Yi Nian heard her mother's transmission and just smiled faintly, as if the relationship between her and Shen Zhihuo was just the most common acquaintance.

There was a dull pain in Yi Wanjun's heart.

She knew the reason why Zhijiao did this. She wanted to tell Xiaonian that Zhijiao had difficulties. He was more reluctant than anyone to let her leave.

But she can't.

He pressed down the sadness in his heart and watched Yinian leave with a tearful smile.

When Yinian turned and entered the ticket gate, a figure flashed by the column of the hall and walked towards the door.

The back is tall and straight, with steady and elegant steps.

Until she got on the plane, Yinian still couldn't adapt. She had to stay away from her hometown and go to study in other countries.

Before registration, she received a call from ouyangting, saying that she couldn't come to see her off. After all, now she is a doctor in the military region hospital. She said that she had an urgent task this time and was in a hurry. She regretted that she couldn't come to see her off. Let her remember to send her a message there.

With everyone's constraints, Yinian's plane to France took off. A better tomorrow is waiting for her there. Yinian closes her eyes and tries to calm herself down.

In an exercise base, ouyangting brushed wechat the moment before turning off her mobile phone. She just saw Yi Nian's message, saying that she would board the plane immediately. Everything is OK. Don't read it.

She was also instructed to pay attention to some precautions, such as paying attention to safety when going out of the task.

Ouyangting looked up at the sky, blue sky and white clouds, and her best friend had flown to a foreign country.

Goodbye. I don't know when.


Suddenly, a light cough interrupted ouyangting's thoughts.

She took back her mobile phone, turned around and saw Ling CHENFENG in a camouflage combat suit standing behind her, looking at her indifferently.

Ouyang Ting, "staff Ling, what's up?"

Ling CHENFENG had guessed that ouyangting would have such a alienated and indifferent attitude when she saw him, but when she really saw her like this, she couldn't tell why she was so uncomfortable in her heart.

"You've just come. I'll take you to get familiar with it. Next, you'll enter closed training. Although your position is military doctor, the most basic training is still indispensable."

Ling CHENFENG said faintly in a business tone.

In fact, these things can be done by his soldiers, but I don't know why he came here himself.

Ouyangting didn't want to think much. She thought that if she refused his proposal, she would be thought by him that she hadn't put it down.

So ouyangting also imitated his appearance, smiled and nodded formulaically.

Just as they were about to turn around and walk towards the camp, there was a sudden sound of car sirens behind them.

At this time, who can come to the exercise base.

They turned away in doubt at the same time.

On a military vehicle, Zeng Yan waved to ouyangting.

Ouyangting's eyebrows jumped. Why did he come? Didn't you go out of town before?

Although Ling CHENFENG is not this Zeng Yan, he also has a one-sided relationship, and knows that there seems to be a trace of super friendship between him and ouyangting.

So he subconsciously didn't like this Zeng Yan.

He inadvertently glanced at ouyangting, and saw that she was slightly stunned like him at first, but soon waved to Zeng Yan who was coming near with a smile.

This made him even less fond of Zeng Yan.

When the car came near, Zeng Yan easily jumped down from the car and came to ouyangting and Ling CHENFENG with a smile.

"Surprised or not surprised, didn't you agree that we should participate in the exercise together? You didn't wait for me, so you ran first. Fortunately, I chased hard, otherwise it would be too late."

When he said this, his eyes intentionally or unintentionally swept Ling CHENFENG aside.

"Didn't you catch up?" ouyangting smiled and took his words.

Zeng Yan's eyes naturally fell on Ling CHENFENG. After seeing his shoulder badge again, he immediately respected a standard military salute. If it's mentioned, Ling CHENFENG's official rank in front of him is bigger than himself.

Yu Gong, he must salute to show politeness.

"Report sir, the military doctor of XXX military region has come to report."

For Zeng Yan's performance, Ling CHENFENG is still quite satisfied. If he doesn't think about it, he is also a military force. Go back, "welcome, I'm the chief of staff of this exercise, Ling CHENFENG."

They exchanged a few more polite greetings.

Then Ling CHENFENG, ouyangting and Zeng Yan walked towards the camp together.

Zeng Yan's luggage was taken to the dormitory by a guard.

He and ouyangting are military doctors, so Ling CHENFENG arranged them in a single room dormitory, but not on the same floor. Ouyangting's dormitory is opposite Ling CHENFENG, while Zeng Yan's dormitory is upstairs.

For such a row, even if Zeng Yan is not happy, he can't say more. Who let Ling CHENFENG decide here.

Before the closed training, everyone's mobile phones and other communication facilities need to be handed in. Ouyangting compiled a text message and sent it back to Yinian, then turned off the mobile phone and handed it in.

Then she went back to the dormitory and simply cleaned up. She was the only girl in the whole camp. She was beautiful and was also a military doctor, so wherever she went, she would always be the focus of attention.

The soldiers started training when they arrived here. Ouyangting and Zeng Yan are military doctors with special identities. Ling CHENFENG made another training plan for them. Let them rest tonight and start tomorrow morning.

There are still five days before the exercise. There is plenty of time, so don't worry.

The dinner at the camp was very rich, and the soldiers ate very fast, which made Zeng Yan and Ouyang ting a little uncomfortable for a while.

After dinner, the soldiers only had a short rest and began training again.

It has entered November and is in the mountains again, so the temperature is particularly low.

After dinner, ouyangting came to the playground of the camp for a walk and felt the rare tranquility.

After walking for a while, it seemed a little cold, so she unconsciously hugged her arm. When she was going to go back to the dormitory, she suddenly felt a heavy on her shoulder and a camouflage coat draped over her shoulder.

Ouyangting looked back and saw Zeng Yan standing behind her, putting on clothes for her. Seeing her turn back, he naturally pulled out a smile.

"The temperature in the mountains is low. I don't know how to wear more clothes when I come out for a walk."

His tone was like a doting husband blaming his wife for not taking care of himself. He was kind and gentle with strong friendship.

Ouyangting didn't know why, but a touch of disappointment flashed through her heart.

Smiled at him, "thank you."

After that, they walked side by side towards the dormitory building.

Just behind them, a figure came out of the shadow under the tree. It was Ling CHENFENG. After he handled the matter, he didn't see ouyangting when he came out. Thinking that she might be out for a walk, he found her all the way. He just saw the scene that Zeng Yan put on her clothes.

He looked down at the clothes on his hands, looked up at the two backs of the two walking together in the twilight ahead, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

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