Nie Mingxuan nodded: "I know this. I will naturally explain it to others."

After a while, he narrowed his eyes and asked hoarsely, "but do you need to deal with it? According to your market, no woman should like it. Can't you pick it yourself? Or is the old man dissatisfied?"

"..." in the noisy voice of the teahouse, mu Yanchen's face gradually froze, his thin lips closed tightly and remained silent.

Mr. Mu may not be dissatisfied.

But if you really know who he admires Yan Chen's heart, I don't know if he will have a heart attack. Moreover, some things have long been talked about. No matter what the cause is, they have done it

The deep and cold eyes closed, and the scene of almost rough and wild love for her in the apartment that night, as well as the scene that she was tortured by drugs. Mu Yan Chenjun's face turned white, and some couldn't help opening his eyes.

If you can't think about it, you will know that you are in hell, not heaven.

"I'll talk later..." his low voice faintly spit out a few words, his thin lips pursed into a line, got up, "you sit first, I'll go out."

Nie Mingxuan was more and more confused, but he couldn't ask anything more from his appearance. He simply stepped aside and let him out.

In the bathroom, Lanxi pulled away the wet linter on her back, and the cold left her back. Just dry it like this. I don't know when to dry it. It's not summer, so it's not so easy to dry.

In a trance, an extraordinary figure swayed into her vision from the mirror.

Mu Yanchen's eyes were deep. He came close to her, took a breath, gently wiped her head, held her cold little hand and pulled it away. The palm directly intruded into her sweater from behind, and pasted the skin soaked in alcohol. It was really cold, not warm like other places. Holding her hand for a moment, he clearly felt her tremble.

Lifting her eyes, the deep light of her eyes collided with her reddish face in the mirror.

"Brother, this is the bathroom..." Lan Xi looked back and said to him unsteadily. The men's and women's toilets here are facing the door. The wash basin is outside. Someone may come in at any time.

She bit her lip to remind him not to be... Presumptuous.

Mu Yanchen's tall and straight figure covered her. The hot palm still stayed on the cold skin, rubbed it slowly, and said in a deep voice close to her hair: "you haven't gone yet. It's not easy to stop hurting. Don't catch a cold."

——If she had been suffering like last night, he would have died with her sooner or later.

Lanxi was slowly relieved and read in her heart that she had thought more.

A trace of purplish red aroused on her cheek. She bit her lips, looked at him in the mirror with a trace of cunning in her clear water eyes, and whispered, "do you dare to take that medicine again next time?"

She was stiff in her own words.

Originally, she blurted out a sentence without thinking about it. With a trace of blame, it was more difficult, but she didn't expect to change the taste when she said it. She met mu Yanchen's eyes, which suddenly became deep and dark. She woke up.


How could she forget how uncontrollable he was in that situation

His face was so red that it was about to burst. When he wanted to turn around, he was caught by his fingers. Lanxi couldn't breathe. His lips had covered her, blocked her, and bit her lip petals heavily. She trembled with pain, and her eyes were filled with flashing water light.

"Then don't twist me so tightly next time... I won't lose control..."

His low and dumb voice overflowed between the lips and clearly conveyed to her a taste of extreme color and emotion.

She was dizzy and almost detonated by this feeling.

To step back, the palm that stayed on her back waist moved up, pressed her back to prevent her from dodging, and even turned her over in the next moment, bent her head deeper in the just posture, raised her jaw and kissed her.

She shuddered when the big palm on her back pinched her.

He really pinched some pain. Lanxi cried out in pain. His lips were kissed by him again. He tossed and coaxed her gently and hugged her in his arms.

At the end of the corridor, after they left, Nie Mingxuan drank alone. He felt a cigarette and ran outside. He walked lazily along the corridor, but his body couldn't help freezing when he came to one place.

The smoke caught in his fingers trembled, burned and fell to the ground from between his fingers.

——The wall of the teahouse is separated by half frosted and half transparent glass. The Milky light shines on it. It is very emotional. Through the refraction between the bathroom mirror and the wall glass, Nie Mingxuan clearly saw two figures kissing strongly in the bathroom. The picture is reflected on the glass, only half an inch away from his eyes.

