"..." Lanxi's frightened eyes stared wide and kicked his legs, trying to struggle.

"Your mother wouldn't want to see you pay no attention to your body like this -" his cold voice was pressed down, and with his deep and evil eyes, he firmly controlled the people in his arms. He knew where her weakness was.

Her small face was indeed pale, and her water eyes twinkled with unwilling light and climbed onto his shoulder.

Mu Yanchen's anger disappeared. For a moment, his eyes rolled over the light intertwined with heartache and helplessness.

However, her legs are also cold. Yingrun's two legs are hanging in his arms. At the moment when he just picked them up, and now he can feel them across his thin shirt. It's cold and frightening. His handsome face is getting colder and heavier. Take her back to the room, turn on the air conditioner and pull the air conditioner over to cover her.

But after she covered it, she kicked it away, covered it again, and she kicked it away again.

Mu Yanchen held his breath and closed his cold thin lips into a line.

He knew she was protesting. In this silent way.

She is too young and helpless to even talk to a third person, even her parents and friends. She wanted to escape and let the taboo and evil feelings disappear - don't get close to her and don't say you like her. But I can't.

She can't control it.

That's all she can protest. Don't his good.

Even if she was soft in his arms every time and lost her temper after tossing, she still wanted to bury herself when she woke up, so that the world would not see her sinful appearance of being unfaithful with her own brother.

Mu Yanchen's eyes were as cold as usual. She covered the air conditioner on her for the third time. Her Yingrun foot kicked over. She was suddenly caught by one hand, fastened and pulled down. She kicked empty in a trance, and the whole petite body fell back under him.

"--!" a low cry came, and her little face quickly turned red and tilted to one side, tight and dying.

Mu Yanchen had a thin sweat on his forehead, his thin lips were cold and pursed, and his fingers stirred slowly: "do you want to make more noise?"

The person in her arms didn't move for a long time. She admired Yan Chen for a long time. Then the dim light at the door saw the tears at the bottom of her eyes. She trembled in her heart, gently pushed aside the bangs on her forehead, kissed her eyebrows, and said in a low voice, "listen, go to bed early."

No more, mu Yanchen's tall and straight figure got up and went out of the room. When she closed the door, she saw her shrinking into a small group and drilling into the heart of the bed.

Close the door, mu Yanchen frowned, full of pain and fatigue, stood at the door for a while.

He just doesn't know... What to do with her?


The real sleep time of a night is only two hours. I still spend it in a chair.

In the hazy darkness, she woke up early, washed and ran to the balcony to get her clothes. She was still wearing his men's shirt. Her smooth legs hooked people's nerves and jumped abruptly at the temple.

Glancing at the time, it's only more than five o'clock.

Mu Yanchen calmed down on the leather chair, put away the blood in her eyes, grabbed the key and sent her to school.

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