The "bang" sound of a gun shook the whole factory. Yinian's hand shook, and the gun in his hand immediately took off and fell to the ground.

With the gun falling to the ground, Yinian was stunned on the spot and looked at Ling CHENFENG standing in front of him in surprise.

Why is he here? Didn't he go on his honeymoon with Tingting?

Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of the man who had fallen in a pool of blood, but the injury was not very serious. The man who shot him did not intend to take his life.

At this time, Yinian noticed that more than a dozen people in black gathered in the factory, each with weapons, surrounded Chu Yufei and the injured man.

"Xiao Nian, are you okay?"

Seeing that there was no danger, Ling CHENFENG turned his head and looked up and down at Yi Nian nervously to see if she was well.

Seeing that she had nothing but some stupidity, she settled down.

"How do you... Know I'm here?" Yi Nian finally reacted from shock.

He hurriedly asked his doubts.

Ling CHENFENG knew she wanted to know, but now is not the time to tell a story, so he patted her on the shoulder and said, "talk later."

"Sister, I really didn't expect you to be what you are now."

Suddenly, Chu Yufan's clear voice came from behind the crowd, and then Chu Yufan in black walked out of the crowd.

He looked at Yi Nian first, his eyes full of apologies.

When the line of sight again put on Chu Yufei, in addition to disappointment, it was heartache.

As a dependent family member, Chu Yufan can't accept the change of her sister.

In his cognition, his sister is always the beautiful, generous, gentle and courageous woman.

As noble and beautiful as the pure white clouds in the sky.

But when did she become so terrible? He couldn't believe it anyway.

Chu Yufei was only stunned for a short time, then recovered her reason, simply stroked the course of things, and understood everything.

After all, they grew up together. It seems that she was careless.

Chu Yufei had nothing to say about her brother's question, and didn't want to defend herself. She said that she had changed or that she was like this. In her heart, she felt that she had done nothing wrong.

If you are wrong, you can only be unable to get out of this fruitless relationship.

Looking at his sister who didn't explain anything, Chu Yufan only felt upset, "sister, don't you have anything to explain?"

Chu Yufei curved her lips and smiled. Her tone was very indifferent and said, "explain what? Explain why I want to burn it, or why I want to die in Iraq? Don't you all know the reason? Why ask again."

Chu Yufan is still disappointed at the moment. He feels that he can't save her. Although he knew from the beginning that she likes Shen Zhijiao, he didn't expect her to do this for him.

"There's nothing wrong with liking someone, but the fault is that you shouldn't be so unscrupulous."

Chu Yufan just couldn't say such a sentence.

After listening to his words, Chu Yufei laughed at herself, "I was wrong to underestimate the position of Yinian in his heart."

Then she turned to look at Yi Nian, her eyes indifferent and cool, "you won."

Yi Nian met her eyes and her eyes were full of silence. What means she won? Not to mention Chu Yufan, but she can't understand Chu Yufei's idea now.

"I'm not the virgin. I remember everything you've done to me. I won't forgive you and I'm not going to forgive you, but I know I can't bear to blame you in my deep heart.

If you still want to go your own way and want me to die, I don't object. Anyway, my life is here. You can take it if you want. But even if I really die, do you think you can really get deep burning feelings? "

Chu Yufei's beautiful eyes leisurely became cold, and her originally beautiful face became a little ferocious.

"... Yinian!!"

Chu Yufei's cold voice squeezed two words from her teeth, which were the two words she hated most.

Because of her existence, she can never get Shen Zhijiao's love. I knew it was like this. I should have killed her the first time I saw her.

Now Chu Yufei has only one idea in her mind, that is to kill Yinian. Even if she dies with her, it's better to kill her.

This idea occupied all her thoughts like crazy weeds.

Next, Chu Yufei rushed towards Yinian with a vigorous step when everyone was not paying attention. She didn't know where she took out an exquisite Mini pistol and held it in her palm.

The muzzle of the gun pointed at Yi Nian's heart and pulled the trigger.

Bang... After two shots, the whole abandoned factory fell into a dead silence.

Yi Nian is held in the arms of Ling CHENFENG and falls to the ground in order to avoid Chu Yufei's muzzle.

Chu Yufei, who originally ran to Yinian, also fell to the ground.

Noble she is a little embarrassed at the moment. Her hand with a gun is bleeding at the moment.

The line of sight moved back and saw a wisp of smoke floating from the muzzle of the gun in Chu Yufan's hand.

Chu Yufei looked at her own brother incredibly. She didn't expect that her only brother would shoot her.

She didn't care about the pain of the injury, but stared at Chu Yufan. Her beautiful eyes were finally filled with tears, falling drop by drop, hitting the dusty ground and splashing a small ripple.

Chu Yufan's hand holding the gun can't help but tremble. He knows that his super sister's crime of shooting is unforgivable, but he can't watch her make irreparable mistakes.

If she really killed Yinian herself, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Chu Yufan's hands drooped weakly and stumbled to Chu Yufei who fell to the ground, trying to help her up from the ground.

"Sister, put it down, please. You taught me since I was a child not to expect things that don't belong to me. The relationship between Zhihuo and Yinian can't accommodate a third person. Let's not get involved with them, sister?"

Chu Yufan throws away the gun in his hand, holds Chu Yufei up and presses her wound with his hand to prevent more blood from flowing out.

I don't know whether it's more bleeding or the wound is too painful. Chu Yufei's face is pale and frightening.

Blurred by tears, his eyes twinkled with broken light of despair, his trembling pale lips wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

Just bite the lip with your teeth, and the corners of your mouth are bitten and shed blood.

Suddenly, a weak voice came from the mobile phone lying on the ground.

Everyone's attention was attracted by the mobile phone.

The picture in the mobile phone shows Shen Zhijiao, who was still in a coma.

He leaned weakly against the head of the bed and was supported by Yi Wanjun. There was no blood on his face. His weakness was distressing.

"Sister Yufei..."

Shen Zhizhuo had to take a breath without saying a word

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