The next day, Bai Xiao slept regularly, and then woke up on Yeyu without accident.

Every day, she wakes up earlier than night, which makes her very happy. Gradually, I became more and more used to hanging on the night owl.

First, they are husband and wife. Even if he does something to her, it is legal. Second, Yeyu's good face will never let her verify the tragedy of "second man" again.

The night owl doesn't expose her, let her stay! Who might take advantage of it!


In a twinkling of an eye, it's the weekend. Ye Linglong should come back from school.

Bai Xiao is very happy. Linglong should go to the hospital to visit her grandmother when she gets home. In case her grandmother has recovered, the divorce can be put on the agenda


Bai Xiao happily cuts lemons and puts them in a glass jar one by one. She sprinkles a layer of sugar on each layer - she remembers that ye Linglong also likes to drink lemonade, so she can take a bottle of lemonade to school.

She really likes this kind sister-in-law.

Like my sister.

Although, she has a sister. And Bai Xuan never had any intimacy.

She couldn't tell who was seeing who. After meeting her predecessors, Bai Xuan would be very friendly, but she couldn't feel warm.

"Young grandma, are you so happy today? Have you reconciled with the young master?" asked Wang Ma, peeling green beans.

Bai Xiao blushed: "who reconciled with him? I welcome Linglong home."

"Oh, it's for the young lady! Besides the young lady, the young master also likes to drink lemonade."

"Really? I remember what he didn't like before."

"The habit I formed later! I remember that after my young grandmother went abroad, my young master liked to drink lemonade."

"Then he must be constipated!" Bai Xiao said.

Wang Ma: "

Just then, the plane in the living room rang and Bai Xiao went out to pick it up.

"Sister-in-law, will you pick me up from school?" night Linglong's timid voice came.

Bai Xiao was stunned: "Linglong, what's the matter with you?"

"Nothing, sister-in-law, will you pick me up? I don't want my little brother to pick me up." Ye Linglong's voice took a hint of crying.

Was he bullied at school? Bai Xiao made a quick decision: "OK. I'll pick you up right away!"


Bai Xiao rushed to the school. Most of the students had gone home. Ye Linglong stood ten meters away from the school gate with her schoolbag on her back.

There are several obvious scratches on the delicate little face, several yellow footprints on the white socks and messy hair.

"Linglong!" Bai Xiao's face changed greatly and rushed over, "who hit you?"

"No, No. It was my own careless scratch." Ye Linglong shook her head in a hurry, but the wronged tears in her eyes betrayed her.

"Don't lie to me, it's scratched by your fingernails!" Bai Xiao was so angry that he held Ye Linglong's shoulder. "You said, who bullied you, and my sister-in-law supported you!"

"Sister in law, I really don't need it. I'm fine..."

Ye Linglong also wants to calm things down. Several students like little girls come and surround Bai Xiao and ye Linglong.

He took the lead in painting a heart with gold powder in the corners of his eyes, which is full of ruffian flavor. She looked at Bai Xiao very dragged: "did you send money? Take it! I said first, you can't lose a penny!"


Bai Xiao understands. Ye Linglong was blackmailed!

This silly girl doesn't say a word after being bullied, and doesn't know how to show her identity to protect herself!

"Money? There's plenty." Bai Xiao snorted coldly, opened his small bag and took out a stack of brand-new 100 yuan bills with the seal still sealed.

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