The fear happened. Although the person she frightened was ma Rongrong, she was still worried that if she left herself here, no one knew what she would encounter.

Helpless, Yinian had to call 110 and call the police for help.

After calling, Yinian stood there waiting for the police. When the police and ambulance came, it was five minutes later.

When seeing the shadow of the police car and ambulance, Yinian hurried to hide behind the bushes in the nearby green belt.

Fortunately, the street lights in that place can't be illuminated. Yinian is hidden there and is not easy to be found.

As soon as the ambulance and police arrived at Ma Rongrong's side, Ma Rongrong woke up. When she opened her eyes, she saw the medical staff in white and the police in uniform around her. Without looking carefully at who was in front of her, she shouted, "ghost..."

Ma Rongrong, who almost fainted again, was helped up by the police from the ground and sent to the ambulance.

Watching the police and ambulance leave, Yi Nian came out. Unexpectedly, the first person she met when she returned to Songjiang city was ma Rongrong. When she saw an acquaintance unprepared, others didn't treat her as a ghost.

Yi Nian took another look at the direction of the ambulance and police car. According to Ma Rongrong's state just now, it may be regarded as a mental illness.

Yi Nian shrugged his shoulders and turned to continue his struggle on the way to buy medicine.

Twenty minutes later, Yinian finally bought medicine from the drugstore. When she came to open the drugstore, the person who had been following her also entered the drugstore. It was Shen Zhizhuo.

Originally, he stood in front of the window, looking at the night sky and thinking about things, but he found a thin figure sneaking in the yard. It seemed that he was going out.

With a faint light, Shen Zhizhuo saw that it was Yinian who was sneaking out of the villa.

Shen Zhihuo quickly grabbed his coat and put it on. He went downstairs and chased Yinian out of the villa.

She hesitated for half a minute at the door of the community. She looked at a 24-hour drugstore across the street.

Is she buying medicine? Seeing that she didn't go to the drugstore, but continued to walk, he followed her again.

Later, she met Ma Rongrong and scared others out. I have to say that she is really a talent.

Later, she went into the drugstore and bought a bottle of medicine with a prescription.

Looking at her walking towards home, he didn't have to ask the clerk of the drugstore. He could guess what medicine and sleeping pills she bought. It seems that her depression has not improved. Up to now, he still needs sleeping pills to maintain the most basic sleep.

Shen Zhihuo followed her not far or near. Everything was safe and there was no accident.

When she got home, Yinian took another simple shower. She walked out of a thin layer of sweat all the way. After taking a shower, Yinian felt very tired. She took out the medicine she had just bought with great difficulty, unscrewed the medicine bottle, poured out two pills, put them in her mouth, took the water aside, looked up and ate the medicine.

She screwed up the medicine bottle again and put it in the suitcase in the cabinet.

Make sure you won't be found before turning off the light and going to bed.

Shen Zhizhuo stood in the yard and watched Yi Nian's room turn off the light. Then he sighed and raised his feet into the villa.

The next morning, after breakfast, Yi Nian, Yi Wanjun and Shen Hongli went shopping in high spirits.

Sitting in the car, aunt Shen Hongli looked at Yi Nian dressed strangely and asked curiously, "Xiao Nian, let's go shopping. Why are you sunglasses and masks?"

Yi Wanjun also looked at Yi Nian. Yi Nian laughed twice, "this, that... It's such an aunt. I'm afraid I'll scare them if I meet acquaintances."



Yi Wanjun and Shen Hongli burst out in surprise, as if they didn't understand the meaning of Yi Nian.

Yi Nian scratched his head. "In everyone's eyes, I've been dead for five years. Tingting said that many students have also attended my funeral. If I suddenly ran into them like this, I'm afraid to scare them."

Yi Wanjun and Shen Hongli's expressions synchronized again, "Oh".

Yi Wanjun said sorry, "I'm sorry, Xiaonian. It's my mother's thoughtlessness that didn't think of this floor. In this way, when I go home today, I'll discuss with your father and find a chance to tell everyone about you."

"Don't worry about it, mom. I haven't had time to tell you something. I want to study abroad. You know, I haven't finished my university. I want to go out and enrich myself."

Yi Wanjun nodded and said, "of course, your father, your aunt and I have talked about this before,

Your brother said that in recent years, you have run an online shop of handmade jewelry. The jewelry you make is not only made by yourself, but also designed by yourself,

So I asked your uncle to find you a design school in France. After October 1, you will go to school. Your aunt will take care of you in France. Your father and I can rest assured. "

Shen Hongli said: "yes, Xiaonian, you go to school in France. If you don't dislike it, you will live in your aunt's house. The school is also close to my home. Moreover, your uncle has contacted the French teacher for you. When I go back to clean up, you will come over at that time."

Yi Nian stared at her mother and aunt. She didn't expect that they had already made plans for themselves. Even the school, daily life and even the French teacher were ready for her.

And they even knew that she wanted to study design when she went abroad this time. Yi Nian's nose was sour. Fortunately, she still wore sunglasses and didn't let them see her tearful eyes.

She doesn't know what words to use to express her inner feelings. This is home, this is her relatives, her parents and relatives. It turns out that she is not an abandoned child.

She has parents and relatives who love her and think of her. What reason does she have to complain about herself again.

"Thank you, mom, thank you, aunt." although the word "thank you" is too light to carry her deep feelings and gratitude, now she can't say anything else except these two words.

Yi Wanjun took Yi Nian into her arms and said gently, "silly boy, tell us something, thank you."

Shen Hongli stretched out her hand to hold Yi Nian's hand gently and said with a smile, "you don't know. Your brother hasn't been with us since childhood. When you go to France, your uncle and I can enjoy the feeling of having children around. My aunt wants to thank you."

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