He was stunned.


When the sales meeting in Mu's enterprise was over, it looked like seven o'clock at night. Mu Yanchen finished the meeting and handled business in the office for a long time before leaving. When he picked up his coat and turned off the computer, the clock had jumped to eight o'clock.

The night wind is cold.

When the glass door of the company opened, he went out, walked slowly, and his cold deep eyes narrowed slightly.

In the distance, beside his car, a beautiful and graceful figure stood, shivering slightly by the night wind, but stayed by his car and waited for his arrival quietly. I accidentally saw his figure coming out of the company gate. His eyes lit up, jumped for a while, and then smiled briefly to maintain his reserve.

"Hello, mu Yanchen, did Mingxuan tell you? I'm Yan Muran. I made an appointment with my uncle and aunt to have dinner in the restaurant tonight. They just called me and said they had arrived. I don't know if you didn't dare to bother you after dealing with your business, so I had to wait for you to come down here. You......" I talked too much, but I didn't get any response from him. Yan Muran's face was slightly red, "Are you finished with your work now? Can we go?"

Mu Yanchen stared at her quietly for a few seconds, and then remembered what he had mentioned to Nie Mingxuan a few days ago. He seemed to have heard the woman's name.

The quiet handsome face flashed a trace of light, lowered his eyes, thin lips and opened his mouth: "sorry, I don't remember."

The dinner tonight was decided by Nie Mingxuan. He should have sent a message to his mobile phone. He didn't look carefully.

When the door opened, mu Yanchen's eyes were as calm as water and sat in.

Yan Mu was stunned.

She was a little confused and at a loss. She hesitated to open the door on the other side and sit in. She was relieved to see that he didn't refuse. I don't know why this man didn't feel cold to her. On the contrary, his elegance and politeness surprised her, but the alienation in the air made her feel a little powerless.

The car drove slowly towards the booked restaurant.

In the silence, Yan Mu ran couldn't help saying, "Mu Yanchen, since you... Since you asked me to pretend to be your girlfriend, we're going to see your uncle and aunt right now, why don't you..."

——If you don't collude with her, even if you communicate with her, won't you be afraid to help later?

"You can say whatever you like," the thin silent lips finally spit out a sentence, "whatever you say, just let them hear it. Don't ask me for advice."

He doesn't want to make up some things that don't exist at all, especially the other party is a woman, so since she is willing, it's not as good as all things are decided by her, which is his minimum respect.

Yan Mu stared.

She hated to be surprised at the man's decision, blushed and asked, "if you are asked to what extent we have developed now and what we are going to do in the future, I can say it casually?"

Mu Yanchen finally looked at her through the rearview mirror, which made Yan Mu ran blush and heartbeat.

"No later," he whispered in a low voice, "walk and see."

This sentence was like sentencing them to death for this hypothetical relationship. Yan Mu Ran's face suddenly turned red and pale. She thought she understood his meaning. This time it was just perfunctory. What he wanted was a relationship that could be broken.

"There's one more thing to tell you," Mu Yanchen raised his hand and looked at it with a low voice. "I'll leave at 9:30, so control the time and it's over."

The evening self-study in City C No. 1 middle school officially ended at 10 o'clock. He had to go to pick her up.

Yan Mu ran was in a low mood. He raised his eyelashes and asked him, "why don't you think about it? Since it's such a troublesome thing, I want to cooperate with you in acting and can't get half the benefits. Why did I promise Mingxuan to help you?"

The man's ruthlessness stimulated her.

But she didn't expect to say this. The car suddenly slowed down and stopped slowly by the side of the road.

Mu Yanchen's calm and handsome face was covered with a thin layer of frost. It was cold and threatening. Holding the steering wheel, he said, "I think I have made the premise clear enough. I don't have to take it seriously. If I don't want to or feel unfair, Miss Yan can get off now - excuse me."

——He should have made it clear to Nie Mingxuan that even if he is looking for a woman who needs to pay, he should not look for anything who likes him. Even if there is a little extravagant hope in it, he should not do this play.

Yan Mu ran was frightened by him.

