Yinian quickly walked a few steps, narrowed his distance from Shen Zhijiao, and then shouted to Shen Zhijiao's back, "I can't walk. I'm tired to death." then he turned and sat on the stone ladder and beat his numb legs.

Be coquettish, she will, too.

Sitting on the stone steps, Yinian couldn't help imagining the scene of Shen Zhizhuo carrying her up the mountain. She also unconsciously showed a sweet smile on her face, but she didn't know that Shen Zhizhuo had gone far away from her at this time.

Shaoqing, seeing that there was no movement behind her, Yi Nian looked back at her. In addition to the passers-by climbing the mountain, there was no Shen Zhihuo. Yi Nian was angry and hurried to catch up with her heavy legs.

Along the way, Yinian competed with the stone ladder and had no time to take into account the beautiful scenery around her, not to mention the original wish to enhance their feelings through the beautiful autumn on the way up the mountain

After Yi Nian crawled breathlessly for more than half an hour, he finally saw the burning of Shen standing under the red maple tree overlooking the mountain.

The cool autumn wind blew past, and the noise around him suddenly became quiet. In Yi Nian's eyes, there was only the dreamlike scene. The cool and beautiful young man stood quietly under the red leaf maple tree, and all the beautiful scenery around him suddenly lost color and became a foil.

With gnashing teeth, Yinian quickened his pace and plopped down on the stone ladder at his feet. Gasping for breath, he threw aside his noble and temperament, and was almost lying on the ground.

"Shen Zhizhuo, you are not a gentleman. Leave me alone and go first." Yinian complained.

"That's why you want to climb the mountain?" Shen Zhizhuo stood and looked at the simple vermilion temple and the three golden words "Yuelao Temple" on the plaque

"Ah? What?"

"Behind you."

Yinian quickly stood up, looked back, was stunned, and then smiled: "ah, there is also a Yuelao temple here, ha... Ha... Ha"

As soon as I turned around, I was stared at by Shen Zhi's burning "hot" eyes. I was a little guilty, and my eyes twinkled. He swallowed his saliva and continued, "since we're here, let's go in and have a look."

Yi Nian pulled up Shen Zhi's parched palm, didn't give the other party a chance to refute, crossed the crowd and squeezed into the Yuelao temple.

Shen Zhizhuo was sure that this trip was a trap deliberately set by Yi Nian. In fact, she had known that there was such a Yuelao temple in the mountain. Thinking of this, his heart suddenly became agitated again. It seems that she had done an extremely wrong thing today.

Looking at Yi Nian's happy back, he was in a mess. He wanted to get rid of her hand and turned down the mountain, but at this time, he had been led by Yi Nian to the temple.

There are more people in the temple than on the mountain road. The huge courtyard is crowded. Shen Zhijiao frowns. The huge tripod in front of him is filled with smoke. The pungent smell of sandalwood makes it difficult for Shen Zhijiao to breathe. Looking up, a tall golden statue of Yuelao with a charitable smile stands in the center of the towering main hall, and Yuelao's hands are raised in front of him, A red thread was wound in the palm of his hand, and a slightly smaller statue of boy and girl was set up on the left and right around him, which was very pleasing.

Yi Nian loosened Shen Zhihuo's hand and pushed towards the crowd in the West. Shen Zhihuo's eyes left behind involuntarily followed Yi Nian. After a while, she pushed away the crowd and walked back. At this time, she had two sticks of incense in her hand.

Back in front of Shen Zhihuo, Yi Nian smiled and stuffed Shen Zhihuo with a column of incense. Then he raised his hand and said, "take it, learn from me, worship, and then insert the incense - into the big tripod."

I saw Yi Nian's hands folded, holding the burning incense, her beautiful eyes gently closed, devoutly bent down to worship for three times, and then inserted the incense in her hand into the copper tripod.

Then he looked at Shen Zhihuo excitedly and said, "hurry up, tell the old moon your heart piously."

"Boring." Shen Zhihuo gave the incense back to Yinian, turned his back and walked towards a towering ancient tree.

"...." Yi Nian frowned, bit her lips, looked at Shen Zhijiao's elegant back, looked at the incense in her hand, and turned back, "I'll worship for you." then she devoutly repeated the action just now.

Then she looked up at the benevolent smile of Yuelao holding a red rope in the main hall. She also smiled sweetly.

Shen Zhizhuo came to a towering ancient tree and looked at the countless fiery red wish ribbons hanging on the ancient tree. Facing the breeze, they danced naturally and vividly, and the black ink carried the beautiful hopes of many infatuated men and women for love. However, in reality, there is not so much beauty. The warmth and tiredness of the previous moment will lead to life and death. It's better to master your own destiny than to expect the favor of your destiny in this period.

"Shen Zhihuo, come here quickly." Yi Nian shouted to Shen Zhihuo standing in the crowd in front of a man in Taoist robe.

Seeing that he didn't seem to hear him, he gave up calling him over. He may not do what he thinks boring with himself. He'd better do it for himself. It should be the same. Thinking of this, Yi Nian wrote her and his wishes on two relatively large red silk with waterproof carbon pens.

Yi Nian put down his pen, proudly looked at his masterpiece, happily squeezed through the crowd, came to Shen Zhihuo, and said in a loud voice, "throw these two ribbons onto the highest branch without other ribbons."

Shen Zhihuo calmly glanced at the two big ribbons in Yi Nian's hand, and then looked at her playful look with a slight arrogance, and was ready to leave expressionless.

At this time, Yi Nian seemed to be about to be polished by his indifference and lost his patience. His tone couldn't help but add a trace of unreasonable command: "Hey, Shen Zhijiao, don't go. Hurry up, do you hear me."

"I'm crazy today, so I'll climb a mountain with you." Shen Zhizhuo's tone was extremely cold in an instant. After that, he left with a big step.

"You..." Yi Nian bit her lower lip and looked at the angry back. A tear slipped out of her eyes unconsciously and fell on the red silk in her hand. She fainted and dyed in an instant.

Feeling the cold on her face, Yi Nian quickly raised the back of her hand to wipe away the tears on her face and said to herself, "when did I cry so much?"

After sucking his nose, Yi Nian looked down at the two sections of red silk in his hand and the thick and tall ancient trees beside him. They all said that as long as he threw the red silk with a wish to the highest point, he would realize his wish.

Thinking of this, she began to turn under the tree and tentatively raised two sections of red silk in her hand, but she didn't throw it on the ancient tree, because her eyes were looking at the highest branch of the ancient tree at the moment.

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