I saw a soft smile on his cold pale face because he was wet all over. "It doesn't matter. I just want you to know that I love you. That's enough."

Yi Nian's heart trembled fiercely. She was stunned for a moment because of shock. She didn't expect Shen Zhihuo to say so. She thought he would turn and leave indifferently as before.

Therefore, Yi Nian said a very untimely sentence: "who are you?"


Hearing these three words, not only Shen Zhijiao, but also Li ZiNuo and Lan Xin, who had not spoken, grew up in surprise and looked at Yi Nian.

Is the girl stupid because of her sweet words? Why did she ask such a silly question.

He is not Shen Zhijiao. Who else can he be?

Shen Zhihuo rarely showed a confused look. He suddenly couldn't keep up with Yi Nian's thinking rhythm. He didn't know what she was talking about.

Yi Nian suddenly realized what she had just said. She looked down unnaturally, "I... I want to go home."

"... OK, go home." Shen Zhizhuo knew what the sentence Yi Nian had just asked meant. It should be that his various performances just now made her very uncomfortable. There was a great contrast with the self in her impression, so she suddenly asked who he was.

Shen Zhizhuo knew that he had said enough today. If he said more, he was afraid that she would be more unable to digest, so he followed what she said and took the group home.

Sitting in the car, Lan Xin and Li ZiNuo still didn't say a word. They just wanted to minimize their sense of existence and give more space to the two people in front.

The two people who always talk a lot have already been held back. If they want to ask, they are afraid it is inappropriate. If they don't ask, they are really curious.

In this way, neither of the two people in front spoke, and the two people in the back wanted to say and didn't know what to say.

So I went home speechless all the way.

Just in time for dinner, Yi Wanjun and Shen Hongyuan asked what had happened when they saw the four people coming home in embarrassment.

Why are they all wet by the rain, especially Shen Zhihuo and Yi Nian.

"Well, don't say it yet. Hurry to take a hot bath in your room, change your clothes and come out for dinner. I'll cook some ginger soup for you. You know, if you get caught in the rain this autumn, it's easy to catch a cold."

Lan Xin and Li ZiNuo were pretty good. They said thanks and went back to the guest room.

Yi Nian also went back to his room. Shen Zhihuo followed her up the stairs and went back to his room.

Half an hour later, in the restaurant, Yi Wanjun asked aunt yang to cook some meals for them. After dinner, she watched them finish the ginger soup.

Yi Nian said she was tired and wanted to go back to her room to have a rest. Li ZiNuo wanted to ask her what happened today. Lan Xin and Yi Wanjun had to suppress their curiosity. They only told Yi Wanjun what they knew and saw.

Shen Zhizhuo had dinner and received a call from Secretary Huang. He said that he had something urgent and needed him to go to the company.

So he drove to the company.

Yi Nian stood in front of the window of the room and watched Shen Zhijiao's car leave the villa. He kept that posture for a long time.

Knowing that Shen Zhijiao's car disappeared into the twilight, she blinked her sour eyes because she looked at the front for a long time.

He looked down at the wishing note he had brought back from the Yuelao temple.

I thought of the difficulty when she hung the wishing bar on the top of the wishing tree, and the thrill when Shen Zhihuo took it down today.

She knew that before that, or five years ago, after she hung this wish on the tree, Shen Zhizhuo would return to the Yuelao temple.

And he also knew that she hung the wishing belt, so he must have gone up the tree to see it.

That's why he knew what was written in it, but he kept hiding it from her. He didn't know what mentality he held to hide it.

She was very curious about what kind of mentality he held at that time to climb the tree and check the wish belt.

If he didn't care about himself at that time, why did he do what he thought was boring.

When he saw this sentence, did he make fun of her or sniff at her and think she was childish.

In short, she had never thought that the elegant and indifferent teenager would do such a thing.

She wants to write down the prayer to the old moon with him, and she still goes up secretly by herself?

Now, as soon as Yinian closes his eyes, it is everything that happened in Yuelao Temple today.

In particular, Shen Zhizhuo knelt down on one knee to propose to her, which shocked her beyond measure.

Shen Zhizhuo can do such a thing.

It was something she had never thought of.

It was incredible that she could say two beautiful words with her and speak her mind and feelings in public in front of everyone.

She didn't dare to expect more, but he really did.

Not only language, but also action.

But what's the matter with no ring? Although she hasn't seen it carefully, she always feels vaguely familiar, as if she's seen it somewhere.

But I can't remember where I saw it for a while, but from the perspective of technology, it is definitely the best of the best, both in design and workmanship.

It must be a valuable ring.

Maybe five years of poor life makes her very sensitive to the word money.

Nothing has changed since she came back to Yi's house. Her parents still love her as always, but the only thing that makes Yi Nian uncomfortable is this luxurious life.

Even though my parents have been very frugal, compared with her five-year poor life, such a life is definitely a paradise.

And she felt ashamed of this life.

It's not her affectation, but five years. She's used to the days of self-reliance.

Now she is suddenly free and has no worries about food and clothing. She has returned to the superior life of her rich family, but she always feels that something is missing.

So she wants to go abroad to enrich herself, and then do something she wants to do, such as working to support herself and using her labor income to honor her parents.

Therefore, now she thinks she is no longer the wayward daughter five years ago, and the focus of her life is only love.

Now that she has grown up, she has a higher need to realize her value.

In fact, the reason why she still can't put everything down and get back together with Shen Zhizhuo is not only because of the things five years ago and the poor child, but also a very important reason, that is, she thinks the gap between herself and Shen Zhizhuo is too big.

He is so excellent in all aspects. He is successful. He created his own business empire at a young age, and she still lives a rice bug like life.

If she wants to stand with him, she must change herself and let herself have the capital to stand with him.

Just as Yinian was immersed in her thoughts, there was a knock at the door. She sorted out her expression, then went to the door and opened the door. Li ZiNuo stood at the door in a panic. Seeing her open the door, he hurriedly stretched out his hand and pulled her out of the room, "come on, go to the hospital..."

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