There was a mist in the night. When I drove past, I only felt a layer of cold and penetrating water vapor condensed on the window glass, blurring the line of sight in the car. The door of City C No. 1 middle school was slightly lively. Although the breath would turn into mist and rise in the increasingly cold early winter, the girls' hands holding books outside their school uniforms were red with cold, But the air still spread the meaning of joy, looking slightly warm.

The heart, which had been tightened for a day, slowly eased down at the moment. Mu Yanchen slowed down the speed, and his eyebrows became gentle from the cold and cold, so he parked the car slowly on the roadside.

There was no news at Mu's house or her school all day. It can be imagined that yanmu Ran's message was sent to him alone, which was the initial threat - presumably to force him to appear in front of her in this way.

The slender fingers were cold and pale, curled up slightly, and rubbed gently in the center of his eyebrows. Mu Yanchen tried to press down the cold and burning flame in his heart. He wanted to know what the woman wanted to do, and who gave her so much courage to dare to attack his admirers.

The crowd of students slowly evacuated, and a figure finally came out.

The eyebrows jumped slightly. At the moment of seeing her, it seemed that the ice and snow melted at the bottom of her heart. Mu Yanchen's mind was emptied in an instant. Her deep eyes were full of her delicate figure and ran across the road towards him.

The schoolbag was a little heavy. Lanxi almost fell off. He held it up again before opening the door and drilling in. A warm heat hit.

It's so warm.

Her face was a little red. She was panting when she just ran. Her eyes were shining brightly. She put down her schoolbag and put her hand to the position of the air conditioner and blew: "my head teacher just said a few words to me, so she came out late!"

Mu Yanchen's deep eyes were gentle. He put his hand down from the steering wheel, grabbed her cold hand, warmed it in the palm, raised his eyes and stared at her: "what does she want you to do?"

"She praised me," Lanxi smiled, and a faint little pear vortex appeared at the corners of her mouth. Both hands wrapped around him. "She praised me for my progress. She said that my science idiot could get above the passing line in the science comprehensive examination. It was not easy. She gave me a verbal reward."

Mu Yanchen hung a faint smile and said low, "put your hand in to warm up."

No wonder she looks happy.

Lanxi was stunned for a moment, looked at his exquisite cuffs, didn't have the heart to put his cold hand in, raised his eyes and smiled at him. Mu Yanchen was slightly moved by this look, gently fastened her wrist, and his slender fingers pulled away her school uniform and the soft wool clothes inside to explore. Unexpectedly, it was also cold inside. The smooth skin surface showed a refreshing coolness.

She struggled, smiled and begged for mercy: "itch, don't make trouble..."

"Why is it cold inside?" Mu Yanchen's face sank slightly.

"I... have a bad physique. I inherit my mother's. My hands and feet will be cold in winter and warm up for a long time."

Mu Yanchen stared at her quietly. His eyes were deep and complex. For a long time, he said in a low voice, "come here. Come here."

Lanxi blushed, understood his meaning, put down his sleeve and said shyly, "no... I'll just go home and take a bath. It'll be all right in a minute." she loosened his hand, covered her ears with a warm temperature, and sat upright.

"Then you are not allowed to turn on the heating when you go back? You don't like the feeling of alternating warm and hot. It's very comfortable?" Mu Yanchen no longer forced, turned his deep eyes, focused on starting the car, and said faintly in a gentle tone.

Lanxi blushed again.

"No," she smiled awkwardly, "I don't like it. I can't stand the cold."

The soft voice lingered faintly in the car, and his heart became warm and hot. Mu Yanchen's deep eyes stared at the front, but his heart was all on the people next to him. He just wanted to go home and hold her warm. That heartache spread to his whole heart, and he just wanted to hold her.

It was foggy at night, so he didn't drive fast. When he got off, Lanxi still held his schoolbag tightly, and the shallow pear vortex at the corner of his mouth was still there.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw that the cotton slippers had been changed at the door. The two panda heads on them were big enough to put the whole foot in. Lanxi was very surprised. You know, it's not easy to see these slippers in Mu Yanchen's home with exquisite decoration and simple style. They almost don't match him at all.

