He incredibly took Yi Nian's arm, pointed to Lan Xin whose face turned red because of anger and said, "isn't your new friend her?"

Yi Nian nodded, but she was surprised at Ling CHENFENG's expression.

"Kiss Xiaonian, sobbing, you finally came. They all bullied me."

As soon as Lan Xin turned her head, she saw Yi Nian walking to the door. She jumped down from the stool with a plop, ran to Yi Nian, hugged Yi Nian, and complained with her nose and tears.

Yi Nian helplessly looked at the people with different expressions and laughed.

Ling CHENFENG took Lan Xin's collar and pulled Lan Xin away from Yi Nian like a tree bag bear.

Lan Xin looked back discontentedly. When he saw Ling CHENFENG, the whole person was like a cat with its tail stepped on. He jumped behind Yi Nian with a cry, leaving only a small head sticking out. He looked at Ling CHENFENG in surprise, "you... How are you here?"

Yi Nian looked suspiciously at Lan Xin, who behaved strangely, and looked at Ling CHENFENG with a helpless face along her line of sight. "I want to ask you how you could be here, police station, Lan Xin, if you let..."

Ling CHENFENG's words haven't finished yet. Lan Xin, who was hiding behind Yinian, jumped out and jumped in front of Ling CHENFENG. His hands folded. He blinked his big watery eyes and prayed: "brother, brother Feng, please don't tell him, or I'll be finished. Please, good brother, don't tell him."

Lan Xin seems to be afraid that Ling CHENFENG won't agree, so she continues to sell cute and play treasure, shaking Ling CHENFENG's arm with both hands.

Ling CHENFENG had seen her ability to play tricks for a long time, so she had to nod helplessly and say, "OK, don't shake it. I'll shake it to grandma's bridge in a moment. Come on, what's the matter? Why did you enter the police station and what's the matter?"

Lan Xin saw that he promised himself and happily gave Ling CHENFENG a big hug. "I know brother Feng is the best and loves you."

Ling CHENFENG pushed her away impolitely, "all right, don't be a good boy. Say it quickly."

"Wait, who of you can tell me what's going on now?" Yi Nian, who was suddenly ignored by the two, interposed in doubt.

Lan Xin thought of Yi Nian behind him and looked back at her, "what's the matter, Xiao Nian?"

Yi Nian's speechless lips smiled, stretched out his hand and pointed to Ling CHENFENG, "do you know him?"

Lan Xin looked back at Ling CHENFENG and nodded, "know, what's the matter?" suddenly, she thought that it seemed that Ling CHENFENG came in with Yi Nian just now. Then, she raised her hands in surprise and pointed to Yi Nian and Ling CHENFENG, "do you know each other?"

Ling CHENFENG nodded with Yi Nian.

"Can I say that the world is too small?" Lan Xin looked up and sighed.

"Excuse me, have you finished your greetings? Who is here to solve the problem?"

At this time, a business voice sounded behind the three.

Come again, Lan Xin sighed, "I said, even if I..."

Before she finished her words, Ling CHENFENG raised her hand and interrupted her. Then she looked at the policeman, politely held out her hand and shook his hand, and then said, "I'm a friend of the young lady. If you have anything to say to me."

Subsequently, Ling CHENFENG and the police went inside to understand the situation.

Leave Yinian and in the waiting room in the hall.

"What's going on?" Yi Nian asked looking at Lan Xin sighing.

Lan Xin reluctantly spread his hand, "this is a long, long story..."

"Then make a long story short."

"It's not a big deal. Just now in the bar, a boy teased me and I broke two ribs."

Lan Xin's tone was very natural, as if he said what he had for dinner today.

However, when Yinian heard this sentence, she was not calm. She broke two ribs. A girl broke two ribs for a boy. It's all right. Yinian used to do some incredible things, but compared with her, it's nothing, and according to her appearance, she should have been a "recidivist".

