I saw that all the people in the corridor, including doctors, nurses, uncle Ling Guoyu and uncle Lin, were busy.

Aunt Shen Hongli and ouyangting accompany Yi Wanjun in a wheelchair. The three cry together.

Moreover, the door of the ward where Shen Hongyuan is located is open. Shen Hongyuan, who was originally lying on the hospital bed, is covered with white cloth from head to foot, so he can't see any of his body.

Yi Nian bit his lower lip in disbelief. His feet were like lead. He wanted to go over and see what happened, but he couldn't lift his feet.

She only left for half a day. When she left, her father was still good. How could she be covered with white cloth? Yi Nian couldn't believe what she saw in front of her. It must be that she got out of the elevator in the wrong way, or in fact, she didn't wake up. It was a dream.

But the truth is the truth. She can't deceive herself or others.

Ouyangting keeps comforting the sad Shen Hongli and Yi Wanjun. Accidentally, Yu Guang sweeps Yi Nian who is stiff and silly there.

"Xiao Nian?"

Ouyangting choked and said.

Shen Hongli and Yi Wanjun raised their heads and looked at ouyangting with tearful eyes.

"Xiaonian, you're back. Where's Zhijiao? Aren't you together?" Shen Hongli hurriedly asked her to come when she saw Yinian.

Yi Nian's eyes slipped over her and moved down slightly to look at her silent crying mother.

Trembling lips, opened his mouth, but did not make a sound. For a long time, he found his voice, but only said a broken word "Mom".


Yi Nian didn't believe it. He just left for half a day, and his father Shen Hongyuan left them forever.

But seeing him pushed away by the doctor, she had to accept the fact.

After the operation, the doctor said that he still had three days to overcome. If God did not care, he would be in danger at any time.

But I didn't say it would be so fast. Yinian was extremely distressed. She blamed herself, was annoyed and sad. She loved her and spoiled her. She never hated her because of her life experience. Her father, who always regarded her as his own, left her and her mother.

Yes, the feelings between father and mother are so deep and strong. Watching their favorite leave, mother should be heartbroken.

But unexpectedly, her mother, Yi Wanjun, was much stronger than she thought. Although she always cried silently, she didn't fall down because her lover left, but comforted them all in turn.

Shen Hongyuan was sent to the funeral home. Because Dr. Liang came back from a medical exchange abroad, Yi Wanjun insisted on going back to the Yi family villa and being taken care of by Dr. Liang.

Ling CHENFENG woke up the next morning and the doctor gave him a comprehensive examination.

All the examination results were developing in a good direction, so they returned to the general ward.

After all, it's a young man, and the injury is not serious, so you can leave the hospital after a week's rest.

Yi Wanjun asks Yi Nian about Shen Zhihuo's whereabouts. Yi Nian hides the two people's affairs and only says that Chu Yufei's sister and brother are in danger. He rushes to rescue them.

Hearing that Chu Yufei's brother and sister are in danger, Yi Wanjun asks about the specific situation with concern.

"I don't know. I suddenly received their call. Maybe the situation was very complicated at that time, so Chu Yufan didn't make it clear. He just said to ask Shen Zhihuo to save sister Yufei, and then the phone dropped. He called again, but he couldn't get through."

Yi Nian said the only thing he knew.

Yi Wanjun sighed, "I hope the two children don't have anything to do. If it weren't for them..." when she said this, her words suddenly stopped.

Thinking of that day in the abandoned factory, their sister and brother suddenly appeared and took the three of them out, and then detonated their time bomb in order to paralyze Du Qingjin and them.

Everything was watertight, successfully fooled Du Qingjin and them, and won them more time to rush to the hospital.

As soon as they were sent to the hospital, the two siblings left in a hurry. Yi Wanjun didn't even know their names. If Yi Nian didn't know them, she didn't know that they were Shen Zhihuo's friends and partners and came to save them.

