Mrs. Jin Qing, the leader of a border organization, was arrested in Songjiang city. The news exploded in that circle in an instant.

At the same time, the military and the police jointly took the cancer that had given them a headache for a long time.

Shen Hongyuan didn't want to be treated in the hospital, so Dr. Liang had no choice but to take the necessary medical supplies and live in the Yijia villa.

The next evening, Yi Wanjun sat in a wheelchair and looked at the direction of the door as if she was waiting for something.

Since she got up in the morning, she has been sitting in the living room, looking at the direction of the door, sitting for a day.

Sister Wu followed Qin Yun to England, so uncle Lin found a cooking aunt to take care of her daily life.

Shen Hongli helped her new aunt prepare dinner for everyone in the kitchen. When she was ready and came out to ask everyone to eat, she saw Yi Wanjun sitting in a wheelchair staring at the door in a daze. She couldn't help sighing.

He walked over, put his hands on the handle of the wheelchair from behind, pushed the wheelchair to the direction of the bathroom and said, "don't worry, give the child more time."

Yi Wanjun slightly lowered her eyes and looked at her legs covered with blankets. She was afraid that he would get into trouble and that he would be unable to convince himself to face her and Hongyuan because of guilt.

The man who had hated himself for ten years suddenly became his own mother. He hated that his complaining father was innocent. Everything was the conspiracy of his favorite "mother".

That day, he chose to escape because he couldn't face such a cruel truth.

Until now, no news has come.

"Hasn't Xiaonian called yet?" Yi Wanjun asked after washing her hands with the help of Shen Hongli.

Shen Hongli shook her head. Yesterday, after Yinian chased Shen Zhizhuo away, they found that Yinian's phone fell in the next ward, so they couldn't take the initiative to contact her, so they had to wait for her news.


After dinner, Shen Hongyuan said he wanted his sister to help him run to Britain tomorrow to see Qin Yun and sister-in-law Wu. Yi Nian was afraid it would take some time to pass, so he hoped she could help take care of Qin Yun during this time.

Shen Hongli responded and then booked the earliest flight tomorrow online. After all, Qin Yun's situation is special. She'd better go there as soon as possible.

Ling Guoyu came in a hurry. The company in France has accumulated a lot of things, so he also plans to return to France tomorrow to deal with the company's affairs and come again.

Everything was arranged. The next day, Shen Hongli and Ling Guoyu went to the airport together, one to Britain and the other to France.

From the airport, Ling CHENFENG drove to the eastern suburb.

This is Shen Zhizhuo's residence in Songjiang City, which he found last night.

Thinking that he and Yi Nian haven't heard anything for two days, they will come to see if they are here. If they are not here, he will check other places. The two living people can't disappear out of thin air, and now they are in such a bad state.

When he came to the villa in the eastern suburb, from the outside, the door of the villa was closed and there was no one.

Then he went to the door and rang the bell, but after five minutes, no one came to open the door, which made him a little worried, so he had to climb over the wall and enter the villa.

Although the door of the villa was closed, the door was not closed. With a slight push, the door opened. Ling CHENFENG looked at the door pushed open by himself and couldn't help but frown again.

He walked into the villa, stood at the door and looked at the situation in the villa. The living room, restaurant and kitchen were kept very clean. It seemed that there was no man-made trace for a long time.

This made him a little disappointed. Didn't they come back here? If so, it would be hard to find.

He walked carefully into the villa and shouted tentatively, "are you there? Shen Zhijiao?"

But there was only an empty reply.

There was no one downstairs, so Ling CHENFENG walked towards the second floor.

When he came to the second floor, he found a slight sound from the room at hand, which raised a hope in his heart.

So he hurried to the door and pushed it. He found that the door was locked and he didn't open it.

He raised his hand, patted the door twice, and asked aloud, "are you inside? It's me, open the door, read?"

Without a response from the inside, he could not help but increase the strength of knocking on the door. The sound of banging banging banging echoed in the empty villa, which was particularly disturbing.