It's a beautiful woman who knows martial arts. No one can stop it. She is clearly a victim and is promoted to a perpetrator.

I don't know why, Yinian felt that she had made light of the situation of the victim, so she said positively, "just two broken ribs?"

Smelling the speech, Lan Xin's eyebrows jumped and smiled twice, "who knows his hands are so different. If you touch them gently, they will be broken."

Listening to her tone, she seemed to be wronged.

Yi Nian took a deep breath and nodded, "well, what else?"

Lan Xin looked stunned. He glanced at the place where Ling CHENFENG went, and then picked his eyebrow and smiled, "it's gone."

Yi Nian's eyes showed a trace of danger, "really gone?"

Lan Xin's shoulder collapsed and bowed his head. "Well, I kicked his life - root - son and knocked him unconscious."

Yi Nian stood up from the chair and looked at Lan Xin with a sigh. "Miss Lan Xin, you... Did a good job!"

Yi Nian suddenly turned his praise, which stunned Lan Xin. He looked up at Yi Nian's bright smile suspiciously and asked uncertainly, "do you think so?"

Yi Nian sat down again and put his heroic hand on Lan Xin's shoulder. "Because I've already done this, but I'm not as good at Kung Fu as you. The man who can beat breaks his hands, feet and ribs. I just learned some self-defense skills with my housekeeper uncle Lin. I didn't learn anything else. I learned it very skillfully when sneaking into boys."

Lan Xin was surprised, "really, it doesn't matter. I'll have a chance to teach you in the future. I learned martial arts since I was a child. Although I can't be called a Wulin expert, it's more than enough to deal with a few cream students with my bare hands."

Therefore, when Ling CHENFENG came out of the office, he saw two girls of the same age, Yi Nian and Lan Xin, talking about something.

He came to both of them. They haven't found him yet. You can see how much they talked.

"Well, you can go."

Ling CHENFENG coughed gently and prompted them.

Yi Nian and Lan Xin came back from the hot chat and looked at Ling CHENFENG together, puzzled at him.

It seems that they didn't hear what they just said. But I can only repeat, "we can leave."

Yi Nian and Lan Xin looked at each other in surprise, "great, let's go. Let's go later."

Immediately, the two girls walked out of the police station arm in arm.

Ling CHENFENG, who was left behind, was still standing there, watching their figures disappear into the night, speechless and choking. Why did no one care about how he solved the problem.

"Lan Xin, what would you like to eat? Chinese food seems like western food. How about hot pot? I know a Sichuan hot pot is very good and tastes very good."

In this cold winter, Lan Xin unconsciously began to swallow saliva when she mentioned the hot Sichuan hot pot.

Nodded again and again, "OK, OK, I haven't eaten hot pot for a long time. I'll go to the hot pot shop you said."

Yi Nian said to Ling CHENFENG, who was driving in front, "brother, go to the Sichuan hot pot shop we often go to."

Ling CHENFENG looked in the rearview mirror, and the two girls began to talk like fire.

I don't know why, Yi Nian and Lan Xin are like old friends at first sight, and their personalities are similar. They both belong to that kind of Frank girls, so they have a lot of topics.

"By the way, Lan Xin, how do you know my brother?" Yi Nian suddenly remembered this question.

Lan Xin takes a look at Ling CHENFENG who is driving, and Ling CHENFENG also takes a look at her through the rearview mirror, which means to let her do it by herself.

Lan Xin understood, looked at Yi Nian and said, "do you know Chu Yufan, too?"

Yi Nian nodded, "well, I know you, too?"

At the mention of Chu Yufan, Lan Xin suddenly became shy.

Seeing this, Yi Nian seemed to understand something, "is the pirate daughter who saved Chu Yufan and forced him to marry you?"

Smell speech, Lan Xin's forehead is instantly covered with black lines. That's what they say about her?

Although they are all facts, can you not say it so directly? People who love to tell the truth are really not cute.

Lan Xin smiled and nodded, "it's me."

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