Mu Yanchen's handsome face with sharp edges and corners sank slowly.

Lanxi raised his eyes and stared at him at a close distance. His voice was soft and beautiful: "your studies were completed abroad. You got a bachelor's degree and a bachelor's degree at the age of 16. You don't know what the domestic education system is."

Her hoarse voice spilled from her purplish lips: "why do you understand every time I ask you a question? You majored in international finance rather than chemistry. How do you understand?"

She had an obvious answer in her heart, but she didn't want to admit it.

Mu Yanchen's cold thin lips lightly pursed, put down his pen, gently leaned back to the seat and rubbed the lip flap. He felt an unprecedented headache. When facing a person, he didn't want to say anything good to her, but she found it so easily and was so embarrassed.

Embarrassed to say that he was not a physiological impulse to her, not a love of men and women.

Put down the tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of lists at hand, put down the acquisition plan that can shock the whole C City, study the childish high school textbooks, and think about the problems she can't solve for her; After a week's overseas business trip, he left the multinational cooperation team and rushed back from class all night. Just because he remembered that the second unified examination of her third semester in senior high school had passed, he was worried that she would play abnormally for his own sake... These things are too childish and absurd.

He can't say it.

"Nothing," he whispered, his thin lips whispering, "I turned over your book in my spare time, and I can remember most of the content. We'll look at the topic first. It's late. You'll have a rest after changing the test paper."

Lanxi's small hand on the test paper clenched tightly and trembled uncontrollably.

The pallor on his face stimulated her lacrimal glands, and a little water vapor filled up, and she gradually couldn't see clearly in front of her eyes.

Dropping the pen in her hand, she turned on the seat, her soft arms trembling around his neck. Her slender body was shaking all over, and warm tears almost hit his neck at once.

Mu Yanchen's body slowly froze in place.

The eyes twinkled with bits and pieces of light, like I couldn't believe it. I was so frightened that I couldn't easily hold her back. I gently turned my head and wiped her soft hair with my thin lips. I just wanted to ask her what happened, but I felt that her sharp little teeth bit the meat in his neck. The feeling of numbness and pain hit him in an instant. His handsome face was pale, his lips were closed, and his body was slightly stiff.

The palm hesitated, finally stayed in the air for a few seconds, and gently rubbed her hair.

"Mu Yanchen, did I tell you not to be so kind to me?" she choked and said with a trace of hatred.

Mu Yanchen did not speak, and there was a bright and dark light in his deep eyes.

"But you are always like this... Why are you always like this!!" her cry sounded helpless. "Don't think it's OK. I won't be with my own brother because of this! I'm not ignorant. I know what chaos is. Lun!!"

She was shaking all over.

Across the handle of the chair, mu Yanchen's face was as pale as paper, but he still gently hugged her to prevent her from falling off the chair.

"I can't stand it, can I?" she whispered with her thin lips over her ears.

Holding her arm, she felt it clearly, and she trembled violently.

"I can't stand my kindness. I began to like me, but reason told you not to, can't it?" he continued in a low voice.

Lanxi seemed to be stung by a scorpion. She loosened her arms around him and tried to press against his chest to leave his arms. She didn't listen to him. Mu Yanchen's arms surrounded her like an iron wall, forcing her to stay in his arms and couldn't move.

"Resistance won't work, Lanxi, tell me, will you?" she was still struggling, mu Yanchen tightened her arms, smiled in her ear, and her voice was dark and hoarse. "I also said that if I couldn't bear it, one day I would drag you to hell, like this -"

Across the hair, he held her petite earlobe, warmed her with the hot temperature at the tip of his tongue, and made her tremble violently!

"Mu Yanchen..." she trembled and resisted, with a trace of crying, pushing him desperately.

The struggle of the man in his arms hurt his heart. The banter in Mu Yanchen's deep eyes faded. Instead of deep pain, he loosened her earlobes so that she didn't shake so much. He buried himself in her hair with extreme fatigue and said in a low voice: "it doesn't matter..."

"Lanxi, I actually live in this suffering every day. Can you understand what it feels like now?"

Can you understand?

A little closer can make me happy, but if I get too close, I will hurt each other bleeding. I also don't know what to do with myself, but it's better to suffer than the separation between heaven and man.

Lanxi slowly calmed down in his arms, biting her lips and biting hard, but she just couldn't wake up.

Yes, she just can't bear it.

She is reluctant to let go of such warmth.

She will also be afraid that when she completely doesn't want him, there will never be such a good person to her in the world.

