When Yi Wanjun woke up, it was evening. She opened her heavy eyelids and aimed at the pale ceiling directly above.

She stared blankly at the ceiling for a long time. Just reflected where she is now, surrounded by her familiar taste.

She is on the big bed in her room. But her memory stayed in the morning when she was weak and paralyzed on the sofa.

"Mom, are you awake? How's it going? Is there anything else? Dr. Liang is downstairs. I'll call him."

Yi Wanjun slowly moved her eyes, turned her head and looked at Yi Nian standing by the bed with a worried face, moved her dry lips, because she had a high fever and her voice was a little dry and dumb, "I'm fine, Xiao Nian? What time is it?"

"At 17:13, are you hungry? Sister-in-law Wu cooked porridge in the kitchen and kept it warm on the fire. I'll get you some. You eat some first. You haven't eaten for a day. How can your body stand it?"

As soon as Yi Nian turned around, she stopped, then turned back, took the mobile phone on her head and called the first floor to ask sister-in-law Wu to bring the porridge, because she was worried about letting her mother alone in the room. At the same time, she told sister-in-law Wu to ask her to ask Dr. Liang upstairs and check her mother to see if it was better.


"When the fever is gone, you'll be all right? Pay more attention to rest and don't stay up late to work, otherwise it won't be as simple as fainting next time. You'll have a bad foundation. You'll be hard to deal with when you work so hard. Take the medicine I left on time, eat more nutritious food and remember to drink more hot water."

Dr. Liang nagged and asked many precautions before packing up and leaving.

After Dr. Liang left, Yi Nian fed Yi Wanjun half a bowl of porridge. After eating some porridge, Yi Wanjun felt a little more energetic.

With the help of Yinian, she went to the bathroom, lay in bed and asked Yinian about what happened today. After chatting, she fell asleep again.

Yi Wanjun frowns all the time in her sleep. It seems that she can't relax in her dream.

In fact, she didn't really fall asleep. She just felt dizzy and had a stomachache. The whole person's consciousness was a little dull. Although she was whispering with Yinian, she didn't know what she was talking about.

Although others thought she seemed to be asleep, in fact, her brain did not get enough rest.

I'm thinking about the day I fell asleep. What will happen if I don't go to the company? After all, this is an extraordinary period of constant internal and external troubles for the whole company. I'm afraid the news of my illness will put the company in a more difficult situation.

What worries her most is Shen Hongyuan detained by the procuratorate. Lawyer Zhang said yesterday that he has been trying his best to find out the so-called evidence of the procuratorate, but the probability of success in this matter is really slim. After all, sometimes, some channels are useless.

Yi Nian sat by the bed and looked at Yi Wanjun, who was still frowning in her sleep. Her heart was stuffy and uncomfortable. As soon as her nose was sour, tears gushed out of her eyes, ticking down her cheeks and soaking her clothes in front of her chest.

Afraid of disturbing her mother, she cried very depressed. Except for her trembling shoulders and Pearl tears like broken lines, she didn't dare to cry at all.


When Yi Wanjun woke up again, it was two o'clock in the morning. After nearly a day's rest. She is much better. With the dim sleep light at the head of the bed, she sees Yi Nian curled up beside her on the other side of the big bed. Seeing that she is sleeping soundly, Yi Wanjun gently pulls the quilt kicked off by Yi Nian up for her. Then he crept out of bed, picked up his plush coat from the lazy chair next to him, put it on his shoulder, and then walked out of the bedroom.

After closing the door, Yi Wanjun went out of the room and went to the study. The first thing she did when she went to the study was to turn on the computer and start browsing the news. Although there were some speculation and reports about Yishi group in the news, there was no information about the public trial of Shen Hongyuan's case by the prosecutor's court, which made her feel a little relieved, As long as they make it public one day later, she will have more time to find evidence to prove Shen Hongyuan's innocence.

Then she opened her mailbox again. Sure enough, there were several emails sent by Secretary Huang in the mailbox, all of which needed her to deal with some important documents herself.

It was around 4 a.m. when we finished processing these. Suddenly feeling a little hungry, Yi Wanjun turns off her computer and goes downstairs to the kitchen to find something to eat.

Afraid of waking others, Yi Wanjun simply put down a bowl of clear water, washed the bowl after eating the noodles and put it back in the disinfection cabinet. She went upstairs again, went back to her room and went to bed.


The next day, Dr. Liang came to check Yi Wanjun again. It was not until he said that she was completely OK that everyone's heart was completely calm.

But Yi Wanjun's idea of going to the company was interrupted by everyone as soon as she said it.

Knowing that everyone was concerned about her, Yi Wanjun had to compromise and stopped talking about the company, so she asked Secretary Huang to send some important documents that needed his signature to her home.

Just after lunch, uncle Lin hurried back from outside.

Uncle Lin didn't even have time to change his shoes, so he ran to Yi Wanjun. His voice was full of eagerness, "madam, you can go to see your husband. I entrusted a relationship. We have half an hour. Come with me quickly, otherwise it will be too late."

Of course, Yi Wanjun was very pleased with the news brought by Uncle Lin, so she ran upstairs, cleaned herself up as fast as she could in her life, and then followed Uncle Lin away.

This time, sister-in-law Wu and Yinian did not stop her. After all, it's unusual. As soon as Yi Wanjun and Lin Shugang left, Ling CHENFENG appeared at the entrance.

Seeing him, Yinian and sister-in-law Wu were very happy. Yinian hurriedly ran to him, "brother, when did you come back? Why didn't you call me in advance. Is everything all right with my aunt and uncle? Can you just come back?"

Ling CHENFENG lowered his face slightly and seriously stared at Yi Nian's thin face. A trace of pain spread from the bottom of his heart. His clear voice was with repressed emotion. "I haven't seen him for a few days. How can I be thin like this."

Yi Nian raised her hand and touched her pointed chin. Dry smiled twice, "yes? It's OK."

Lin CHENFENG's line of sight scanned the huge living room for a week. Then he looked at Yi Nian again and asked, "where's Shen Zhijiao?"

Although he was not at home or around Yinian during this period, he knew everything that happened here. Shen Zhizhuo lost contact for no reason. He knew it at the first time.

That's why he asked Yinian. Because she wanted to know what she thought about Shen Zhihuo's doing so.

Yi Nian was stunned by his unexpected question. He looked up at Ling CHENFENG in a daze. He couldn't answer his question for a moment.

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