She took off her shoes and put her feet in. Mian Mian was very comfortable. When she wanted to turn back, she was hugged from behind. Mu Yanchen's arms held her firmly. As soon as her feet hooked, she closed the door and threw the key on the shoe cabinet. Then Lanxi felt a warm mark on her cheek, which came with his breath.

Kiss her, then wrap her with both arms, rub the delicate body in her arms and continue to kiss. She smiled and dodged gently. Mu Yanchen turned her over, hugged her waist, bent over and pasted her purplish red lips lovingly.

It's just touching, touching and tossing kissing, as if you can play and entangle with her breath.

There was a restless warmth in his arms, dispelling her cold from inside to outside.

Lanxi seemed unaccustomed to his sudden enthusiasm. He smiled a little stiff. Finally, his legs couldn't stand, so he gently begged for mercy and said that he wanted to go inside. Mu Yanchen finally lingered a few times, took a bite of her lips, tightened her waist with one arm, and the two people staggered towards the inside.

The blanket seemed to add several layers again. It was spread on the ground as soft as a quilt. Her school uniform coat was torn off, and her hair was soft on her shoulders. It was very soft. Under the orange sweater, her slender arms were still cold. Mu Yanchen turned on the heating, untied the buttons of her shirt, firmly stuffed her into her arms and warmed her with her body temperature. Lanxi's face has always been very red, and she knows in a trance that once some feelings are triggered, it is like a flood opening the gate, which can't be restrained. Therefore, although she feels that such a close and lingering hug has a bit of pornographic taste, she has never refused.

Curled up in his arms, Lanxi suddenly remembered something. He raised his eyes and whispered, "I still have something. I forgot to give it to you."

She broke free from his arms, got up, jumped down the steps, opened her schoolbag, took out a round thing and wrapped it in exquisite wrapping paper. When she got close, it turned out to be a huge orange.

It's really huge, like a small watermelon.

Lanxi took off his slippers, knelt down on the low table with an orange in his hand, and said with a smile, "brother, happy Christmas Eve."

In a word, mu Yanchen's nerve was short circuited for several minutes. His collar was open and half leaned against the wall. His deep and cold eyes showed a hint of charm. He listened to that sentence and didn't react for a long time.

Christmas Eve.

On weekdays, he is too busy. Too many dates seem to be just numbers on the compact schedule. There is no specific concept. For so many years abroad, he has forgotten the Christmas Eve hymn that floats all over the city on this night every year. In a country with a large latitude like China, it does not necessarily snow in the twelfth lunar month, but every Christmas Eve spent abroad seems to be covered with heavy snow. The streets are very busy. A little girl with golden hair humms a song and leads her parents' hand to buy doughnuts. The whole city is warm and peaceful.

He doesn't have this concept at all. This festival has been popular at home from abroad. He has never seen it in more than ten years.

Today is Christmas Eve.

A warm but desolate smile came from the corners of his mouth. Mu Yanchen could not describe his mood at the moment. Her figure was reflected in his deep eyes, with soft hair scattered. He wore the same orange wool clothes on his body, and his lower body was the simplest close fitting jeans. Such a simple dress made him read the warm and moving taste.

"Sorry..." his voice was a little hoarse and whispered, "I forgot today's festival."

The surging feelings in the chest were surging, just like when she heard her say welcome home to him, she was almost uncontrollable. Mu Yanchen's slender fingers curled slightly against his lips and asked for a long time, "but why send oranges?"

Lan Xi's eyes widened slowly: "don't you know?"

She looked at the huge orange in her palm. After thinking about it, she couldn't help laughing and whispered, "in fact, I don't know. But I heard that if you give gifts on Christmas Eve, boys should give girls apples and girls should give boys oranges."

In fact, who knows how Christmas is spent in foreign countries? In China, any custom can be passed on like a God. Ji Yao almost fought with the girl in the next class for a navel orange in front of the fruit stall. In order to buy and send the boy he secretly loves, Lanxi thought about it. He still went outside during the time from school in the afternoon to self-study in the evening, I turned two streets in City C to pick the largest and most beautiful oranges. The apples and oranges in this festival are surprisingly expensive, but she bought them with joy.

