Shen Zhizhuo, who could not make a sneak attack, just stabilized his body. As soon as he looked up, he saw the small action of holding Yinian as a killer,

When he saw the silver light flying out of his hand, he said something bad in his heart. He didn't even have time to say anything to warn uncle Lin to avoid, so the whole man rushed at Uncle Lin,

When he pushed uncle Lin away, the silver cold light that the killer shot at Uncle Lin just hit Shen Zhijiao's left shoulder. In an instant, the bright red blood soaked his clothes.

Uncle Lin was suddenly pushed by Shen Zhihuo and fell back. At the same time, he also released Yinian's hand. He could only watch Yinian be hijacked by the killer and retreat to the position in the stairwell.

When Uncle Lin reflected what had happened, he looked at Shen Zhihuo who chased Yinian like the wind in front of him. He saw a silver exquisite dagger inserted in his left shoulder. At this time, only the dagger was outside. With his action, blood continued to flow out along the wound.

Yinian was held by the killer with the same dagger as that stabbed Shen Zhizhu just now against Yinian's artery, carefully retreated and watched Shen Zhizhu warily.

The bodyguards and security guards behind him were subduing the other two killers, so they didn't catch up.

The killer looked at Shen Zhizhuo and warned, "young master, we are performing the task assigned by my wife. Please don't stop us?"

Shen Zhihuo took another step ahead. With his action, the dagger on his shoulder trembled. At the same time, the sharp pain made him frown.

"No, I can let you go and your two partners leave, but you... Must let go of Yinian."

Shen Zhizhuo tried to exchange Yinian with such conditions. After all, the safety of Yinian is the most important.

After being hijacked by the killer, Yinian was flustered and wanted to struggle, but when the cold blade hit her skin, she immediately calmed down and dared not move again.

Hearing Shen Zhihuo's conversation with the killer, Yi Nian's joy at seeing her rush out to save herself disappeared in an instant.

Just now she was moved by his desperate efforts to save uncle Lin, but now she heard this. It turns out that these killers are related to Shen Zhihuo.

Suddenly, Yi Nian seemed to catch something and looked at Shen Zhizhuo in surprise. Just now she seemed to hear the killer who kidnapped her call him young master, and her voice was very respectful.

Although he knew Shen Zhizhuo knew the people who were fighting them, he didn't expect his position among those people to be so high.

Is it that their wife is his godmother or something, so her men call him young master.

But anyway, these people have something to do with Shen Zhizhuo, that is to say, today's assassination may also be related to him.

Well, before he came to himself and told her that I love you, he was also lying to her. The purpose was to check their situation and pass messages to these people so that they could assassinate them.

Yi Nian's mind is full of twists and turns. At the same time, there are many confused places that she doesn't understand.

What kind of hatred is it? We must kill them like this and don't let them go.

Shen Zhizhuo looked at Yi Nian and looked into his eyes to know that she must have misunderstood something, but now she has no time to explain to her.

"Now I know my identity. Did the lady tell you that you can't hurt me, otherwise your consequences will be very tragic. If you let her go, maybe I can keep it a secret for you and help you plead in front of the lady, at least you can save your life, don't you think?"

The killer was obviously persuaded by Shen Zhihuo's persuasion, because there was a young master who blocked him. I'm afraid he can't finish today's task anyway. If the young master can shoulder all these responsibilities, he may really save his life. After all, where is the young master's position.

It can't be said that he is greedy for life and afraid of death. It's just human nature. After all, he is different from a real cold-blooded killer. He's just a part-time killer. It's the right way to keep his life.

"You see, I don't have any weapons on me, and there are stairs behind you. The security guards are busy with those two people, so you can leave all over. As long as you put the responsibility on me, I'm sure madam won't do anything to you." Shen Zhihuo made further efforts. It would be best if he could save Yinian without doing anything.

If not, she will not be hurt at that time. He doesn't want her to be hurt. In the abandoned factory in the afternoon, what perseverance did he use to resist not going to shoot the person who stunned her. Until now, he trembled at the thought of that scene. If the person missed and hit hard, Yinian may never wake up.

Just like at this time, the sharp blade with cold light is against the artery of her neck. The sharp blade has cut her delicate skin and covered with blood beads. If his hand shakes slightly, it may pierce the artery of Yinian.

Shen Zhizhuo did not dare to gamble, nor did he have the courage to joke about Yinian's life. He must ensure that he saved her in the safest way.

Yi Nian looked at Shen Zhizhuo talking with the killer who kidnapped her with a smile. She knew that he wanted to talk to this man about conditions and save himself, but she didn't know what he meant at the moment. If he attracted these killers, why did she stop them from killing their parents? Did she think wrong and misunderstood him.

Now, Yi Nian's mind is in a mess. He doesn't have a clue. He can't tell whether Shen Zhihuo really wants to save them or act for them to regain their trust.

I don't want to think about it. I know that my parents are fine now. As for her, it doesn't matter. If she can't die, it's her life. She's annoying. Even the king of hell doesn't want to accept it.

Just as the killer shook, he suddenly heard rustling footsteps coming from the direction of the staircase on the 15th floor.

He looked stunned for a moment, listened slightly, and determined that someone should have blocked his escape route downstairs.

When he looked up at Shen Zhijiao, he found that many people dressed as security guards suddenly came up behind him.

Shen Zhizhuo is turning back to drive those people away, for fear that their wrong move will stimulate the killer and threaten Yinian's life.

Uncle Lin, standing in front of the team, saw Shen Zhihuo winking at himself and glancing at the frozen eyebrows of the killer holding Yinian. He was cold in his heart and hurried to do what Shen Zhihuo ordered to disperse everyone.

He returned to the corridor and avoided the vigilant sight of the killer.

Seeing this, the killer sneered and asked, "young master, do you think I can still believe what you said?"

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