little hand reached his knee and hoped that he could hold himself up. Nie Mingxuan glanced at him lightly and ordered: "climb up by yourself."


O∩_ ∩ O ~ ~ ~ is this chapter always a little happy???

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