Yi Nian asked a lot of questions, which made Yi Wanjun don't know what to say for a while.

After about half a minute, she took a deep breath and slowly said, "the car broke down halfway. I asked him to repair the car, and then took a taxi home. As soon as she got off, she felt dizzy, and then lost consciousness."

While talking, Yi Wanjun never looked directly at Yi Nian. She didn't really want to tell Yi Nian what happened last night, because that won't solve the problem, but one more person will worry.

Even when she saw Shen Zhizhuo yesterday that he sent him to the hospital, she hid it, because until now, she found that some things were not as simple as what she saw in front of her eyes.

Although she didn't believe that these things would be more or less related to Shen Zhijiao from the bottom of her heart, yesterday's events made her have a little doubt in the bottom of her heart.

The flying car scare last night was definitely not only a simple accident, because just before that, she saw Du Qingjin again. In the dark night, her figure was under the dim street lamp, the same as the clothes more than ten years ago, but her face was white.

As an atheist, Yi Wanjun can't go to hell on her own. If she hallucinates once, maybe she can believe it, but it's not once or twice. I'm afraid she sees that it's not an illusion, nor a ghost, but an artifact.

There are all kinds of strange things in the world. It's easy to find someone similar to Du Qingjin. Moreover, now the cosmetic technology is so developed that it's only a minute to cosmetic one person into another.

Then the doubt came. Who was planning behind the matter? A series of business changes that had happened to Yishi during this period and the recent investigation by the procuratorate seemed to have some potential connection, but she didn't understand for a while.

Seeing her suddenly silent, Yi Nian sighed. Although her face was very bad, the doctor also said that she was just too weak, so there was no big problem.

Yi Nian didn't bother her. She just went to the bathroom to clean her hands, then went back to the bed and took out the breakfast in the insulated food box. When the breakfast was ready, Yi Nian whispered, "Mom, have breakfast."

Hearing Yi Nian's voice, Yi Wanjun, who was immersed in her thoughts, recovered, gave a light um, then took the wet towel in Yi Nian's hand, wiped her hands and began to eat breakfast.

After breakfast, Yi Wanjun asked the doctor to leave the hospital. Because she insisted on leaving the hospital, everyone had no choice but to follow her.

When she got home, Yi Wanjun asked about Shen Zhizhuo's whereabouts. Yi Nian looked gloomy. "I called to turn off the phone and didn't go to school. I've called the police, but there's no news from the police."

During this time, too many things happened at home, so the Yi family has also become the focus of public attention. After Shen Zhizhuo disappeared for no reason, Yi Nian didn't want to call the police. After all, if this matter came out, it will become the focus of everyone's discussion.

But as time went by, he had been missing for three days. He couldn't be contacted by phone. There was no trace of Chu Yufei's sister and brother, and there was no trace of him in the school. Now Yinian began to really panic, so she called the police. Because it was long enough to disappear, the police filed a case. Then let her go home and wait for the news.

It's just that she hasn't been in a hurry to tell her family about it.

Hearing her words, Yi Wanjun sighed, "withdraw the case. He's fine."

Hearing the speech, Yi Nian looked stunned. "Mom, do you know where he is?"

Yi Wanjun didn't speak, shook her head, "I saw him yesterday."

"Where is he? Where is he? Why don't you go home?" hearing the burning news, Yi Nian was delighted and the previous haze cleared away. At this time, what he was most concerned about was his whereabouts, so he was anxious to ask.

Yi Wanjun looked up at Yi Nian deeply and gave her an ambiguous answer, "he has his own thing to do. Don't worry, he's fine."

After listening to Yi Wanjun's words, Yi Nian frowned. It seemed that she didn't understand what she said. She asked suspiciously, "what can he do?"

Yi Wanjun pursed a shallow arc at the corner of her lips. Without talking, she turned and went upstairs.

Although Yinian still had many questions to ask, seeing her mother's tired back, she swallowed all the words she was about to ask.

Shen Hongyuan was taken away by the procuratorate for investigation, and Yishi also fell into a downturn. Although yiwanjun insisted on supporting such a large Yishi group with her weak body, the pressure from all aspects and social public opinion still made Yishi into a precarious dilemma.

In particular, there are all kinds of speculation and rumors about Yishi. Some say that Shen Hongyuan actually wants to swallow Yishi alone, others say that Yishi has been secretly engaged in illegal activities, and others say that Yishi can achieve this great achievement, but it is actually a transaction with some dignitaries... There are different opinions. Anyway, there is no good word, At the beginning, those who maintained Yishi gradually became quiet and stopped talking. They were afraid that they would be implicated. After all, it is human nature. It is moral to help you, and it is understandable not to help you.

There is a private manor in the western suburb. Although the manor in early winter seems a little depressed, it has a different artistic conception. On the bench under the grapevine in the courtyard, a well maintained middle-aged woman sits there leisurely, holding a glass of red wine in her white slender hand and shaking the goblet slightly. The red liquid in the glass becomes gently rippling, and the mellow smell of the wine rushes into the nose for people to taste.

In the early winter afternoon, the lazy sun shines on her, and there is still a trace of residual temperature. In such a picturesque manor, the woman's eyebrows and eyes stretch and looks in a good mood. This person is Jinqing.

When Peng Kui first entered the manor, he saw such a picturesque scene.

His heart flashed a palpitation. For more than 20 years, every time he saw her like this, his heart inevitably flashed a palpitation.

It seems to be aware of Peng Kui's arrival. Jinqing slowly looks up at him and raises the goblet in her hand. Peng Kui understands that she means to let him have a drink with her.

She seems to be in a good mood. That's right. Since the beginning of revenge, everything has been carried out according to her plan, and there is almost no deviation. How can she be unhappy to see that the people who once deeply hurt her are now so miserable? It's just that if this is what she wants, he will fully cooperate to make her smile.

When Jinqing saw Peng Kui walking towards her, she raised her body, reached out and took the red wine bottle on the table in front of her, poured him a glass of wine, handed it to Peng Kui who had come close to her, raised the glass in her hand, touched his glass gently, and made a crisp sound. Then, Jinqing raised a dazzling smile and said to Peng Kui, "cheersa!"

The two drank up the wine in the cup. Jinqing reached out again and took the wine bottle in his hand and continued to refill them.

Just as she was pouring wine into her cup, Peng Kui, who had been silent, suddenly reached out and took the cup from her hand

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