In the mountains in November, there is a faint smell of early winter in the air. Especially in the morning, a thin layer of white frost is hung on the withered and yellow trees.

Zeng Yan got up early to run because of insomnia.

The cold air made his chaotic brain a little clear.

The cook who got up early to cook for the soldiers in the camp couldn't help sighing when he saw Zeng Yan, a military doctor running around the playground, "military doctors are so diligent. As a soldier, he is very relieved."

Zeng Yan didn't know how long he ran. He only knew he couldn't run. He stopped. He held his knees with his hands and gasped. The cold air entered his lungs with fierce breathing. He instantly felt the burning pain in the whole chest.

This feeling temporarily stopped Zeng Yan's brain and thoughts, but his eyes stared at the ground in front of him.

When he found his mind a little bit, the voice of soldiers preparing to do morning exercises came to his ears.

Soon, the soldiers assembled on the playground and began the morning drill.

After Zeng Yanping regained his breath, he raised his feet and walked back to the dormitory, washed and washed. After breakfast, he wanted to go back to Yancheng.

This trip made him regret and sad, but he also gave up his heart and gave up his heart to ouyangting. Since she found her own happiness, he could only bless them with 120000 piety.

When ouyangting and Ling CHENFENG left yesterday, she said sorry to him. He knew what her sorry meant.

She was sorry for hurting him, but what she didn't know was that she didn't love him instead of Ling CHENFENG.

The deepest hurt is not to love, because she never loved him, which is what makes him feel the most failed.

It may be that the two met at the wrong time. If he knew her before Ling CHENFENG, maybe he still had a chance.

Zeng Yan comforted himself constantly in his heart, but the uncomfortable feeling in his heart was not relieved at all.


In Songjiang military region hospital, as soon as Shen Zhizhuo's family received the phone call, they hurried over and saw that their family had come. Ling CHENFENG, who was infusion in the ward, smiled helplessly.

It seems that he worried his aunt and uncle again.

"Elder brother, how's it going?" Shen Zhizhuo came to the hospital bed, looked at Ling CHENFENG who was infusion and asked anxiously.

Then Yi Wanjun and her husband, who came over, began to ask. They were all worried about Ling CHENFENG.

Ling CHENFENG said easily on his face, "I'm fine. Don't worry. I just have a little cold."

Although he said so, his health is unknown to the family. In particular, he is still a soldier. He takes high-intensity exercise every day. His physical quality is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Moreover, a small cold is also an injection. He said, how can they believe it.

"I'll ask the doctor," said Shen Hongyuan. He was about to turn and walk out of the ward. As soon as he turned around, he saw ouyangting come in.

Because Yinian has a good relationship with ouyangting, she used to be a guest at her house. Even though ouyangting has changed a lot in appearance after five years, Shen Hongyuan recognized her at a glance and called her nickname as before, "Tingting?"

Ouyangting smiled gently, "Uncle Shen and aunt are coming too."

Hearing the sound, Shen Zhizhuo and Yi Wanjun turn back at the same time and look at the source of the sound, "Tingting?"

Like Shen Hongyuan, Yi Wanjun is very surprised at ouyangting's arrival.

Shen Zhizhuo didn't show any surprise. He just looked back at Ling CHENFENG on the hospital bed and asked with his eyes. Between them, Ling CHENFENG smiled.

Seeing his smile, Shen Zhizhuo knew what was going on. It seems that Ling CHENFENG and ouyangting have achieved good results.

Shen Zhizhuo felt happy for him in his heart. He found his own happiness. You know, he knows his heart for Yinian best. At first, he was selfish and turned a blind eye to his feelings for Yinian.

But later, when he found out that he was in love with Yinian, he was even more selfish and didn't want him to have indiscriminate thoughts about Yinian.

Although the two people have never said anything clearly, their psychology is very clear.

Yi Wanjun sees that ouyangting is not wearing a white coat, but daily casual clothes. That is to say, she is not working now, so she is not here as Ling CHENFENG's attending doctor.

So... Suddenly, Yi Wanjun and Shen Hongyuan look at each other, and they both think of something that must have happened between ouyangting and Ling CHENFENG.

"Tingting, tell your aunt that I just have a cold. It's no big deal. I said they don't believe me."

Ling CHENFENG seemed helpless and wronged, and said to ouyangting who entered the ward.

Ouyangting ignored him and told Yi Wanjun and others his true situation, "it's no big deal. It's just that during this exercise, she accidentally hurt the leg that was hurt before. It's not very serious. It's no problem to raise it."

Hearing what she said, Yi Wanjun and others breathed a sigh of relief. If it's all right, it's all right.

In less than half a year, he was injured twice in a row. They don't know whether he was injured before. Soldiers... They fully understand Ling CHENFENG's belief and just hope he can be safe in the future.

"Aunt, don't tell my mother about it, or she will come again. I have nothing to do here. Just take a break. By the way, Xiaonian, have you gone to France?"

Finally, on the question of Yi Nian, his eyes looked at Shen Zhizhuo, and Shen Zhizhuo nodded, "well, some time has passed."

After the infusion, Ling CHENFENG couldn't stay. He said he wanted to go back to Iraq's house, but the doctor didn't let him go. He had to continue to be exposed in the hospital, but fortunately ouyangting was with him.

Because Ouyang Ting was there, Yi Wanjun and others were very knowledgeable and didn't say anything to stay.

Seeing that Ling CHENFENG had nothing to do, he left and left time and space for them.

When she went back, it was Shen Hongyuan's car. In the car, Yi Wanjun couldn't help sighing, "it's really great. It's a big circle. Chen Feng finally came together with Tingting. If her sister knows about it, she must be very happy."

"I think it's better for CHENFENG to tell her," said Shen Hongyuan, who was driving.

Yi Wanjun nodded approvingly, "yes, it's good for CHENFENG to tell his sister that they have a good effect. It's good. CHENFENG has finally found his emotional destination. If Xiaonian knows, she will be very happy."

As she said this, Yi Wanjun suddenly noticed something was wrong. She quickly turned her head and looked at Shen Zhijiao sitting aside. It didn't matter. Her face suddenly changed, "Zhijiao? What's the matter with you?"

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