"What's the matter with you? Why are you still choking in a group? However, this matter must be kept secret for me. If Chu Yufan knows it and I tell others everywhere that he has hidden diseases, he will be very, very angry. When I fall, I will be miserable. He will be kicked out of Songjiang city and ignore me for a long time."

While Lan Xin was talking, Yi Wanjun, Yi Nian and Li ZiNuo stopped coughing and looked at them suddenly. Shen Zhizhuo and Chu Yufan behind Lan Xin.

Before the three of them could react and remind Lan Xin, Lan Xin spoke again, "In fact, this is nothing. Since you are ill, you have to treat it. I heard that if a man is not good at that, he will gradually become a psychological disease over a long time, and if it is serious, he may become a psychopath. Therefore, for Chu Yufan and for my happy life in the future, I will find a way to cure him. By the way, aunt Wan Jun, do you know about it What kind of expert is convenient? Help me to contact... Contact... "

Lan Xin's last words were intermittent. She looked at the three people opposite who kept blinking at her, "what's the matter with you? What's wrong with your eyes? What's wrong..."

Speaking of this, Lan Xin suddenly stopped. She had a bad secret in her heart. She just felt that the air around her was as cold as entering the cold winter. This kind of feeling on her back made her feel like she was going to be unlucky.

Yi Nian and Li ZiNuo could not bear to look straight down. Yi Wanjun, an elder, also felt a little embarrassed. The expression on his face didn't know how to move.

Shen Zhihuo's original gloating expression dissipated slowly when he saw Chu Yufan's anger on the verge of explosion. He had never seen Chu Yufan look so angry.

So he was worried that he would do something too much to Lan Xin, so he gently touched Chu Yufan's arm with his arm and lowered his voice: "control your emotions. It's no big deal. You don't know Lan Xin. She doesn't mean anything else."

But Chu Yufan couldn't hear Shen Zhijiao's advice at this time. Now he really wanted to tear up Lan Xin, a dead girl, and just shut the door and talk at home. Now he said he couldn't do that in front of so many people. He was so angry.

Chu Yufan didn't know how to describe his mood at this time. Finally, there was only one word, Qi, two words, angry, three words, very angry.

Lan Xin raised her hand and grabbed her ears, which was a sign of her fear. As long as she felt uneasy, she would subconsciously reach out and grab her ears.

She seems to have guessed what the three of them were doing just now. It must be Chu Yufan, the protagonist of their topic, who suddenly appeared behind her. She really can't talk about others behind her back. It's terrible.

She must be dead. What should she do? She continues to pretend she doesn't know, or she gets up and runs away immediately. It seems that neither of them can do. She is afraid of the monk and can't run away from the temple.

Lan Xin looks at the three people in Yinian opposite with a sad face, asks for help with his mouth and asks them what to do.

But the next second, she couldn't even cry.

Before she could figure out what to do, Chu Yufan had already taken action.

Chu Yufan's original terrible anger dissipated in an instant, and his signature Yingying smile reappeared at the corners of his mouth, softening his exquisite facial features, making him more dazzling and eye-catching.

Then Chu Yufan took a step forward and pulled Lan Xin, who was stiff like a zombie, out of his chair. Then he turned her around and turned her face to himself. His voice was gentle and could drip water. After listening to it, he could crisp and numb to the bottom of people's heart.

"I'm sorry, baby. You're worried about me. You're right. You have to be cured. Let's go, baby. Let's go to cure."

When Lan Xin heard Chu Yufan's voice like a gentle baby like the spring breeze melting ice and snow, she felt as if it was colder than the deep South Pole.

She seems to be frozen. She can't even move her eyes. She just looks at Chu Yufan with a dazzling smile.

Chu Yufan said that without waiting for Lan Xin's reaction, he said goodbye politely to the people present, and then pulled Lan Xin out of the villa.

Lan Xin is like a puppet, led by Chu Yufan all the way, and her fate is completely in Chu Yufan's hands at the moment.

Chu Yufan sat here with Lan Xin, then started the car and drove out of Yi's villa.

From the beginning to the end, he was a gentle and good man, considerate to help her open the door and fasten her seat belt

The more he was like this, Lan Xin was afraid and always felt that it was calm before the storm.

Lan Xin swallowed two mouthfuls of saliva nervously and wanted to ask for mercy from him, but she was annoyed to find that now she didn't even have the courage to look at him. How dare she ask for mercy from him.

Chu Yufan didn't speak any more all the way. He just focused on driving. However, seeing his green veins holding the steering wheel, he knew that his anger had not decreased at this time.

The car drove out for a long time. Lan Xin looked at the suburbs in the east of the city. He couldn't help but jump in his heart. Should Chu Yufan want to kill people?

Lan Xin finally couldn't help but tremble and asked, "Chu... Yu Fan... Where are we going... Where?"

Chu Yufan was like not hearing Lan Xin's words. He still focused on driving the car and didn't answer her questions.

Lan Xin secretly glanced at Chu Yufan and found that his expression was gloomy and terrible, just like the messenger of hell.

Lan Xin was about to cry, and finally begged for mercy: "I'm wrong, Chu Yufan. I'm sorry, I shouldn't tell others about your hidden disease..."

"Shut up!!!"

Lan Xin was scolded coldly by Chu Yufan before he finished his words.

Hearing Chu Yufan's cold voice like quenched ice at this time, Lan Xin's heart suddenly trembled and his eyes turned red in an instant.

At this time, she really knew she was wrong. Why didn't she expect that men most taboo others to know that they have hidden diseases.

Poor Lan Xin hasn't realized what Chu Yufan is angry with.

If he really has a hidden disease, it doesn't matter whether she says it or not, but the key is that he doesn't have that hidden disease, but she preaches all over the world that he is ill, he can't, and there is no psychopathy. It's really angry to death.

Then he let her know if he had any hidden diseases in that regard


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