When Yi Nian opened the bathroom door, she saw Chu Yufei lying face up on the floor of the bathroom in her bathrobe. Her eyes were closed. It seemed that she slipped to the ground, and then hit the ground on the back of her head and fainted.

Yi Nian was at a loss and fell into tears. She didn't dare to touch her for fear of causing secondary damage to her. Then she called 120 and shouted aunt Yang.

Soon, the ambulance came to Yi's house and sent the unconscious Chu Yufei to the car. Yi Nian stayed next to her.

After uncle Lin sent them home, he went to the company. Because Shen Zhizhuo and they were not there, the company had to be managed by Uncle Lin.

In the ambulance, Yi Nian watched the doctor in the car give first aid to Chu Yufei. She felt remorse and wanted to slap herself in the face.

Why didn't she go in to help? She should insist on helping her so that she won't have an accident.

Soon he arrived at the hospital. Chu Yufei was pushed into the operating room. Yi Nian waited anxiously outside the door. At the same time, uncle Lin who received the notice also came over. Fortunately, his old man's body is strong, otherwise he really can't stand the toss of this period of time.

"Xiaonian, what's the matter?" Uncle Lin rushed over after receiving a call saying that Chu Yufei had an accident, and he didn't come in a hurry to find out the specific situation.

Yi Nian saw Uncle Lin and cried like a helpless child. "It's all my fault. Sister Yufei said she wanted to take a bath, so I waited outside, and then she didn't know how to slide. I didn't know there would be an accident. Everything was fine before. It's all my fault, so I should stick in and help."

Smelling the speech, uncle Lin probably understood what had happened. Looking at Yi Nian's self reproach, he distressed and comforted her and said, "no one wants such a thing to happen. Don't reproach yourself. I believe she will be fine."

But Yi Nian still felt guilty and blamed himself. He squatted on the ground and kept sobbing.

When the door of the operating room opened, her legs were numb and she could hardly stand up.

Send Chu Yufei back to the ward. Yinian and uncle Lin are busy looking for a doctor to ask about the situation.

The doctor took off his mask and said in a slightly dignified tone: "the situation is not very serious. Although he met the back of the brain, he didn't cause any major damage, but the patient is now in a coma. It's hard to say when he can wake up."

After the doctor left, Yi Nian sat on the chair, holding Chu Yufei's hand tightly and crying.

"Sorry, sister Yufei, I didn't take good care of you. You must wake up. You must wake up."


In the evening, Chu Yufei still didn't wake up.

Yi Nian has been guarding in front of the hospital bed. Suddenly, there is a rapid ring from her mobile phone. She looks away from Chu Yufei.

When she saw Peng Kui calling, Yi Nian frowned irritably, looked at Chu Yufei who was still unconscious on the hospital bed, and determined that she had no problem, so she took her mobile phone to the bathroom and answered the phone.

Peng Kui's frantic voice came over the phone. "I'm calling to inform you that my trip is ahead of schedule, so you still have four hours to prepare. That's still the sentence. It's out of date."

"Doodle doodle..."

Before Yi Nian said a word, Peng Kui at the other end hung up.

Yi Nian stood blankly and looked at himself with pale face, red eyes and no look in the mirror.

How did she become like this? Is this still her? Is it still the free and easy, self willed and publicized Yinian?

No, she's not. She doesn't even know who she is.

When Yinian went out of the bathroom, it was ten minutes later. When Uncle Lin came back from downstairs to buy food, Yinian said she wanted to go out and asked Uncle Lin to take care of Chu Yufei.

Then he took a taxi, rented a car and went home. He went upstairs and took out her pocket card.

Not much, but it should be enough.

Then she called Peng Kui and made an appointment.

The site is the abandoned factory in Jiangbei, which was bombed into ruins.

It was already seven o'clock in the evening. It was already dark. The cold wind blew on her like a knife, and the cold Yinian's roots trembled.

