Shen Zhihuo, who was closest to her, hurriedly came forward and asked, "how's it going? Is it hot?"

Ouyangting shook her head with guilt, "I'm fine, but the carpet..."

Shen Zhihuo smiled indifferently and said, "it's just a carpet. It's all right. Just replace it in a moment. It's good if you don't burn it."

Although she heard the host say so, ouyangting still felt very sorry. She hurriedly took out a paper towel from the paper on the tea table and squatted down to wipe the coffee stains on the ground.

Shen Zhizhuo wanted to pull her up, but she waved her hand and said, I'll wipe it. In fact, it's not that she can't get up, but now her eyes are full of tears. She doesn't want her embarrassment to be seen by them, so she used an excuse to wipe the coffee stains on the carpet.

When they don't pay attention, gently wipe away their tears with their sleeves.

The paper towel was soaked with coffee stains on the carpet. She stood up and threw the paper into the wastebasket.

Then some stood there cramped, staring at the carpet soiled by themselves, some at a loss.

Ling CHENFENG went to the sofa and took a look at the carpet on the ground. He didn't dare to look up at his ouyangting.

It suddenly occurred to me that just now she saw herself downstairs and the coffee in her hand would fall.

So it seems that he should be the culprit in this matter.

Seeing her like this, he couldn't bear it. "You don't have to feel guilty. You were going to change a new carpet during the new year."

Hearing Ling CHENFENG say so, ouyangting was so happy that she quickly raised her head and looked at him.

When he touched the light look at the bottom of Ling CHENFENG's eyes, his heart sank. It seemed that he was careless. He only said that out of politeness.

Then, she said with the seriousness: "I have something else to do. Come back to see Xiaonian another day... Bye."

With that, she quickly walked to the porch to change her shoes. As soon as she went out, she met uncle Lin who came back from the outside.

Uncle Lin saw ouyangting who was in a hurry to leave. Before he could say hello to her, he saw her get in the car and drive away.

Uncle Lin turned back in doubt and entered the house.

As soon as I entered the house, I saw Ling CHENFENG and Shen Zhizhuo busy on the sofa.

When I looked closer, I found that I was changing the carpet.

When asked, Ling CHENFENG said he spilled his coffee accidentally.

Hearing what he said, Shen Zhijiao looked at him strangely.

After uncle Lin returned to his room, Shen Zhizhuo asked him, "between you and ouyangting..."

He didn't go on. Before, Ling CHENFENG and ouyangting seemed to be just lovers in love, but I don't know when they seem to have returned to the relationship of ordinary friends.

But just now he obviously saw the friendship for Ling CHENFENG from ouyangting's eyes, so she still liked him, but compared with her attitude, Ling CHENFENG was quite the opposite.

Because he seemed very cold to ouyangting, which made Shen Zhizhuo feel something wrong.

Ling CHENFENG smiled faintly and replied, "it's okay. It doesn't matter. It's just to deal with the blind date my mother brought."

Shen Zhizhuo thought his words were incredible, so he asked, "so, did you deceive the feelings of other girls?"

"What a mess. I have a verbal agreement with her. We are just nominal fake lovers." Ling CHENFENG seems unwilling to say more about ouyangting. He turns to the kitchen, takes out a can of beer from the fridge, opens it and drinks it up.

Fake lovers, this is beyond Shen's expectation.

He just asked one more question because ouyangting was a good friend of Yinian. When he knew the answer, he left the topic behind.

He walked behind Ling CHENFENG, but when he was about to get the beer, Ling CHENFENG stopped him, "there is boiled water over there. You'd better not drink the wine with him now."

Shen Zhihuo glanced silently, but he didn't insist anymore.

"Are you ready there? When can you start? I'm going to see sister Fei first, and then go directly to fan."

"It has been arranged. You can start at any time. Your aunt and uncle have been sent away by you. They just read there. What are you going to say?"

Shen Zhihuo smiled bitterly, looked at Ling CHENFENG and returned to: "tell the truth."

Ling CHENFENG felt a little confused, "tell the truth."

"Well, she knows sister Fei and fan, and there's no way to hide it from her. In addition, I want to take sister Fei over, and I have to ask her to take care of her for me."



When Yinian woke up, it was already dark. After dinner downstairs, Shen Zhizhuo and Ling CHENFENG called her to the study and told her their plan.

"Sister Yufei... Can't see? Chu Yufan is missing? How could this happen? What happened?"

Yi Nian was quite shocked when she heard what happened to Chu Yufei and Chu Yufan. She couldn't imagine what it would be like to be alone like Chu Yufei, but she knew that if she encountered something like that, she would collapse.

Yi Nian closed her eyes and suddenly opened them. She just closed her eyes. The boundless darkness made her feel afraid, not to mention falling into the darkness completely. The feeling of helplessness can really defeat a person's will.

She is still so young and her life has just blossomed, but she has encountered so many hardships and her brother is still missing.

"Don't worry, the doctor said that her blindness may be temporary, or she may see it soon." Shen Zhihuo comforted the excited Yi Nian and comforted himself in his heart at the same time.

First of all, they should maintain an optimistic attitude first, otherwise if they are pessimistic first, how can Chu Yufei persist in suffering misfortune.

"Where are you going to find Chu Yufan? Is it dangerous?"

Ling CHENFENG rubbed the top of Yi Nian's hair. Gu said to him, "can you take good care of Chu Yufei? Give her to you. I'm really worried about her."

Yi Nian ignored his lame excuse and insisted on repeating the question just now.

Shen Zhizhuo nodded. He didn't want to deceive her, so he didn't want to hide everything they were about to face. "Of course there are dangers, but don't worry, we will return safely."

Yinian knew she couldn't stop them, so she could only pray that they would find Chu Yufan safely and come back safely.

Uncle Lin, they didn't hide it, just let uncle Lin hide it from his parents in Britain.

Uncle Lin knew that the children had their own ideas, and he knew as well as Yi Nian that he couldn't stop him, so he had to agree reluctantly.

Ling CHENFENG first sent someone to take Chu Yufei back to Yi's house from the military district hospital. As soon as she saw Chu Yufei sitting in a wheelchair with empty eyes, Yi Nian's tears gushed out.

But she didn't dare to let her sadness infect her, so Yinian hurried out with tears and pressed down the feelings in her heart.

Knowing that Shen Zhizhuo and Ling CHENFENG were going to find the missing Chu Yufan, Chu Yufei began to object. After all, the situation that day was too complex. After she separated from Chu Yufan, she lost contact, and the terrain was also very complex. They didn't know what Chu Yufan encountered.

It will be difficult to find it so blindly, but there is no better way. It's her own brother. She's really worried about what happened to him these days. Otherwise, he should have come back by himself.

"Don't worry, we'll find fan. He may have encountered some difficulties. He's waiting for me to find him. Just wait here for us to bring fan back."

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