
Five years later.

After class, the little boy pulled the little girl to the alley outside the school gate and gave her a bunch of candy from his pocket like a treasure. The little girl blinked and took out the fragrant paper in the pile of candy while he continued to turn the empty pocket. He saw that the wrinkled paper said "I love you". The little girl ran ahead like a treasure, and the little boy chased after her.

When she got home at night, the little girl looked at the little boy with some guilt. Because of "early love", her mother had to stand with a tree for three hours.


Mu Mu was taken back to city a at the end of grade 1 and transferred to grade 2.

Wutong all a hideous mess, and the trees were scattered by the rain. The Mu ran down from the black car outside, and the whole villa could not find their violin, which had just been trained for two months. A small face was broken, and someone outside the house heard himself calling out softly.

The black business car became brighter and brighter under the scouring of the rain. Two tall and handsome men stood in the rain and whispered. After talking, they saw a pink little girl running out of the villa. Mu Yanchen's eyes were tight. He leaned down and hugged her lovingly, whispered twice and asked her to go to the car with Lanxi.

Suddenly no one followed her around like a tail. Xiaomu was a little unaccustomed for a while.

After arching in her mother's arms for a while, she got up and knelt on the sofa. Her small head tried to probe upward. Her watery eyes looked at the yard full of fallen leaves for a long time. She didn't see a little freak. She was disappointed and put her head on the backrest for a while. Another exciter suddenly looked up and stared, but she still only saw the empty yard with drizzle.

"Where's your son?"

"It's said that I have a cold and sleep on it. Who knows who I'm angry with."

"Well..." Mu Yanchen answered thoughtfully, and smiled, "like you."

"Nonsense," Nie Mingxuan said low with a black face, "didn't I say last time? If you really want to see my son, you'd better choose to be a son-in-law. I promise I won't dislike your daughter."

A shining streamer flashed across her eyes, proud and comfortable. Mu Yanchen turned around with a smile: "let Mu Mu decide for herself when she grows up... Not to envy you. Lanxi has a long maternity leave this time. I'll let her come to ask Su Nuan for more experience when she's free."

Nie Mingxuan's eyebrows jumped!

"When did this happen? It has been diagnosed?"


"Your boy moves fast..."

"I'll go first... Take care."

The performance of the business car started stably, and the slight hum was transmitted to the back seat with the vibration. The little girl leaned into her father's arms and smiled around his neck to share with him the intimacy she hadn't seen for a long time. A pair of watery eyes looked out through the rear glass of the car and looked at the distant Mu house as if she had lost something.

look blank.

And now the second floor of Nie's house——

The rain hit the leaves, and the cold rain splashed into the window. The little boy sat at the table with his cheek under his cap. A little handsome could be seen between his eyebrows and eyes. The thick eyelashes cast a light shadow on his face, which was cold. With a bow in his small hand, he had to pull on the violin, but he couldn't make a sound. It was hard to pull out the sound, but it hurt his eardrum. It was not as good as her.

"Cough..." he coughed uncontrollably, and his little face was very hot. It was true that he was ill.

The car outside makes a noise.

He raised his eyes coldly and looked downstairs with a small face. The luxurious business car was crushing the fallen leaves on the ground. He saw the dim silhouette on the rear window. The little girl held her father's neck and smiled affectionately. The direction was always facing him.

He saw her leaning her little head against her father's back, slightly distracted.

He saw the car turn a corner and disappear.

There was only the sound of rain in the empty world. At that moment, he just felt a very strong feeling in his little heart, which seemed to be more sad than crying... Sad.

Just sad.

But his father said before——

People who are destined to be together in this life often don't have to care. Those who can meet will always meet. And in the time between your parting and the next meeting, please use it to grow. Because only in this way can you know how to chase, love, strive for and hold her hand in the next throbbing moment, not because you are afraid of her collision, but because you want to be with her forever.

The little boy dropped his eyes.

It seemed that for a moment, the small universe in his heart returned, full of power. He hung up his violin and ran to his little bed to sleep——

He knew that only by keeping up his energy can he have a long future.


Next time I see you, we will all be what we want to see each other most.

******Baby chapter split line******

Time goes back many years.

New area of city A.

In the conference room that had just been noisy, there were messy manuscripts searched and altered by the team members. For a time, when they went out, no one cleaned up. Ji Heng leaned slightly on the swivel chair and rubbed his eyebrows. Fortunately, the final draft of the plan came to an end.

Seeing that it was noon, he didn't want to go to dinner. He simply flipped through the schedule. His clear eyes slowly fixed their eyes on the space on Friday night, which was marked with a red pen——

"Baby's first birthday. Lanxi."