Revisiting the old place again, Yinian felt like a separated world. Yi Nian looked around nervously, but he didn't see Peng Kui,

Yi Nian carried the bag of money in one hand and the mobile phone in the other. Because she didn't wear gloves, she felt her hands were as cold as a needle.

Because she couldn't find Peng Kui, she had to call him.

On the phone, Peng Kui told her to put the money on the ground, and then behind the ran Road factory, there was a dead big willow, and there was something she wanted in the hole of the willow.

"Those things are enough for you to use for a month. I'll contact you in a month. Don't pretend you don't know me." after that, Peng Kui hung up the phone.

Yi Nian loosened his hand holding the money bag and fell to the ground, shaking the snow on the ground.

He hesitated for a while before he dared to walk behind the factory.

Sure enough, she saw a dead willow. Yinian looked through the light on her mobile phone flashlight. Sure enough, she saw a black plastic bag. She didn't look carefully. She picked up the plastic bag and ran back to the car.

Sitting in the car, I gasped for breath. It took me a long time to get over it. Then I went to see the plastic bag in my hand.

She trembled to open the bag and found that there were some tinfoil sealed tablets, which were similar to ordinary cold medicine, but much smaller than the previous tablets.

If you don't know, you really think it's cold medicine. He threw a bag of "cold medicine" into the co pilot's seat. Yinian leaned back and looked at the night outside the car.


After returning to the hospital, looking at Chu Yufei who was still in a coma on the hospital bed, Yi Nian sighed a long time.

Before leaving, Shen Zhizhuo told her to take good care of Chu Yufei, but what she did, how she should explain to him and Chu Yufan.

"I'll watch here, uncle Lin. you go to the lounge next door and have a good rest. You have to go to the company tomorrow." Yi nianqiang said to Uncle Lin with spirit.

Seeing her insistence, uncle Lin had to go to the lounge next door to have a rest.

Yi Nian just sat there

On the chair in front of the hospital bed, he quietly looked at Chu Yufei like a sleeping beauty.

As soon as I sat down, I sat until dawn.

The sun outside the window beat like an elf to illuminate the whole ward. Yinian raised her hand and rubbed the center of her eyebrows and moved her stiff body. It's strange that she didn't sleep all night at the latest. She didn't feel how sleepy she was.

It seems that during this period of time, she doesn't sleep easily at night, just like endless energy, but she obviously feels very tired, but she can't sleep well.

Yi Nian, who was just about to stretch out, suddenly thought of something. He glanced at Chu Yufei on the hospital bed, and then immediately got up and ran to the lounge. But when he saw that uncle Lin had just washed out of the bathroom, he came forward and said, "Uncle Lin, please help me see sister Yufei. I'll go out."

Before uncle Lin answered, she hurried downstairs.

Hearing the speech, uncle Lin was stunned. He looked at Yi Nian's back and frowned strangely. During this time, he felt that Yi Nian was a little strange, but he couldn't say what was wrong.

Maybe it's his illusion. Too many things have happened during this period, making everyone a little neurotic.

When Uncle Lin called Liao Wei to pick him up, he bought some breakfast and opened the door of Chu Yufei's ward. He was very heavy when he saw Chu Yufei still sleepy.

Yinian took the elevator all the way to the underground parking lot. When she got out of the elevator, the whole person began to tremble slightly. She knew that the time was up and her drug addiction was about to commit.

After getting on the bus, the co pilot opened the black plastic bag left there last night.

He took a pill out of it, put it in his mouth, took mineral water and smoothed it down.

Just when she was ready to take the second tablet, she saw a printed note with the dosage on it. It turned out that the measurement of this tablet, which was much smaller than the original one, was more than the original one, so now she can only take one at a time.

After a long time, Yi Nian got off, took the elevator and went back to Chu Yufei's ward.

As soon as he entered the door, uncle Lin greeted him and said, "young master, they have come back and are on their way to the hospital."

Hearing uncle Lin's words, the mineral water bottle in Yi Nian's hand fell to the ground with a bang

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