Yi Nian looked out of the window at the gray sky. It snowed again. She didn't know if Shen Zhi was burning. She hoped they wouldn't have anything to do and bring Chu Yufei and Chu Yufan back safely.


A week later, despite her mother's opposition, Ling CHENFENG insisted on leaving the hospital. Yi Wanjun's injury was much better. After she was completely cured, she could enter the rehabilitation stage.

At the weekend, the snow that had fallen for two days finally stopped. As soon as the snow stopped, the temperature dropped significantly for several degrees. The northwest wind blew the snow on the ground and danced gently on the ground.

The southern suburb cemetery is covered with white snow. At the highest part of the cemetery, seven or eight black shadows stand out in the white snow.

Today is Shen Hongyuan's burial day. Yi Nian, uncle Lin, Liao Wei, Shen Hongli's family and Ouyang Ting, including Yi Wanjun, are all dressed in solemn black clothes.

Everyone's face is full of sadness.

"Madam, let's go. Let's go back." Uncle Lin turned and looked at Yi Wanjun who had been silent.

Yi Wanjun nodded, then Yi Nian pushed her wheelchair and walked down the mountain.

I left a cold tombstone standing alone in the cold wind.

Yi Wanjun and her party left the southern suburb cemetery in two cars respectively.

When the car left, another car slowly drove into the cemetery,

After the car stopped, it took a long time for the door to open. I saw a person coming down from the car. It was Du Qingjin who had already left Songjiang city.

I saw her holding the door in one hand and staring at the depth of the cemetery. She was stunned until a cold wind mixed with the snow on the tree hit her face. In an instant, the biting cold stimulated her to fight a cold war, and then she recovered from her stupor.

Du Qingjin didn't even care about the door, so she hurried to the depths of the cemetery.

On the way, she slipped several times because of flustered steps, but she didn't care about the pain, got up from the ground and continued to run to the place she wanted to go.

When she came to Shen Hongyuan's tombstone, she was out of breath, and because she fell a few times, her clothes were stuck with a lot of snow on the ground.

The neatly combed hair was also slightly messy.

But at this time, she no longer cared about her imagination. When she saw the cold tombstone in front of her, the whole person seemed to be fixed and lost all reaction.

Shen Hongyuan is deeply engraved on the tombstone. Above her name is a black-and-white photo. In the photo, she is a man who loves to the extreme and hates to the bone marrow. Her quiet face is still as natural and handsome as when she first met more than 20 years ago.

For a long time, the cold wind had frozen Du Qingjin's thin clothes to the bone.

The purple lips trembled for a long time before they found their voice, "Shen Hongyuan... Ha ha,... Shen Hongyuan, dead

Hongyuan, you're finally dead. Do you know that I wanted you to die in my dreams

Do you think I got what I wanted now, but... Why,

Why am I not as happy as I thought? Why do I hate you so much and want to kill you right away,

But now when I see you lying in the cold tombs, my heart will still hurt so much... Why, Shen Hongyuan, why... "

Du Qingjin mumbled incoherently, as if questioning Shen Hongyuan, who could no longer answer her, but as if asking herself.

Yes, she really hates him, who makes her love but can't let go, hate and pain, but can't help but hate him.

Du Qingjin seemed to be in pain. She slowly squatted down and shrunk herself into a ball. She wanted to reach out and touch his tombstone, but she was afraid to provoke his disgust.

Du Qingjin looked sadly at Shen Hongyuan in the photo. She wanted to touch, but she didn't dare to touch. Finally, she took it back in pain, put it on her lips and put it on the back of her hand.

The teeth bit the skin on the back of her hand, and there was heartache, but there was no way for her to ignore the tearing heart and lungs at the bottom of her heart.

"Hongyuan, can I ask you one more thing? The last thing is really the last thing. Don't refuse me... If you see our son's burning in heaven, please tell him not to go far and wait for me. Then the three of us can be reunited and never separate again, okay?"

Finally, Du Qingjin reached out and gently touched the cold and hard tombstone. Her fingers were reluctant to leave on Shen Hongyuan's photos

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