Shen Zhizhuo was just about to return to his desk to continue processing documents. The mobile phone in his pocket suddenly rang. He took a look. It was his mother's phone. He remembered that when he left in the morning, he promised his mother to go back to the hospital for an injection.

Answering the phone, Shen Zhizhuo told his mother that he was on his way back to the hospital.

Chu Yufei doesn't know that Shen Zhizhuo left the hospital and came to the company in the morning. She saw Secretary Huang coming out of Shen Zhizhuo's office with a pile of documents.

It seems that those documents were processed before he came back.

Chu Yufei called Secretary Huang, "Secretary Huang, is the president back? Is he in the office? I have something to tell him."

Secretary Huang told Chu Yufei that Shen Zhihuo had just returned and then left without thinking.

Hearing the speech, Chu Yufei pondered for a moment. Seeing that Secretary Huang didn't leave, she smiled at Secretary Huang, "it's okay. You're busy first. I'll go out."

Secretary Huang looked at Chu Yufei, nodded, and then went back to his office with the document.

Chu Yufei turned back to the office, took his coat, just walked to the door, remembered something, turned back to his desk, reached out to pick up a document on the desk and put it in his bag. Then he turned and left the office and went to the underground parking lot to pick up the car.

Shen Zhizhuo drove back to the hospital. Although he knew that he had nothing to do now, in order not to worry his mother, he had to fulfill his previous agreement with his mother and get another injection.

After Shen Zhizhuo returned to the hospital, he went directly to the ward on the top floor.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw my mother sitting on the sofa in the lounge. She looked very ugly.

Looking down, I saw my mother holding a... Diagnosis in her hand?

Shen Zhihuo's pupil shrinks. If he guesses correctly, this should be the diagnosis about his condition report that he asked the doctor to hide from his family.

How could it be in mother's hand? Looking at the mother's look, it seems that the contents of the diagnosis book are very bad, otherwise the mother would not be so depressed.

Hearing footsteps coming from the door, Yi Wanjun slowly raised her head and looked over. When she saw that it was Shen Zhijiao, her tears immediately flowed out.

"The burning of..."

Seeing his mother's tears, Shen Zhizhuo felt guilty and worried her again.

He went to his mother, bent his knees and squatted in front of her. He took the diagnosis book from her hand and looked at it. The diagnosis on it was very clear that the symptom of his sudden fainting was caused by the sequelae of the car accident five years ago.

Yi Wanjun sucked her nose, reached out to help Shen Zhizhuo up, let him sit next to her, and then slowly explained to Shen Zhizhuo what the doctor had said to her at that time.

After the car accident that year, there was a tiny blood clot hidden in his head. Because it was hidden and too small to be found, it was ignored for so many years.

This blood clot was not effectively absorbed, but with the passage of time, it deviated a little from the original place and oppressed other places before it was induced by a high fever.

The location of this blood clot is extremely tricky, the difficulty coefficient of the operation is quite high, and the corresponding risk is much higher.

In short, Shen Zhizhuo is not particularly optimistic about the current situation.

The doctor has no way to make what assurance. The only way out is to remove the blood clot as soon as possible. But before that, Kwai is not only the doctors, patients and family members should be psychologically prepared.

Yi Wanjun told Shen Zhizhuo exactly what the doctor said, and because of this, she finally couldn't control her depressed sadness and began to cry with trembling.

On the contrary, Shen Zhihuo's expression was still light, and he couldn't see a little sad expression, as if he wasn't ill.

He really didn't care about what his mother said just now. His only thought now is how to comfort his mother who is sad because of himself.

Also, how to persuade his mother to hide his illness.

"If you don't cry, your eyes won't be beautiful if you cry again. Didn't the doctor say you can operate, but it's a little big, which proves that it's not an incurable disease. As long as there is hope, it's good. Well, don't cry. I think it's still a little hot and I should get another injection."

Then Shen Zhizhuo raised his hand to help Shen Zhizhuo's forehead and took the opportunity to turn off the topic. Hearing that he said he was uncomfortable, Yi Wanjun hurriedly raised her tears and looked at Shen Zhizhuo, nervously reaching out to Shen Zhizhuo's forehead.

Because of her emotional excitement, she could not tell whether Shen Zhijiao was really feverish, so she was worried. As soon as the back of her hand touched Shen Zhijiao's forehead, she immediately got up, wiped her tears and ran to the nurse.

Shen Zhizhuo gave an infusion to a good baby lying on the hospital bed.

Yi Wanjun has been sitting next to him, looking at him with good eyes.

There was a faint light in her eyes, but she was afraid of her son and kept her tears from flowing.


Suddenly, Shen Zhihuo, who was quietly lying on the hospital bed, called out.

Yi Wanjun said "hmm?" and looked at Shen Zhizhuo waiting for him.

Shen Zhizhuo thought for a moment and said, "Mom, don't let more people know about this except dad, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble..."

Speaking of this, Shen Zhizhuo paused and his eyes flashed slightly. When Yi Wanjun saw Shen Zhizhuo, he immediately understood what he meant, "you want to hide even Xiaonian, don't you?"

Shen Zhihuo lowered his eyes and nodded. After a while, he slowly said, "if my operation succeeds, I will find her."

"What if she likes someone else?"

A helpless smile appeared at the corners of Shen Zhijiao's mouth, but he didn't say anything.

But gently closed her eyes. If she liked someone else, he would take her back from that person's hand. No matter what method, even if it was imprisonment, he would also confine her in his own world.

If it hadn't happened suddenly, Shen Zhizhuo wouldn't give Yinian the chance to escape from her side. He would selfishly give her the happiness he can give.

Because he clearly knew that he was the only one Yinian loved from beginning to end. No matter what happened, even if they couldn't be together, the person she loved most in her heart was him.

Because his heart also only loves her. He thought so before recovering his memory. Since he recovered his memory and found their love, he clearly understood that his love only belongs to the woman named Yinian.

Yi Wanjun knew that nothing she could say would change her son's decision, so she stopped saying anything and gently asked him to close his eyes and recuperate. There was still a hard battle to fight next.

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