Even if the transition of a city is not obvious because it is close to the tropical season, people can feel that the time has passed a cycle of winter and spring. In the twinkling of an eye, many things have become a set.

Ji Heng's handsome face turned a little white and looked at it for a long time.

He knew little about Lanxi later.

The internal telephone on the desk rang.

He picked it up.


"Director Ji?"

"What's up?"

"I'm Li Qing. Joe always asked me to inform you that there is a dinner party between you and your important customer on Saturday night. There are only you and branda and several senior executives. Please write down this matter and don't forget. I'll send you the address and specific time later..."

Ji Heng Junyi's eyebrows gradually frowned.

The pale thin lips opened gently, and he lightly interrupted her: "Joe always has no other plans on Saturday?"

Li Qing was stunned. She took the phone between her shoulders and turned over the itinerary several times: "yes, but which one do you want to say?"

"An invitation to a birthday party."

"... Oh," Li Qing finally found it, picked up the phone and said, "yes, the baby's birthday party, didn't it? President Qiao received it, but he told me to push it off. He didn't say he wanted to go. It's probably not very important?"

I guess it's not very important.

Ji Heng was silent and didn't speak, but a few strands of blood appeared in his clear eyes.

In fact, it should not be unimportant.

Just when she has become a planet orbiting other planets, what's the use even if it feels important?

"... well," he said hoarsely, "I see."

It's still not good not to eat at noon. He decided to sit for a while and go out of the door. Who knows, when he pushed the door and heard the noise outside, he couldn't help frowning slightly. He felt that listening to this fierce and standard dispute at noon every day has become a compulsory course. When I looked at her with cold and indifferent eyes, I saw branda who was so angry that her hair was about to stand up——

It was a little girl in her early twenties who argued with her. She said that she entered the planning department by relationship. She looked like a soft persimmon that anyone could bully, but she was not a soft persimmon that could pinch. Branda's arrogance covered the whole planning group B. only she dared to quarrel with the group leader with her neck, blushing and thick neck. If she was scolded, she also wanted to fight for benefits for the members of group B, Several times, branda's folder almost fell on her face, but the little girl's watery eyes were still burning with pitiful stubbornness.

Ji Heng sighed imperceptibly and took back the cold in his eyes.

He walked over and gently pulled branda's sleeve. He said faintly, "Joe always looks for it. You go up first."

Branda was so angry that her eyes were almost staring out. She looked back at Ji Heng and threw the folder: "yes, I'll go first. Can you hear me? I don't believe it. I can't cure you!"

The little girl bit her lips in tears and didn't speak.

After branda walked away, Ji Heng looked at her and said indifferently in a magnetic low voice: "what do you want to quarrel with the team leader? She is better than you in terms of experience, qualification and level. Where do you quarrel with her so many things every day?"

The little girl sobbed: "she doesn't let people use QQ..."

"This is the company's policy."

"I want to appeal. QQ is more convenient than the phone. It's easy to get old when you answer more calls..."

"You should be chatting with others and she found out."

"Fart, I only have business friends."

Ji Heng's face suddenly darkened.

"This thing has some disadvantages. Not everyone will restrict themselves..."

"Fart, in fact, she can't use it. I'll take the initiative to teach her and she scolds me..." the little girl wiped her tears and sat down to open the lunch box and pick up the rice, "I was kind. I told her that day how she could marry herself out without being an old woman. Female, I was so excited to be nice to her, and she scolded me so fiercely... She knew that pretending to be a mature old woman pretended to have self-esteem, but can self-esteem be used as food, money, and men... Woo..." she took a big bite of the meal.

Ji Heng's face turned black again.

He suddenly had a feeling whether he was really old or whether it was the logic of young girls now.

——He speaks directly, doesn't understand tact, is scolded so miserably, and doesn't forget to eat. His psychological quality is very strong.

Knocking on her desk, he asked faintly, "what's your name?"

The little girl wiped her tears and said, "Qian Yuanbao."

"..." Ji Heng frowned deeply: "huh?"

"Qian Yuanbao." she repeated again, her eyes swollen like walnuts shining innocent light.

"... Oh," Ji Heng was severely embarrassed, and then said faintly, "then I'll go first if you eat." his brother can't take care of this situation. "Will you quarrel with her next time?"

"Well," the little girl nodded naturally, biting a mouthful of steamed bread in a crying voice, "noisy."

Ji Heng: "......"

Um. forget it.

Then think he didn't say it.


O ╯ □ ╯ system o the content is not enough. I added a short paragraph for you to see. Gather up 3000 words, and the remaining words are sent. That's all for mu Shao and the babies. I'm going to think about what to write later, or don't write at this point, Moda~~~~

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