Yi Nian ignored his sudden stupor and walked quickly to the car without even looking. Shen Zhizhuo, who was standing by the back door of the car and was going to open the door for her, opened the cab door, bent and sat in, then started the car, put it into gear, stepped on the accelerator, and the car ran out. This series of actions were completed at one go, There was no reaction time at all, and the car disappeared into the night.

Shen Zhihuo's hand was still frozen in the air and kept the posture of opening the door for Yi Nian.

Yi Nian's words echoed in his ears again, "people like you are really cold-blooded."

People like them? Shen Zhizhuo didn't know what it was like in his heart. Indeed, he thought he would do that when he promised the man to take his companion with him.

After all, taking those two people would drag him down, but he couldn't let them fall into the hands of the police, so he didn't feel strange.

Although it is cruel to do so, these things are common among those people.

It turned out that she was' such a person 'in her heart, but she was right to think so. He was indeed, but I don't know why. If she thought so about herself, his heart would be so... Uncomfortable.

If he can, he also hopes that he is just an ordinary person, living an ordinary and ordinary life.

However, there are some reasons that don't allow him. Just a few hours ago, he wanted to pursue insipidity regardless of everything. But now, it seems that it's not the time, because his mother is still Mrs. Jinqing, and she he loves is still in danger at any time.

So, he... Shen Zhihuo thought of this, suddenly raised his body and looked around at the empty wharf, where there were the shadows of Yinian and the car.

Therefore, he was abandoned, and Yinian threw him on the abandoned wharf with no village in front and no store in back.

There is white snow everywhere, behind which is the broad Songjiang water.

As soon as he moved, Shen Zhijiao's pretty eyebrows frowned slightly. Only then did he react that he still had a dagger on his shoulder.

The blood soaked in the clothes on the back has solidified. In addition, the temperature is low, and the place soaked by the blood is hard by the cold air.

It made him move a little limited. Shen Zhihuo sighed, and then the cold light from the bottom of his eyes flashed. His right hand bypassed his chest and extended to the position where the dagger was inserted in his left shoulder. His hand just could touch the handle of the dagger.

Immediately, I saw his sword eyebrow frown and his hand forced. I heard a "hiss". With his slight dull hum, the dagger was pulled out like that.

At the moment when the dagger was pulled out, a blood mist spewed out, and then fell on the white snow on the ground. The bright red formed a sharp contrast with the white snow.

Then some blood poured out along the wound, and the frostbitten clothes were soaked again.

The pain and blood loss made his face almost the same color as the snow under his feet. When he stepped away, his whole body shook uncontrollably.

At present, he even began to blacken. Shen Zhi rubbed the center of his eyebrows, strongly supported his consciousness, and raised his feet towards the direction of returning to the city.

But just after he had just walked two steps, suddenly, there was a faint sound of a car in his ear.

Then, two dazzling lights made him subconsciously close his eyes, raise his hand and block it at the same time.

Then the car stopped in front of him, and a delicate and familiar voice came into his ears through the cold wind, "get on the bus."

Hearing these two words, Shen Zhi's burning heart was shocked.

After Yinian drove away, she drove all the way back to the city, but her speed slowed down bit by bit.

Finally, she stopped with her foot on the brake. She lay on the steering wheel and thought a lot in her heart. Finally, she followed her true thoughts, turned the front of the car and drove back in the direction of the wharf.

Yi Nian put down the window, and the cold air poured in in in an instant. He saw Shen Zhizhuo in situ, as if he hadn't heard her.

Then she said again, "are you leaving?"

Shen Zhihuo happily hooked his lips and said, "go." then he strongly supported his consciousness, took two steps, opened the door and sat in the back seat.

Yi Nian closed the window and glanced quietly at the rearview mirror. In the dim light, he saw that his face was very bad and seemed very pale.

And as soon as I got on the bus, I leaned against the back of the chair, my eyes closed gently, and it looked as if I would faint at any time.

Yi Nian couldn't help but tighten her heart and unconsciously increased her strength under her feet. He accelerated his speed and drove back to the city.

After a while, Shen Zhihuo, sitting in the back seat of the car, suddenly said, "I'm fine. I don't have to drive so fast. The road is slippery. Pay attention to safety."

Seeing through his little mind, Yinian flashed a touch of unnaturalness on his face, and then said, "you're worried. I drive at this speed."

Shen Zhizhuo gently pulled the corners of his lips. When Yinian peeped at Shen Zhizhuo through the rearview mirror again, it was right against his slightly opened eyes. Although his eyes were not fully opened, they could not hide the pleasant light from the bottom of his eyes. Yinian trembled in pieces.

Busy as if nothing had happened, she put aside her sight, but the heat on her face could not be ignored. Yinian suddenly felt that the air conditioner in the car was turned on a little high, so she stretched out her hand to drop the window a little, and a cold wind blew in, but it could not cool her irritability at the bottom of her heart.

Suddenly, a sneeze came from behind. Yi Nian was worried and hurriedly closed the window again.

Pretending to be casual, he reached for the air conditioning control switch and raised the temperature a little again.

Shen Zhihuo looked at her little moves one by one, although she was very cold and alienated from him now, and even complained and angry.

But her heart still cares about him, because she cares too much, she will care about what he does.

Her heart must be extremely contradictory. He experienced this feeling when he first met her and liked her. That feeling was very bad and tortured him for a long time.

This made him feel very guilty. If she didn't know herself, didn't fall in love with herself, or maybe she didn't respond to her feelings, she might not be as tangled and irritable as she is now, unable to face her deep feelings.

On the premise of calmness, Yinian slightly accelerated the speed back to the city. She was not sure what happened to Shen Zhizhuo? If he doesn't pull out the dagger on his shoulder for a long time... Suddenly, Yinian was surprised, dagger? Yes, Shen Zhijiao still has a dagger on his shoulder, but it seems that when he gets on the bus, the whole person sits against the back of the chair. Isn't that dagger

Yi Nian parked the car on the side of the road, turned back and looked at the back seat. He didn't say a word for a long time. Shen Zhihuo closed his eyes, "Hey, are you okay? You sit like this, the dagger on your shoulder..."

Yi Nian couldn't go on without saying what she said, because she said so much, but didn't see Shen Zhihuo's response, and didn't even move her eyelids. Therefore, he didn't hear what she said just now

"Shen Zhizhuo, what's the matter with you? Did you hear me? Shen Zhizhuo..." Yi Nian untied her seat belt, laboriously leaned back, tried to touch Shen Zhizhuo with her hands, and kept calling him, but she didn't get a response.

Yi Nian was suddenly afraid. He wouldn't have anything to do. Then she immediately retracted, opened the door to get off, and opened the door of the back seat. When she saw the dagger that disappeared on Shen Zhijiao's left shoulder, she was surprised. It turned out that he pulled out the dagger himself, causing secondary injury and more blood loss.

Seeing this, I didn't dare to delay any more. Yinian got on the bus immediately, restarted the car and tried to drive the fastest speed on the ice and snow road.

Because there were no cars on this section of the road, the whole road was covered with thick snow. Only when they came, the cars came out of two ruts.

Such a road is quite a test of the driver's driving skills. Obviously, the driving technology of Iran is not very clear. Occasionally, the car skidding suck her up, and because she is not her own car, she does not understand the performance of the vehicle, which leads her to drive quickly, but is limited by the road conditions of the ice and snow road.

Just stabilizing the skidding car and preparing to accelerate again, the rear of the car unexpectedly slipped towards the left side uncontrollably

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