Lin Shuzheng was talking to the police. When he heard her question, he paused, then sighed and said, "fortunately, he was hurt a little badly. He was in the operating room downstairs."

Hearing that Ling CHENFENG is fine, Yi Nian's heart just mentioned falls down again.

Then he leaned back in his chair tired and stared at the door of the operating room.

Uncle Lin sends the police off, and then accompanies Yi Nian to wait for Yi Wanjun and Shen Hongyuan in the operating room.


Du Qingjin drove their car all the way to the western suburb manor.

After getting off the bus, Du Qingjin asks Peng Kui to arrange someone to check the abandoned factory. She wants to confirm whether Shen Hongyuan and Yi Wanjun are dead.

At this time, it was evening, and the sky suddenly fluttered with flying snow, confused the dark sky.

Shen Zhizhuo stood in front of the French window and looked at the confused snow in the night sky. The whole person's thoughts began to fly.

Many times in his dreams, he imagined that his mother was still alive. Although he was still cold to him, his heart was still extremely satisfied. As long as his mother was there, he would no longer be alone in the world. The place with his mother was his home.

But now, his mother is really alive and sitting on the sofa not far from him, but his heart is full of confusion.

The obsession that has been supporting him to today suddenly broke. What kind of feeling is it? He only feels that he is at a loss except confusion.

He didn't know how to face his mother who suddenly came back from the dead. Obviously, now she is no longer what he once knew and relied on. Now she is as cold as before, but there is a trace of determination and cruelty.

Yes, although he doesn't use this to describe his mother, it's really appropriate. Once his mother was always hiding in the dark, weeping quietly, fragile and helpless, but now she has already become Mrs. Jinqing, a gangster.

And he has always been so close to her, but she is so cruel that she hasn't seen him for ten years. Yes, she arranged the original death, but he still can't understand what his mother did it for.

"You must have many questions now?" Du Qingjin sat on the sofa and looked at Shen Zhijiao standing in front of the French window.

Her tone was clear and light, and there was no warmth at all. Although Shen Zhihuo had been used to it ten years ago, she still had some stuffy pain in her heart.

Shen Zhihuo slowly turned around and looked at Du Qingjin's eyes with complex emotions.

Du Qingjin glanced at Shen Zhijiao lightly, "don't look at me like this. Just one word. From now on, I am still Mrs. Jinqing, and you will become my successor. Therefore, from now on, you don't need to know anything. Just finish what a successor should do."

With that, Du Qingjin got up and prepared to go back to the room upstairs and take a bath.

Although she took revenge on Yi Wanjun and Shen Hongyuan today, she still seems to have something in her heart that can't be put down and unhappy, so she needs to stay quiet for a while.

Shen Zhizhuo looked at her back upstairs, "Mom..." his mother in this life seemed to come from the distant sky and into Du Qingjin's ears. When he grew up, his voice faded away from the childish, elegant and indifferent.

Du Qingjin's footsteps paused slightly, his fingertips holding the handrail stiffened slightly, and then continued to walk upstairs as if nothing had happened. Obviously, he didn't want to say more to Shen Zhihuo.

Shen Zhihuo lowered his eyes in disappointment until he saw the figure of his eldest mother disappear in his sight. For a long time, he was awakened by the mobile phone ring in his pocket.

It was Chu Yufei's phone. Shen Zhizhuo went to the window and made sure there was no one around before answering, "... OK, I see. Then you pay attention to safety. Well, I'm fine."

Hang up the phone. Shen Zhizhuo is lost in thought. Just now Chu Yufei called him and said that he suddenly received an urgent task. They were going to Laos. They said that there was a batch of goods there and they needed to escort them to the buyer in person.

It seems that the goods this time should not be simple. Thinking of this, Shen Zhizhuo turned out of the villa and prepared to go back to the villa in the eastern suburbs.

As soon as he got to the door, he was stopped by the guards outside the door. Obviously, they were respectful to Shen Zhihuo, "I'm sorry, young master. Madam said you can't leave."

Shen Zhihuo's eyes were cold. He looked at the guards on both sides of the gate and didn't embarrass them any more. After all, they also obeyed orders.

Then he retreated back to the villa.


In the hospital, Yi Wanjun was the first to come out of the operating room. She was only shot once, but she hit her knee. She sent Yi Wanjun, who had not yet awakened, to the intensive care unit. The doctor was very heavy and said to Uncle Lin and Yi Nian, "the bullet has been taken out, but..."

Seeing the doctor's hesitation, Yi Nian was anxious and hurried forward to hold the doctor's hand, "just what, doctor, isn't my mother okay? Tell me quickly."

Uncle Lin hurried forward to stop the excited Yi Nian. "Don't get excited, miss. Listen to what the doctor says first..." Uncle Lin motioned the doctor to continue.

The doctor sighed and said, "although the bullet has been safely taken out, it has caused great damage to Mrs. Shen's knee, which may be inconvenient for future action."

Hearing the sound, Yi Nian shook his body and stepped back two steps. Fortunately, he was held by Uncle Lin in time.

Yi Nian looked at the doctor and whispered incredulously, "how could this happen, that is to say, my mother's leg... Is it so? Doctor?"

Although the result was so cruel to patients and their families, the doctor nodded, "however, if the later recovery is good, it will not affect self-care."

Yi Nian stood outside the intensive care unit and looked across the glass at the hospital bed. Yi Wanjun, pale and unconscious, fell into infinite sadness and trembled all over.

"Miss, are you all right? You'd better go back to the ward and have a rest." Lin Shu advised.

Yi Nian shook his head stubbornly, "Uncle Lin, I'm going to see my brother."

Uncle Lin sighed. Shen Hongyuan was the most seriously injured. I'm afraid the operation will take a long time.

So they took the elevator to the downstairs operating room.

After waiting outside the operating room for about ten minutes, Ling CHENFENG was pushed out of the ward, but his condition seemed to be more serious than Yi Wanjun, with a thick gauze wrapped around his head.

Lin Shu and Yi Nian followed the doctor and sent Ling CHENFENG to the intensive care unit. Lin CHENFENG's attending doctor also showed a heavy look at Lin Shu and Yi Nian

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