But Yi Nian was still looking around like she didn't hear aunt Yang.

Seeing such an idea, aunt Yang's heart flashed a trace of uneasiness. She couldn't help but increase her voice and repeated the question just now, "Miss, what are you looking for? I'll help you find it."

"Ah?" Yi Nian heard it this time. She looked at Aunt Yang with a strange face at a loss. "What are you talking about?"

Aunt Yang, who was asked in reply, was obviously a little surprised. "I asked what you were looking for just now? Do you need my help?"

Yi Nian frowned, as if she didn't understand what she was talking about, and replied with some patience: "No."

As soon as I turned around, I saw Ling CHENFENG standing on the stairs and looking at them thoughtfully.

"Brother, when did you come back?"

Obviously, Yi Nian was surprised to see Ling CHENFENG. She thought he was still in the hospital.

Ling CHENFENG smiled brightly, "it's been a while. When I came back, aunt Yang said you were sleeping, so I didn't bother you. Is the meal ready? I'm so hungry."

"Well, I'm going to ask you to come down for dinner. In the restaurant, you eat first. I'll go to the hospital to deliver dinner to Uncle Lin."

With that, aunt Yang turned back to the kitchen, but when she left, she took another sneaky look at Yi Nian.

Ling CHENFENG went downstairs and came to Yi Nian. Looking at his obviously emaciated little face, he said, "let's go and have dinner."

Yi Nian smiled regretfully at Ling CHENFENG, pointed to an empty bowl on the table and said, "I'm finished, so I won't accompany you. Eat by yourself. I'll go upstairs."

Ling CHENFENG nodded helplessly, "well, I'll enjoy a person's dinner."


Ling CHENFENG, who was just about to turn around and go to the restaurant, gave a pause, turned his head and looked at Yi Nian who was going up the stairs. He said "hmm?" in doubt.

But after calling him, Yinian didn't speak. He just looked at him for a moment, shook his head and said, "it's okay, you eat slowly." then he trotted upstairs.

Ling CHENFENG was puzzled and stood there. Looking at the figure of Yi Nian disappearing into his sight, he reluctantly shook his head and raised his feet into the restaurant for dinner.

Yi Nian returned to the room and entered the moment of wishful thinking. Just now she stopped Ling CHENFENG. In fact, she wanted to tell him about her recent experience and ask him to help her quit her drug addiction, but when the words came to her mouth, she couldn't say it.

She didn't know what they would think of her if they knew she was addicted to drugs, especially

She bought it from Peng Kui.

But she really wanted to give up her drug addiction. She knew that if she continued, she would only sink deeper and deeper until she was addicted to drugs and lost more life.

She didn't have the courage to enter the drug rehabilitation center, nor did she have the courage to bear the pain of drug rehabilitation. She checked on the Internet. This process will be very difficult, and she needs strong enough perseverance to last.

But now what she lacks is this courage and perseverance. She has never experienced any setbacks. Facing such a difficult choice alone for the first time has almost made her collapse. However, Shen Zhijiao, whom she originally wanted to rely on, has treated her like other women.

Helplessness and loneliness eroded her and made her see no hope. As if Chu Yufei fell asleep. Everyone expected her to wake up, but she wanted to stay awake.

At this moment, the terrible idea was magnified infinitely in her mind, which made her have a strong longing for that fantasy.

Just when Yinian was trapped in this terrible idea, the mobile phone suddenly rang a hasty bell.

It was this bell that awakened Yi Nian immersed in terrible fantasy. When she realized her crazy idea just now, she suddenly burst into a cold sweat. It was so terrible that she wanted to commit suicide.

I don't know when she began to like fantasy. She always magnified some small ideas and terrible ideas infinitely, and then she wanted to put that idea into action uncontrollably.

The ringtone of the mobile phone was still thinking, and Yi Nian remembered to answer it.

Seeing the caller ID, it was Uncle Lin's call. She crossed the answer button without thinking about it.

"Hello, uncle Lin, what's up?"

"Xiao Nian, let me tell you good news. Miss Chu woke up ten minutes ago. The doctor is examining her now. I'll tell you quickly. Don't worry and have a good sleep at home."

"Oh, really? That's great... Well, good."

Hearing the good news reported by Uncle Lin, if she knew yesterday or before Shen Zhizhuo came back, she would jump up happily, but at this time, she didn't feel much. It's not that she didn't want chu Yufei to wake up.

Therefore, her answer is very calm and calm. She is not too happy or unhappy. She is always in a very rational tone.

In the hospital, uncle Lin looked at his mobile phone in some doubt. Just now he heard Yi Nian's tone. It seemed that there was not much surprise. It seemed that he had already known it, but it didn't make sense. If she heard the news according to her temper, she should say that she would come right away.

However, it seems that she hasn't come to the hospital for almost a day. Is she angry with the young master? If she is angry, it's reasonable. After all, the young master's attitude and tone are too blunt in the morning.

He felt wronged for Yinian, not to mention Yinian with strong self-esteem.

If others say that about her, I'm afraid she would have choked back, and won't care what others say, but it won't work if the object is Shen Zhijiao. She cares about his words and deeds. Sometimes an unintentional word from him may make her sad for a while.

And the young master didn't coax her. He stayed in the hospital all the time. If he were, he would be unhappy.


"Sister, how are you? Do you feel better? Is your head still dizzy?"

Seeing the doctor off, Chu Yufan asked nervously and repeatedly several times.

Chu Yufei opened her empty eyes, but her beautiful eyes were dim, which made people feel sorry.

Chu Yufei reached out to touch Chu Yufan's face and said with a happy smile: "thank God you're all right. You scared me to death. You can't be so impulsive in the future, you know? If you kill yourself to save me, how can you let me live."

With that, Chu Yufei left two lines of crystal tears in the corners of her eyes.

"Well, well, it's my fault. I'm no longer impulsive. Don't cry, sister. Be careful with your eyes." Chu Yufan painfully wiped away the tears from her face.

When Chu Yufan asked Chu Yufei to watch her eyes, Shen Zhihuo's hand hanging on her side tightened, and a thick self reproach flashed across the bottom of her eyes.

If she hadn't stopped the gun for him, she wouldn't have lost her eyes.

Their brothers and sisters have done a lot for him and paid a lot. In addition to his best compensation, he doesn't know how to make up for his debt to them.

"Is Xiaonian there?" Chu Yufei asked.

Chu Yufan looked at Shen Zhijiao and saw that his eyebrows were slightly frowned. He couldn't help frowning, warned him not to talk disorderly, and then said to his sister, "Yinian kept you awake all night last night. We let her go back to bed."

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