When Yi Wanjun woke up, it was already in the evening. During this period, she was tired and fainted because of the cold wind in the cemetery in the morning.

Lying in the hospital bed, Yi Wanjun just feels burning in her throat and wants to drink water, but she has no strength. She can only whisper about water in a dumb voice.

When Shen Hongyuan heard the sound, he quickly poured a glass of water, and then helped her up. After drinking a large glass of water, Yi Wanjun felt that her voice was better.

"Do you feel better?"

Yi Wanjun nodded weakly, but her voice hurt like a knife when she spoke. So he said three words: "much better."

Hearing her voice, you can feel her pain, so Shen Hongyuan put her back in bed, no more questions, and let her have a good rest.


Western suburb private Manor

The afterglow of the sunset shone on the white snow in the suburbs and looked very bright. Jinqing sneered with a gloomy face: "I didn't expect that the bitch of Yi Wanjun killed her relatives, gave up her father and abandoned the whole Yi group just to get Shen Hongyuan out of his crime. What a deep feeling, ha ha!"

Peng Kui, standing beside her, also smiled coldly, "does she think it will be all right? It's childish. I've arranged the media for this matter. Early tomorrow morning, the whole Yishi will fall into public opinion and condemnation. I'm afraid that Yishi group will become history without her doing it by herself."

Jin Qing nodded with satisfaction, "how's the burning over there?"

"It's ready."

"Well, well, I'll finally wait until this day. Ha ha, Yi Wanjun and Shen Hongyuan, I'll get back what you owe me one by one."

Jinqing laughs wildly, but her smile hides deep pain in addition to the pleasure of revenge.


The next day, an explosive news burst into flames in Songjiang city. It turned out that the founder of Yishi group and the deceased yilao Mr. originally founded Yishi group with the money from his participation in international money laundering.

All of a sudden, the shares of the whole Yishi group suddenly fell to the freezing point, and the operation of the whole group was paralyzed.

All employees who can change jobs will change jobs, and those who can resign will be far away from Yishi like throwing germs, for fear of causing unnecessary trouble.

The shareholders at the top of the company couldn't sit still. They rushed into Yi's villa and asked Yi Wanjun for an explanation.

The media reporters are squatting outside the Iraqi villa, trying to get first-hand information.

The procuratorate has also entered the stage of comprehensive investigation.

Yi Wanjun in the hospital didn't expect this to happen. It's obvious that someone is making trouble behind it.

Despite Shen Hongyuan's dissuasion, Yi Wanjun, who is dragging her illness, holds a press conference to explain the whole story to the public.

But it seemed that everyone didn't buy it. The whole press conference was out of control for a time, and finally was forced to stop halfway. Security personnel escorted Yi Wanjun and others to leave safely.

Some people say that Yi Wanjun is just perfunctory at this time. Her explanation is to cover up. Then many people stand up and say that they have been persecuted by the Yishi group. They even drive public opinion to pull banners outside the Yijia villa to denounce the oppression and exploitation of the Yishi group over the years.

Obviously, these people are deliberately arranged to slander Yishi, so as to further suppress Yishi through the power of public opinion and completely collapse Yishi.

However, it is obvious that his approach has worked. No matter what explanation Yi Wanjun makes at this time, it is a pale explanation in the public psychology. More explanations are just a cover up.

Even if the procuratorate tried to minimize the situation, it was useless. In less than three days, the once brilliant Yishi group completely withdrew from the stage.

Yi Wanjun was also burdened with heavy debts. The company went bankrupt and came from more liquidated damages and bank loans. Because the father involved in the case was no longer alive, the procuratorate only ordered Yi group to impose a fine. Of course, the amount of the fine was not small.

Taken together, Yi Wanjun's debt is at least more than 10 billion.

Holding the bill in her hand, Yi Wanjun said with a bitter smile: "fortunately, I have foresight. I sent Xiaonian to Britain and stripped off the burning part. The rest is easy to do."

Shen Hongyuan looked at the tired Yi Wanjun painfully. He was completely excluded by her in this matter. He couldn't get in touch or talk at all. Therefore, at this time, he felt extremely guilty and loved her.

"It's all right, Wanjun. We can start all over again. We still have Shen."

Yi Wanjun leaned her head against Shen Hongyuan's shoulder and smiled innocently. Her tone was extremely relaxed: "Hongyuan, it's time for us to quit. Now it's the age of young people. I want to live a peaceful and stable life. What's the matter with you?"

Smelling the speech, Shen Hongyuan's frown moved slightly. Yes, isn't that the life they have been expecting? Although the ending is somewhat sad, it can unload the burden after all.

In fact, he accidentally discovered the matter about the old man. But when he was still alive at that time, he told himself the whole story without concealment. At that time, he already knew that his time was running out, so he asked him to take good care of Wan Jun no matter what he was coming, and left a large legacy to him, He said that if one day his crime was publicized, the money would be enough for WAN Jun for the rest of her life.

Later, Shen Hongyuan told Yi Wanjun about it.

Hearing what he said, Yi Wanjun looked up at him suspiciously, "Dad, he...?"

Shen Hongyuan smiled and nodded.

Yi Wanjun's eyes turned red in an instant, and then she shed two lines of clear tears. It turned out that her father had long predicted the arrival of this day and knew that she would do so, so she had already arranged the future for herself. The more she thinks about it, the more she can't stop her tears. Although her heart is full of gratitude and love for her father, she doesn't regret her choice. She thinks that if her father is alive, she will agree with her.

Because my father felt deep remorse for what he did that year, he kept doing good deeds after that, hoping to reduce his guilt.

Shen Zhizhuo took the remote control and watched the news about Yishi group reported on TV. There was no fluctuation between his eyebrows and eyes. When he saw half of it, he raised his hand and pressed the remote control to turn off the TV.

Then he turned and looked at the mobile phone beside him. The phone number he used at Yi's house had been activated by him. He was waiting for Yi Wanjun to contact him.

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