Tears poured out, hot all over her face, her shoulders shrugged violently, and she couldn't help crying until she couldn't suppress it at last. Mu Yanchen eased from the sharp pain in his chest. Between his deep eyes, there was a desolation at the end of despair, his face was pale, his thin lips gently covered her ears, and said in a low voice: "chaos. Lun, so what... Aren't we already in chaos?"

Such taboo and rebellious words made her shake and clearly recalled the feeling of red and naked love.

The big palm tightly clasped her head, mu Yanchen bowed his head, and asked in a dumb voice: "Lanxi, I ask you - do you want to be with me?"

Her delicate body was so stiff that she ran away from answering his questions. A drop of dignified tears fell down and was extremely sour. However, he took her back to her face, touched the hot tears on her face and said in a cold voice: "I asked for the last time - Lanxi, do you want to mess with me to the end?"

To the end.

The three simple words seemed to destroy all the theories and concepts in the small world where she lived alone, such as family affection, blood relationship, morality and ethics. There was only one mu Yanchen in her tears soaked pupil.

There is only one mu Yanchen.

His thin lips were slightly open and had to be forced again. Lanxi couldn't stand it completely. He grabbed his shoulder and gently bit his lips. I just hope he won't say any more. Stop asking.

Don't let her know what she's doing so clearly.

Don't make her feel so wrong!!

Mu Yanchen seemed to explode a torpedo in his mind, and his whole body was stiff in place.

Before asking that sentence, he was clearly ready to be flatly rejected by her again. He obviously asked with such a desperate tone, pushing her to the extreme and himself to the extreme. The worst result is to add a nearly dripping knife to her heart, but she stabbed it herself. What does it matter?

But he never thought she would compromise.

It never occurred to him that she would take the initiative to deceive him and kiss him. He once thought that she was reluctant to give up in her weakness. Now it can really be understood that she has at least a little heart for him... And likes him.

Mu Yanchen's dark eyes were full of incredible excitement.

Jun's face was tight. The second she stuck her soft lips, he had reacted. He stared at her eyelashes wet with tears at a close distance, picked her up from the seat, bit her lip flap, and kissed back almost fiercely. Her soft arms subconsciously grabbed his shoulder, making the fire in his chest more intense!

Pulling away the chair, he took her out of the room and went all the way to his bedroom.

A wall lamp was on. In the dim light, he took her and fell heavily into the big bed. Under the light, her wet tears flashed. His fingers poked away the bangs in front of her forehead and bent down to kiss her.

In this way, the feeling of forbidden Lun was clearly magnified in his mind. Lanxi escaped a breath from his fierce plunder and said in a trembling voice: "you're having a fever..."

Mu Yanchen roughly pulled off his tie and threw it aside. He stared at her with deep eyes and said in a dumb voice, "I've already started to have a fever."

From the moment he knew her, he has been burning until now. He is terminally ill!

Then he bent down and kissed her neck. The wild action forced her to look up. He pulled down one side of her school uniform and kissed it. The rough action was full of love. At the moment, his lower abdomen has a desire for tension and pain, but he clearly knows that she is a student. She still has a heavy study to bear tomorrow and has a normal life to live. Therefore, he dare not leave traces on her and kiss hard. He can only pull back her jaw and ravage her lips again after a kiss.

Blocking her breath, watching her tears stretch out again from the corners of her eyes, trying to alleviate the full guilt and bitterness in her heart, and also releasing the excitement and excitement of her recovery.

have. Even if you fall into hell, you have it for a short time.

He is willing to.


Lanxi's tears finally dried up in a moment. His eyes were astringent. He leaned down and gently lay on the bed, and whispered softly: "brother, it's so heavy..."

It sounds like a complaint.

The rich and dripping night is dignified and deep, and the air is filled with a dry and warm atmosphere.

Mu Yanchen didn't know what she meant. He felt a heavy sense of guilt in his heart, or did he gently hold her in a prone position at the moment, so he pressed her very heavily. His handsome side face showed a charming cold light, the back of his hand gently slipped over her side face, then turned over, picked her up and let her lie on his broad chest.

"Is it heavy?" he asked in a low voice.

Lanxi didn't dare to move, but her little face was a little pale. Her long eyelashes hung down to cover her despair. She buried her face in her clothes and asked in a dumb voice, "is this a crime?"

——Is it a crime to have a relationship with your own brother and continue this relationship?

How many years will she be sentenced?

Is it true that even if you are released after serving your sentence, you will be despised and despised in your life and can't look up?

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