It's easy to understand, "Yi Wanjun's child is Shen Hongyuan, as evidenced by the CD."

When Shen Hongli saw such a sentence, her face also showed a look of surprise.

Shen Zhizhuo didn't know what they saw. He frowned suspiciously. At this time, Yi Nian unconsciously put his eyes on the paper held by Shen Hongli because of doubt.

Subsequently, Shen Hongyuan most wanted to take back his thoughts and asked Ling CHENFENG to take down his laptop in his study.

Open the CD-ROM drive and put it in. At this time, everyone gathered and stared at the computer screen.

Subsequently, an image appeared on the computer screen, which was taken by the monitoring of Yijia hotel.

Others may not understand what this means, but the parties Shen Hongyuan and Yi Wanjun clearly see that this is the day that changed the fate of several people in those years.

In the picture, Shen Hongyuan, who was still young, stumbled into a room with an open door by holding the wall. After entering, he didn't care to close the door. After about ten minutes, a waitress in a hotel uniform helped Yi Wanjun, who was not much worse than Shen Hongyuan just now, into the open room.

From the perspective of camera monitoring, the door of the room was dark. It should be that the light was not turned on. After five minutes, the waitress sneaked out of the room and looked around. She seemed relieved to see that there was no one else in the corridor. Then she took the door behind her and left with great vigilance.

And that's where the video ends.

Seeing this, Yi Wanjun and Shen Hongyuan look at each other at the same time. Yi Wanjun's eyes flashed unbelievable and thick surprises. It turned out that it was him that day.

"What the hell is going on?"

Shen Hongli asked blankly. Although she understood the content of the video, she couldn't figure out what it had to do with the child and the letter.

After a while, Yi Wanjun sighed and said, "that day, Du Qingjin asked me to talk. Unexpectedly, she put medicine in my drink. When I woke up, I saw... Huisheng was wearing clothes..."

At this point, Yi Wanjun lowered her eyes and seemed not to get out of the pain and despair brought to her by that incident.

Shen Hongli turned and looked at Shen Zhihuo sitting with Yi Nian in the corner of the sofa. He still had a dull expression and didn't fluctuate at all.

At this time, Shen Hongyuan also opened his mouth, "that day I met several overseas customers in that hotel. Because the contract was negotiated, I was happy and drank two more cups. After I sent the customer back to the guest room, I didn't know how to enter that room because I was very drunk, and then I didn't remember..."

The memories of the two people instantly made things clear. They saw that Du Qingjin designed to frame Yi Wanjun, but they didn't expect that Shen Hongyuan and Shen Hongyuan were made good by a mistake. Then, in order to make up for this mistake, they found Yi Huisheng. Later, we didn't know what was going on. After all, the people involved were gone.

But the only thing that can be proved is that Yi Wanjun didn't lose her life to Yi Huisheng, so she thought

It's Yi Huisheng's child. In fact, it's her and Shen Hongyuan's.

This truth, which has been 20 years late, may be nothing to others, but it is quite shocking to Shen Hongyuan and Yi Wanjun.

Surprise at the same time, but it is also difficult to hide the bitterness, but they didn't miss each other in the end.

"Child, Hongyuan, our child..."

Yes, my child, that's her and Shen Hongyuan's child. The regret that they didn't have the crystallization of their love was finally made up, but the child disappeared.

"Don't worry, I'll check it now. Believe me, it will be all right." Shen Hongyuan hurried upstairs to change his clothes while making a phone call, ready to check it himself.

Yi Wanjun has been in chaos at this time. She has never been in a panic, which makes her at a loss. Except for comforting herself, she doesn't know what to do at this time.

This matter has a certain shock to everyone. It turns out that the truth is like this, but everyone ignores one thing, that is, who sent the mysterious express that has concealed the truth for 20 years and who is controlling it.

These were ignored by everyone. The only thing that kept awake was Lin Shu and Ling CHENFENG. They went to the express company to check along the clues, but it was relatively difficult to check because there was no sender's information.

When Yi Wanjun sent Shen Hongyuan out, Shen Hongyuan took her hand, looked at the direction of the living room, and then said to Yi Wanjun, "Wan Jun, I'm worried about Xiaonian, and it's burning. What happened just now..."

Hearing what he said, Yi Wanjun sighed, "I know. Don't worry. I'll take care of them. Be careful on the way."

Watching Shen Hongyuan's car disappear into sight, Yi Wanjun takes back her sight and turns to enter the house.

Shen Hongli saw Yi Wanjun come in, walked up to her and said with concern, "Wan Jun, your face is very bad. You'd better go upstairs and have a rest."

Yi Wanjun smiled gently, but her smile was full of fatigue, "I'm fine. I'll go and see Xiaonian."

Yi Nian sits on the sofa and looks at Yi Wanjun walking towards herself step by step. Her heart is also trembling slightly. Just now everything has been revealed. She is not her daughter, not the eldest daughter of the Yi family. Her biological parents are just ordinary people, and some are even unacceptable, but she can't complain and resent. It's not anyone's fault. Except for lamenting the injustice of fate, What else can I do.

Shen Zhizhuo felt a chill when he saw Yi Wanjun coming. At this time, his heart was full of thoughts. The video and their words just now had ripples in his originally calm heart. He didn't believe that his mother did all this, but the fact was put in front of him, so he had to believe that it was because his mother caused them to miss each other for so long, That's why Shen Hongyuan did such cruel things to his mother and unborn him?

Yi Wanjun sits next to Yi Nian and looks at Yi Nian, who has lost her former glory. Her heart is like overturning a five flavor bottle and is uncomfortable. "Xiao Nian, no matter what happens in the future, you are my mother's daughter and will be all your life."

Twenty years of mother daughter relationship can't be destroyed by a paper appraisal. Yi Nian sobbed and nodded, and rushed into Yi Wanjun's arms.

Yi Wanjun holds Yi Nian in her arms. Just like when she was a child, she gently touches her long soft hair. Her eyes are spoiled.

Shen Zhizhuo saw such a picture of deep love between mother and daughter, and his eyes flashed a touch of disdain. When he was about to turn around and leave, Yi Wanjun suddenly called him.


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