Du Qingjin moved her eyebrows and glanced coldly at Yi Wanjun. When she saw the pity in her eyes, the whole person suddenly looked like a fried eagle. As soon as she turned around, she rushed towards her, and raised the black muzzle to aim at Yi Wanjun's eyebrows.

"Yi Wanjun, you want to die."

Just as Du Qingjin was about to rush over, Peng Kui suddenly stopped her,

Du Qingjin, who was stopped, fiercely pointed the muzzle of the gun at Peng Kui, "Peng Kui, do you want to die, too?"

"Madam, I just reported that a large number of police have come here. If you don't go again, you can't go."

In the gap between them, Yi Nian had dragged her wound back towards Shen Hongyuan.

Just as she was three steps away from Shen Hongyuan, Shen Hongyuan slowly opened his eyes and looked at her.

Yi Wanjun was so happy that she hurried towards him. Just then, Du Qingjin found her, moved the muzzle of the gun away from Peng Kui, and immediately aimed at Yi Wanjun. The cold light flashed from the bottom of her eyes, and the bloodthirsty smile on the corner of her mouth seemed that she had been well maintained, and her face became a little ferocious and terrible.

Just as she pulled the trigger, Shen Hongyuan suddenly jumped up without knowing where the strength came from. He threw Yi Wanjun, who was half squatting down, down on her. With a bang, the bullet cut through the air and disappeared into Shen Hongyuan's body. With his dull hum, the whole person convulsed, She lies on Yi Wanjun's body.

Before she could understand what was going on, Yi Wanjun felt that Shen Hongyuan was motionless again. Just now she seemed to hear the gunshot and the sound of bullets missing into her body, so..... Yi Wanjun just felt that her brain was blank, she had no ability to think, and she was just stunned.

"Who?" Du Qingjin and Peng Kui looked around at the same time. The muzzle of the surrounding men did not face them. Only Shen Zhihuo held a gun in his hand, and his action remained in the state of just shooting.

Du Qingjin's heart was burning with gas, "Shen Zhijiao, what are you doing?"

Just now, when Du Qingjin was shooting to kill Yi Wanjun, Shen Hongyuan suddenly saved her, but the bullet went towards his back heart impartially. If this shot was shot, he would die.

But at this critical moment, the bullet she shot was suddenly wiped by another bullet.

It was at this moment that the bullet that should have hit his heart deviated from the original track. Although it didn't enter Shen Hongyuan's body, it avoided the key.

"Madam, stop talking. The police will be here soon. Go with the young master. I'll stay and hold the police, or it'll be too late."

Then he greeted Shen Zhihuo and hurried to take Du Qingjin away.

Shen Zhihuo also knew that he was taking his mother away now. He automatically ignored his mother's anger and ran to her. Without saying a word, he took her hand and ran out.

Peng Kui directed his men to cover Shen Zhihuo's evacuation, and then went to the corner to start the pre arranged time bomb.

After another look at Yi Nian, Shen Hongyuan, who was unconscious, and Yi Wanjun, who was stupid, went out and turned around to lock the gate with a thick chain.

When the police find here, I'm afraid they can't save them.

When everyone disappeared, Chu Yufan and Chu Yufei flashed out of the dark. Chu Yufei hurried to see the time bomb for the first time. They had only three minutes. Depending on the situation, it was impossible to go out. They had to break the bomb immediately.

As soon as Chu Yufan appeared, he immediately ran to Yinian, untied the rope on her body and the tape on her mouth, and then tried to wake him up.

Maybe his voice woke up the silly Yi Wanjun. She gently got up from under Shen Hongyuan. She was overwhelmed and held Shen Hongyuan in a coma. She cried silently and covered the bleeding wound with her hands. But there were too many wounds and her hands were not enough. What should I do?

Looking around for help, they found that there was no one. Du Qingjin didn't know when they disappeared, but there were two unknown people who didn't know what they were busy with.

Chu Yufei doesn't have time for anything else at this time. Now her first task is to break and dismantle the time bomb.

She looked at it and was overjoyed. As she expected, the timing device was the latest improvement of Shen Zhizhuo half a year ago. It was very difficult to break it, but it was not impossible. Because she participated in the whole process, it was a matter of seconds.

Yi Nian here has not been awakened by Chu Yufan. Chu Yufei over there has successfully broken the bomb.

A false alarm, OK, but now the most critical time, Shen Hongyuan, who was seriously injured, looks like he is afraid that if he can't support the ambulance, he will lose his life due to excessive blood loss and serious injury.

So they have to race against the clock right away.

Chu Yufan couldn't help feeling anxious when he saw that he couldn't wake up Yinian. "Sister, why didn't Yinian wake up? Come and have a look."

Chu Yufei was comforting the helpless Yi Wanjun at this time. She didn't look back and said, "she's all right. She just fainted." now Mr. Shen is in crisis. Fan, come here quickly. We need to get Mr. Shen to the hospital first. The police have rushed here. They will find Yi Nian at that time, so let's save Mr. Shen first. "

Chu Yufan places Yi nianping on the ground, gives her a worried look, then gets up and goes to Chu Yufei to help carry Shen Hongyuan, who has been urgently handled by Chu Yufei, onto her back, and Chu Yufei helps the weak Yi Wanjun.

"Little Nian?" Yi Wanjun looked at Yi Nian in a coma on the ground.

"She's all right. It's important to save Mr. Shen first." Chu Yufei helped Yi Wanjun and walked out of the factory with an inconspicuous hole in the wall found by Chu Yufan when he came in from the other side.


Shen Zhizhuo pulled Du Qingjin all the way to the waiting car at the back door of the factory.

Later, Peng also fell asleep. The people rushed over and got on the car respectively.

Peng Kui opened the co pilot's door of the car Du Qingjin and Shen Zhizhuo were riding in and bent over to sit in.

When he got on the bus, Du Qingjin immediately asked, "have you arranged everything?"

Peng Kui told the driver to drive and said, "well."

Hearing their simple conversation, Shen Zhihuo frowned suspiciously. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something. He looked like he had no time to say anything. The car had begun to move forward. He pushed open the door and jumped down without thinking.

"Shen Zhizhuo, what are you doing?" Du Qingjin, sitting next to him, subconsciously pulled him, but her hand was empty, so she had to watch him jump off the car.

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