As soon as Yi nianyi returned to the room, he took out the medicine box in the dressing table and studied it again. The medicine box is very complete and can't see anything wrong. If the medicine is passive, how did this person do it? And don't think about it. It must be related to Peng Kui.

The police said that Peng Kui's body had not been found before, so he probably didn't die at all. If so, her addiction to drugs would be solved.

According to this medicine, you may be able to find Peng Kui.

But now Shen Zhizhuo is gone. What should she do? The most important thing is her drug addiction. She is really afraid of the feeling of not taking drugs. It's too uncomfortable, and the illusory feeling after taking drugs makes her nostalgic.

Yi Nian suddenly felt that she was good or bad. She had such a shameful idea.

Throw the medicine box into the wastebasket, jump into bed without looking, and cover yourself tightly with a quilt.

I felt it was difficult to breathe, so I exposed my head from the quilt and breathed oxygen.

What is she going to do? Yi Nian stared blankly at the ceiling.

The next morning, Yinian woke up with the feeling of being addicted to drugs.

Yi Nian curled up in the quilt and clenched her teeth, trying to force back the hell like grinding feeling on her body.

But her teeth were trembling, and there were countless ants crawling through the bones. Her head was about to burst open in pain, and she was sweating cold.

She was about to collapse. She couldn't control the urge to take medicine, and the bone eating taste was beyond her limit.

Yi Nian suddenly lifted the quilt, picked up the medicine box thrown away last night from the wastebasket, shook her hand and tried several times without opening the medicine box. In a hurry, she had to put the medicine box to her mouth, tore and opened the medicine box. She wasted her efforts to buckle out several pills, but did not care about counting them. She read and stuffed them into her mouth.

At this time, all her nerves were disordered, and even the bitterness in her mouth could not be detected. She got up while taking jellyfish tablets to reach the water cup on the dresser. Because she was anxious, she suddenly bent down and coughed when drinking water.

Coughing made her face red. It took her a long time to slow down.

However, the original difficult feeling that can make the medicine work has been replaced by the familiar comfortable feeling.

Yi Nian shed tears while immersed in this feeling.

She fell again, which made her feel very ashamed and angry. Yi Nian sat on the ground like that, his forehead was low on the cabinet of the dresser, and his eyes stared at a place distracted.

The sun shines lazily through the gap of the curtain, with the unique laziness of winter.

Yi Nian's lax eyes focused little by little, and her thoughts gathered back little by little. She slowly turned her head and looked at the white pills falling on the ground around her, as well as half a box of drugs.

Biting her lower lip, she picked up the pills and medicine boxes on the ground like crazy, and staggered to the bathroom, intending to throw them all into the toilet and wash them away.

But her hands stopped uncontrollably in the air and couldn't let go.

She couldn't bear to throw the medicine away.

Yes, the feeling of being addicted to drugs was too hard for her to bear. She cowardly took back her hand.

Squatting on the ground and crying, the more you cry, the more sad you feel, the more desperate you are.

This is the biggest stain in her life. What should she do to treat it as if it had never happened.

Aunt Yang called her several times and went downstairs for dinner, but she didn't get a response. Just when she was going to find uncle Lin and open the door with the spare key, Yinian had dressed neatly and opened the door.

Seeing uncle Lin and aunt Yang at the door, Yi Nian lightly hooked her lips.

Downstairs, Yinian chatted with Chu Yufei for a while, and then helped her to the restaurant for breakfast.

After dinner, Yinian said she had something to go out for a while, told them not to wait for her at noon, and then drove away from home.

Of course, she went to the drugstore first.

After wandering outside the drugstore for a while, she found nothing unusual. She went into the drugstore again to buy the cold medicine of the previous brand.

Because she came twice, the salesperson had an impression of her. Seeing that she still bought cold medicine, he enthusiastically said that if the cold was not good, he would go to the hospital to see it, so as not to delay her illness.

Yi Nian smiled and said that her family caught a cold and may have been infected by her. This medicine is very useful, so I'll buy some more to prepare.

After leaving, Yi Nian sat in the car and looked at the drugstore for a while.

Just drove away. The medicine I just bought was put on the co pilot's seat.

It's the same medicine she bought two times before. There's no difference. I just don't know what the effect is.

The salesperson just now seemed to have no problem. Of course, she saw it. Even if there was anything, I'm afraid she couldn't see it.

But how did Peng Kui move his hands and feet on the medicine.

Is he hiding in that drugstore.

Yinian drove all the way to the drug rehabilitation center.

When she parked her car in the parking lot opposite the drug treatment center and looked at the door of the drug treatment center, Yinian's eyes flashed blank.

If you want to completely get rid of drug addiction, you can only go to the drug rehabilitation center, because she knows that she doesn't have the perseverance and courage to quit her drug addiction by herself.

But if she goes there, she will leave this indelible stain in her file.

Until the sun went west, Yinian started the car to leave the drug rehabilitation center and go home.

Before entering the door, she adjusted her expression and didn't want to be seen by others.

"Is Xiaonian back?" Chu Yufei, sitting on the sofa, heard footsteps at the door and asked.

Yi Nian took out her slippers from the shoe cabinet and replied, "it's me, sister Yufei."

"Zhihuo they just sent back the news that they had found fan, but he was detained by a group of pirates, and Zhihuo was negotiating with them."

Chu Yufei excitedly shares her joy with Yinian.

Hearing the speech, Yi Nian's eyes brightened, "really? Great, did they say when to come back?"

Chu Yufei shook her head. "I don't know. It seems that those pirates don't intend to let people go."

Yi Nian was stunned. "What do you mean they don't intend to release people? Do they want money or something? Or what are too harsh conditions that we can't do?"

"Neither. It seems that the daughter of the pirate head has a crush on fan and wants to marry him."

"Ha?" Yi Nian jumped up from the sofa strangely. "Sister Yufei, are you kidding? Chu Yufan has been detained as the son-in-law of the stronghold? It's too dramatic."

No wonder Yinian was surprised. When he heard the news, even Chu Yufei was surprised and didn't speak for a long time.

Then Chu Yufei told her what Shen Zhizhuo had told her again.

It turned out that Chu Yufan was seriously injured that day. When he ran away, he happened to enter the pirate's territory by mistake.

And was saved by the pirate's daughter. The pirate's daughter fell in love with him at first sight and had to marry him. The doting pirate had to obey his daughter and try his best to treat Chu Yufan. After Chu Yufan was well, he thanked himself, but he wanted to go, but he was stopped.

In this way, until Shen Zhizhuo accidentally ran into some pirates talking about it, they were surprised that the person they were talking about might be Chu Yufan, so they sneaked in. Sure enough, it was Chu Yufan. After a brief understanding of the situation, they planned to sneak away with Chu Yufan, but they were found by the pirates. There was no way, so they had to negotiate directly with the pirates.

"That's it. It seems a little unexpected. I didn't expect that anyone would have such a common experience." Chu Yufei said with a bitter smile, but fortunately Chu Yufan is all right. Anyway, his personal safety is guaranteed.

Yi Nian smiled inconceivably. "If the pirate's daughter looks good, Chu Yufan can marry her. After all, the grace of saving lives, we should promise each other by example, ha ha..." said, Yi Nian immediately laughed.

The sadness that had been immersed in the shadow of Chu Yufan's disappearance finally dissipated.

Now just wait and see how they deal with this thorny problem of pressing the son-in-law.

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