She breathed unsteadily, pinched her seat and almost burst into tears. After a long time, she pressed down her sadness and anger and whispered, "OK, I'm kidding. I'm willing to help you, but I'll never fake it. We're fake. I remember. Is that ok?"

This man's heart is really made of ice. It's freezing to death!

Mu Yanchen's cold face didn't fade much. He slowly started the car, turned the steering wheel and drove on the road again.


A good meal.

Mo Ruqing tasted the dishes and looked up at the beautiful and generous woman opposite from time to time. If she really came from a famous family, they had heard the name of the director of the Department of health. She had a family background, a background, a trace to follow, and her heart slowly relaxed.

But it's always like a thorn stuck in my throat. It's not very comfortable.

Her mind flashed over and over the picture of being in Mu house that day.

"Mu ran," Mo Ruqing called her name with a smile and asked softly, "how long have you been dating Yan Chen? Why have I never known? When are you going to get married?"

Yan Mu ran almost choked in his throat with a mouthful of juice.

Wiping the corners of her mouth with a paper towel, she weighed it, raised her eyes and smiled: "aunt, Yan Chen and I haven't developed to that degree. We thought it was abrupt to see you today. Now we're a little embarrassed. We're just trying to communicate and have no plans to get married for the time being."

Mo Ruqing's eyebrows jumped.

No plans to get married—— That morning, what happened to the deep bite mark in Mu Yanchen's neck?

Do young people nowadays just go to bed and don't get married? What else is in the "try to communicate" stage??!

Mo Ruqing froze at the thought of this, and a very bad premonition rose in his heart.

"Yan Chen......" her eyes were calm, and she wanted to tell the story directly.

"I have something else to do," Mu Yanchen suddenly put down his knife and fork, pulled his napkin and wiped his hand, "eat slowly."

Then he really got up and left the table, cold and elegant.

"Yan Chen, you......" Mo Ruqing suddenly became angry.

Yan Mu ran also turned pale and got up and said, "I'm sorry, aunt. I forgot that we really have something to go first. Have a good meal with your uncle. I'll let him accompany you to the end next time."

Then she picked up the bag around her and chased out regardless of everything.

Outside the restaurant, mu Yanchen opened the car lock with a tall and straight figure in black. He was about to bend over and sit in. Yan Mu ran called his name and caught up with him. He gasped and said, "you didn't say what I would do if you left. Now I..."

"Shall I call a car for you?"

"..." she was speechless.

"That's it." Mu Yanchen said in a deep voice, sat in and closed the door.

Seeing the car drifting away, Yan Mu ran stood in situ and was slightly stunned. The man's handsome Yan couldn't get rid of it in her mind. She couldn't move her feet and simply reached out to stop a taxi.

"Master, please," she said clearly with a breath, "help me catch up with the car in front."

She wanted to know what he left so coldly to do.

But whatever she thinks, she won't guess that mu Yanchen came to the key high school in C City at this time - he came to the school?!!

Yan Mu ran asked the driver to stop at the roadside, waiting, holding his breath, waiting for the development of the situation.

At 10 o'clock, the evening self-study ended, and a crowd of students poured out of the school gate.

The ink streamlined car stopped steadily in the dark night. His tall figure came out of the car, leaned against the car and lit a cigarette in the dark night. After a long time, it seemed to suddenly think of something. A cold light flashed in his eyes, put out the cigarette and rolled it under his feet. A moment later, a thin figure came out of the school gate, with his back to the bright light at the gate. He could only see the vague outline. He was a girl.

The feeling was very subtle. The girl's lonely figure came out with a cold smell. After a long time, she saw mu Yanchen, raised a sweet smile and walked towards him. She was warm, plush and ironed in people's heart.

The two people stuck close and talked for a while. It seemed that they were not happy. The girl frowned and wanted to go. Mu Yanchen stretched out his hand to catch her neck and bent his head slowly against her forehead, like a soft inducement and coax, as well as a follow-up instruction.

Yan Mu ran stared at it, his eyes were so wide that he was about to drip water.


PS: today's ten thousand watch, ten thousand watch! Mu Mu asks for a monthly ticket!! I hope you will support me with monthly tickets. Thank you!!

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