Here, ouyangting heard Ling CHENFENG's familiar, clear voice like a breeze coming through the radio waves. She couldn't help but move a little in the bottom of her heart. When she met him yesterday, she didn't have verbal communication with him. When she met him occasionally, she just nodded politely. She was also foolish and extravagant. It was not simple to meet him in Yancheng, But when she was good and he didn't say a word, he knew that it was his extravagant hope after all.

She is just a passer-by in his life. If there is no Yi Nian, I'm afraid they won't have any intersection in this life. Ouyangting pressed down her thoughts and said, "yes... I'm ouyangting..."

When ouyangting called when she heard the phone, Ling CHENFENG couldn't help being stunned. Did she call him? This surprised him, "Tingting, what happened when you suddenly called me?"

She used to call her Tingting before, so Ling CHENFENG subconsciously called her name like before.

Hearing this, Ouyang Ting only felt that her heart missed beating uncontrollably. How long has it been since she heard him call her name like that.

Ouyangting suddenly felt a flash of complexity in her heart, but now is not the time to think about it, "it's reading, she seems to have an accident..."

Subsequently, ouyangting told the cause and effect of Yinian's accident again.

Listening to ouyangting Jianlian's story, the more you listen to it, the more ugly you look. It's just that you haven't seen him all night. Yinian has such a fight.

Ling CHENFENG hurriedly said to ouyangting at the other end of the phone, "OK, you wait for me, I'll go right away."

Then he picked up his coat and ran out of the room like a gust of wind. It happened that Shen Hongli came to send him fruit. Seeing him running out, he shouted at his back in doubt: "Hey, boy, what are you doing so fast?"

Ling CHENFENG didn't have time to answer his mother at this time. He just waved his hand without looking back and went downstairs as an elevator.

Ling CHENFENG calls Shen Zhihuo while picking up the car, but his phone is really unanswered, and Yi Nian's phone is still turned off.


On the mountain, Yinian has noticed that things seem a little bad. The taxi driver seems to have run away. Otherwise, how could he not come back now.

She was so careless that she didn't notice the driver. The driver had a lot of suspicious places before, and she didn't think about other ideas. However, when the car was in the urban area, she stepped on the emergency brake, her mobile phone was thrown out, and it happened to be broken. She borrowed his phone, and his phone was in arrears.

As a result, she completely lost contact with the outside world and could only let it go. He drove her here. There were trees and mountains all around. It was even more difficult for Yinian, who had a weak sense of direction, to distinguish her location.

What can I do? The most important thing is that she is trapped in the car and can't get off at all.

Just as Yinian tried to break the window, he suddenly heard a slight sound in his ear, like from outside the car or in the car?

Yi Nian held her breath in doubt and listened carefully, "tick... Tick... Tick..." it was like the sound of water leakage when the faucet was not closed, and it was like the leakage of the container containing liquid. In short, it was the sound of liquid dripping.

Hearing this, Yi Nian looked up through the window. It didn't rain outside.

Fuel tank!

Suddenly, Yinian thought of the possibility that the car's fuel tank was leaking. Yinian quickly got up and climbed to the co pilot's position with hands and feet, looking at the position of the car's fuel tank. Although she couldn't see what the fuel tank was damaged from this angle, she saw a large pool of liquid spreading down the slope along the soil.

This should be gasoline. The reason why she heard the sound of oil leakage now is that enough gasoline has leaked out and the gasoline has accumulated on the ground. Therefore, when the leaked gasoline hits this pool of gasoline, it will make the sound of "tick... Tick" she heard.

But how can this good oil tank leak? Yi Nian was already a little flustered at this time. She didn't know what to do, what it meant and whether it would catch fire. As shown in the film, the car in the accident exploded because of oil leakage from the fuel tank.

Five years ago, it was because her car exploded and burned the man inside beyond recognition that she was used by people with intentions. She was killed like that.

Although there is no accident, if the gasoline is ignited by an open fire, I'm afraid she will die.

Countless times, she thought that if she died five years ago, it might be the best outcome, but when she really had to face death, she was still afraid.

This is not cowardice, but instinct. Human instinct is survival. The instinct of any creature is survival. Once survival is threatened, it will naturally be afraid and instinctively want to survive.

At this time, Yinian was no exception. She slapped the window desperately and shouted loudly. She knew it was futile, but now she didn't know what else to do to save her.

Just behind a big tree where Yinian can't see, the taxi driver who is convenient to get off is looking at Yinian struggling to survive in the car.

He fiddled with the lighter in his hand. With his finger, Anton, the light of the fire went out.

Looking up at the sun, the taxi driver waved his arm. The burning lighter was thrown up high and rolled in the air in a parabola to the direction of the taxi.

Then, the man no longer makes any stop, turns around and raises his feet to go.

Shen Zhizhuo drove his car and finally found some less obvious rut marks on the dirt road into the mountain.

He drove all the way up the mountain along the ruts. As soon as he got to the ridge, he saw a taxi not far away. It was the car in which Yinian was described by Li ZiNuo.

According to his visual inspection, the car is parked on the edge of the cliff. As long as the front wheel is one meter ahead, the whole car, including the people in the car, will fall under the cliff in front. At that time, it will be the result of car destruction and death.

At the thought of this, Shen Zhijiao's body unconsciously broke out in a cold sweat.

Shen Zhizhuo didn't dare to get too close for fear of attracting the attention of the person who took Yinian, so the car stopped where the people in front couldn't see, then got out of the car and took out the gun that had been in the car.

Walking forward, when the distance was closer again, he saw the body of the taxi shaking. Because of his strong eyesight, he saw that there was no second person in the car, only Yinian. Looking at her panic in the car, she must be trapped in the car. In addition to the natural smell of trees in the mountains, It seems that there is a faint smell of gasoline floating to his senses along the direction of the wind

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