Ling CHENFENG's hands were numb, but he still didn't hear someone respond to him, so he took a big step back and planned to kick the door open with his feet.

But as soon as his feet were raised and ready to kick the door, the door opened.

It was Shen Zhihuo who came out of it. At this time, he was fresh and handsome.

The whole person looks a little decadent, with messy hair and blue fundus. It is obviously caused by not sleeping, and his face is pale and frightening.

The clothes had not been changed that day. At this time, they were wrinkled and several buttons were missing.

But fortunately, he didn't smell a trace of wine. It seems that he hasn't deceived himself and others by drinking.

Shen Zhihuo looked at Li lingchenfeng outside the door. His feet were still in the air. It seemed that if he didn't open the door again, he was going to break in.

He didn't wonder how he found it. After all, he already knew his identity. It was easy for him to check his residence.

He didn't ask Ling CHENFENG why he came. Even if he didn't come, he planned to see Yi Wanjun and them.

These two days, he shut himself in his room, didn't eat, drink or sleep. He thought a lot. From small to large, and now, everything in the past is like a movie, one by one in his mind.

From being unable to face it at the beginning to being calm now, as Du Qingjin said before, he should rejoice in her kindness of not killing, at least let him have the opportunity to get together with his biological parents.

He has experienced too many deaths and knows too much about the importance of life, so he can no longer lose his time with his parents because of his sadness. They have missed 20 years. Let him be filial to them in the future to make up for the damage he has caused to them.

After he wants to pass, he plans to go to them and Yinian immediately. He wants to give her a grand engagement ceremony, and then give her a grand wedding to make her fall in love all her life.

But before he walked out of the room, the door was almost kicked open by his cousin Ling CHENFENG.

Ling CHENFENG looked at Shen Zhijiao's weakness and asked anxiously, "are you... Okay?"

Hearing the speech, Shen Zhijiao nodded and pulled the corners of his lips, "fortunately, if you don't come, I'm going back."

Hearing what he said, Ling CHENFENG couldn't help but feel happy. It seems that he has figured it out and went out.

"Great, my uncle and aunt have been waiting for you. By the way, why didn't I see Niannian?"

Shen Zhizhuo was stunned. "Yi Nian? Isn't she at home?"

When Lingchen Fengshen Seton was surprised, a bad premonition rose in her heart, "she chased you away the day before yesterday. Didn't she catch up with you?"

"When I came out of the hospital that day, I went back here and didn't see her..." speaking of this, Shen Zhihuo suddenly stopped, and a flash of panic flashed in his eyes, "what happened to her?"

These four words also flashed in Ling CHENFENG's heart. Don't think about it any more. Something must have happened to Yinian. Shen Zhizhuo left the hospital that day and came here directly. He didn't see Yinian. Yinian chased Shen Zhizhuo out of the hospital in front of everyone that day.

Even if she didn't catch up with Shen Zhihuo and left the hospital with him, she would catch up with the villa in the eastern suburb, but she didn't.

Shen Zhizhuo stayed in the villa for two days and didn't see Yi Nian. Then something must have happened to her, otherwise she couldn't disappear without reason.

Because she didn't bring the phone, she couldn't be contacted. In addition, two days have passed since she left the hospital that day, which made both people feel inexplicable panic.

Shen Zhizhuo suggested going to the hospital to check the surveillance video. If Yinian chased him out of the ward, there must be her trace in the surveillance video of the hospital.

Therefore, Shen Zhihuo didn't care about his own sloppiness and drove to the hospital with Ling CHENFENG.

In the car, Ling CHENFENG looked at Shen Zhi's burning pale face and weak look, and asked anxiously, "you can't do this. When you get to the hospital, you need to check, and then eat something. Don't refute. If something really comes out, you're waiting for us to save her. How can you save her like this? It's not worth the loss if you're making trouble at that time."

Ling CHENFENG deliberately took Yi Nian to suppress him. As expected, it worked. Shen Zhizhuo didn't put forward a refutation opinion and nodded obediently, because he knew that his physical condition was very bad now. He couldn't fall down for Yi Nian.

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