Mu Yanchen's eyes suddenly moved.

A ripple rippled in the heart lake and stirred his nerves. He suddenly caught the sensitive words in her words and suddenly understood them. The slender fingers tied the buttons and got up. He whispered, "I'll go out."

He suddenly remembered that there were no apples at home, but even if there were, he couldn't deal with it in such a hurry.

Lanxi was stunned.

At the moment he got up, she could guess what it was. She quickly knelt up and grabbed his hand. Shuimou Yingying looked at him: "brother, I don't want it. Don't go out!"

Mu Yanchen looked back at her with deep eyes.

"I'm serious, don't go out. Christmas Eve will be over when you come back late." so don't waste your time on those things. Lanxi knows he's so busy that he sometimes forgets to take care of himself, "... Stay with me."

I don't know which one of her words moved him, maybe the last one.

Mu Yanchen raised his hand to look at his watch. Indeed, it may not be enough time to go out and come back. He stood in place for a few seconds. For a long time, he held the little cold hand in his palm, held it tightly and warmed it in his heart.

When it was almost 12 o'clock, Lanxi tore off the orange wrapping paper and directed him to the kitchen to get a knife. Mu Yanchen couldn't bear to interrupt her. He just said "go wash and rest after eating". He didn't want her to stay up too long because of this.

When she took the plate out of the kitchen again, she saw her kneeling at the low table, struggling to cut the orange with a knife. Mu Yanchen frowned and looked a little afraid. She put the plate aside, sat down to surround her, coaxed her to loosen the knife and watched him cut. The people in her arms smiled and smiled, and the pear vortex on her lips loomed, The soft hair and the fluff on the woolen clothes rubbed his mind. Mu Yanchen couldn't help kissing her gently every time he cut a knife. He wanted to deeply engrave her sweet and moving smile in his mind, never put it away or forget it again.


Hearing his voice, Lanxi's hand was covered with orange juice and looked at him in confusion.

"Lanxi..." Mu Yanchen just whispered her name, his voice was hoarse and gloomy, his thick eyelashes hung down on his face, cast a shadow, called her, and his lips wiped her cheek with great pity.

How can he say that his heart is inexplicably sour and moved at this moment?

The corners of his mouth hung a relieved smile and continued to call her name. A string of kisses scattered on her hair, cheeks, eyebrows and corners of his eyes. He even wanted to linger with her to death.

Lanxi's heart also turned into a pool of water, with a sly smile on his mouth. He touched his face and neck with his fingers stained with orange juice, making his hair and body sticky.

Mu Yanchen's deep eyes were full of deep love. She let her make trouble. When she made it too much, she gently turned her face and kissed her petite and moist earlobes across her hair. She immediately exclaimed and became honest. A nervous put the viscosity of her hands on his shirt, and wanted to cry without tears.

Mu Yanchen held her tightly and said in a low voice, "Lanxi, did I say I love you?"

Lanxi was stunned. He seemed to have said it many times.

His slender fingers were buried in her hair, and his thin lips were intimately attached to her ears. He spent his whole life in a gentle and dumb voice and said to her, "Lanxi, I love you."

I love you so much that I don't know how to continue.

He has never, never for a moment, been so grateful to God for giving him such a person, which can hurt him, protect him, and make him feel like giving up all the people he can't exchange. He loved her deeply.

Lanxi was in a trance.

That's it.

It is at every such moment that she will love. From the sin, absurdity and unforgivable when she first heard such words from him, she feels that every love is not groundless for no reason. She can even see how strong he loves from one of his eyes.

His eyes gradually moistened. Lanxi bit his lips and turned his face. Learning from his movements, he bit his earlobe and whispered hoarsely, "tomorrow is Christmas. I want a gift."

Mu Yanchen froze for a moment, because the crisp feeling had quickly rushed to his whole body.

All four limbs and bones are like being electrified.

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